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Title J2-bounding Surface Plasticity Model with Zero Elastic Region
Authors 신호성(Shin, Hosung) ; 오세붕(Oh, Seboong) ; 김재민(Kim, Jae-min)
Page pp.469-476
ISSN 10156348
Keywords J2-경계면 소성모델; 반복하중; 수정쌍곡선 모델; 유한요소법 J2-bounding surface plasticity model; Cyclic load; Modified hyperbolic model; FEM
Abstract Soil plasticity models for cyclic and dynamic loads are essential in non-linear numerical analysis of geotechnical structures. While a single yield surface model shows a linear behavior for cyclic loads, J2-bounding surface plasticity model with zero elastic region can effectively simulate a nonlinearity of the ground response with the same material properties. The radius of the yield surface inside the boundary surface converged to 0 to make the elastic region disappear, and plastic hardening modulus and dilatancy define plastic strain increment. This paper presents the stress-strain incremental equation of the developed model, and derives plastic hardening modulus for the hyperbolic model. The comparative analyses of the triaxial compression test and the shallow foundation under the cyclic load can show stable numerical convergence, consistency with the theoretical solution, and hysteresis behavior. In addition, plastic hardening modulus for the modified hyperbolic function is presented, and a methodology to estimate model variables conforming 1D equivalent linear model is proposed for numerical modeling of the multi-dimensional behavior of the ground.