Mobile QR Code QR CODE : Journal of the Korean Society of Civil Engineers
Title Research Perspectives for Developing Seawater Intrusion Indicators in Changing Environments with Case Studiesof Korean Coastal Aquifers: A Review
Authors Sun Woo Chang(Sun Woo Chang);Il Hwan Kim(Il Hwan Kim)
Page pp.465-482
ISSN 10156348
Keywords Seawater intrusion/saltwater intrusion(SWI);SWI indicator;SWI metrics;Vulnerability;Climate-change
Abstract The global use of groundwater in coastal areas has increased. Events such as seawater intrusion (SWI) are expected to increase along with the acceleration of natural disasters owing to environmental changes such as climate change, resulting in large-scale damage worldwide. Current trends in the research of coastal groundwater and related natural disasters include testing and verifying technologies using major case studies from individual countries. We identified global research trends in coastal groundwater, related these trends to changing environments and climate, and confirmed the qualitative and quantitative growth of these studies. This study describes the theoretical background and techniques for coastal groundwater analysis and details regional-scale SWI indicators based on analytical and numerical studies. This review highlights recent technologies that consider uncertainty and promotes discussions on field data obtained using new technologies. Finally, the research findings and trends for a regional coastal aquifer in Korea are discussed to describe recent SWI approaches for groundwater resources.