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Title A Study on the Reduction Plan of Dust Dispersion at Small-Scale Construction Sites in Downtown Seoul
Authors 조정규(Cho, Jeong Gyu) ; 박형근(Park, Hyung Keun)
Page pp.745-750
ISSN 10156348
Keywords 비산먼지; 소규모 공사장; 측정; 간이 펜스 Fugitive dust; Small construction site; Measurement; Simple fence
Abstract As public concern for fine dust has increased, so too has the interest in fugitive dust. Fugitive dust generated at construction sites, which is then scattered by vehicles moving around the sites, accounts for a significant portion. Small construction sites, which comprise the majority of construction sites, are often not adequately managed, because there are no regulations on fugitive dust for such sites. Therefore, in this study, in order to contribute to the establishment of fugitive dust management regulations on small-scale construction sites and to prepare measures to reduce fugitive dust, we measured and analyzed fugitive dust generated at small-scale building sites in Seoul. The fluctuations of fugitive dust generated at small-scale sites over time were checked, and the relatively low concentration when measured behind fences and railings suggested that fence installation is an appropriate method of reducing fugitive dust