Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Korean Society of Civil Engineers
Title Analysis of the Applicability of Flood Risk Indices According to Flood Damage Types
Authors 김묘정(Kim, Myojeong) ; 김광섭(Kim, Gwangseob)
Page pp.29-39
ISSN 10156348
Keywords 홍수 위험 지수 Flood risk index;FVI;PSR;DPSIR
Abstract In this study, the applicabilities of flood risk indices using FVI from IPCC, PSR method from OECD, and DPSIR method from EEA, were analyzed. Normalized values of daily maximum rainfall, hourly maximum rainfall, ten minute maximum rainfall, annual precipitation, total days of heavy rainfall (more than 80mm/day), density of population, density of asset, DEM, road statistics, river maintenance ratio, reservoir capacity, supply ratio of water supply and sewerage, and pumping capacity were constructed from 2000 to 2015 for nationwide 113 watersheds, to estimate flood risk indices. The estimated indices were compared to 4 different types of flood damage such as the number of casualties, damage area, the amount of flood damage, and flood frequency. The relationships between flood indices and different flood damage types demonstrated that the flood index using the PSR method shows better results for the amount of flood damage, the number of casualties and damage area, and the flood index using the DPSIR method shows better results for flood frequency.