Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Korean Society of Civil Engineers
Title Aquatic Ecosystem Assessment and Habitat Improvement Alternative in Hongcheon River using Fish Community
Authors 강형식(Kang, Hyeongsik) ; 허준욱(Hur, Jun Wook)
Page pp.331-343
ISSN 10156348
Keywords 홍천강;어류;생물보전지수;서식지평가지수;묵납자루;서식처 hongcheon river;fish;IBI;QHEI;acheilognathus signifer;habitat
Abstract In this study, the site investigation for fish was performed in the 15 km of Hongcheon river including Oancheon stream. The river ecosystem health was evaluated using the field data for fish. The field survey was carried out at 9 sites, 4 times from August to November 2011. The ecological diversity, including dominance, evenness, and richness and the ecological health using IBI and QHEI were evaluated. The result shows that the mean IBI in the 9 sites is in good-common condition, but the downtown section has a common-worse condition. The result evaluated by QHEI shows optimum-good condition. Also, the habitat suitability index for Pseudopuntungia tenuicorpa, which is one of endangered species, was evaluated, and then the environment flow was calculated by using the PHABSIM model. The previous research in the literature reports that Acheilognathus signifer, one of the endangered species, inhabited in Hongchen river. However, the existence of Acheilognathus signifer was not found in the recent research and this study. Thus, the physical habitat condition for Acheilognathus signifer was evaluated using the field data in the previous study. Also, the habitat improvement for Acheilognathus signifer in Hongcheon river was proposed.