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Home > 2005-09

Title The Case Study about the Effect of a Therapeutic Recreation Programon the Physical Functional Improvement of the Childrenwith Developmental Disabilities
Authors 남상남(Sang-Nam Nam) ; 박희영(Hee-Young Park)
(Cover Date)
v.12 n.3(2005-09)
Keywords Therapeutic recreation ; Developmental disabilities
Abstract I have conducted a case study in this study for the purpose of improving physical function by changes oftask performing competence using gross&fine motor skills and coordination of children with developmental disabilities.The population of this study is four children with developmental disabilities who have age ranging from 6 years oldto 8years old and go to T center. The research team are total five person who consist of a researcher, four researchassistants. 12 sessions of the program have been completed once a week for 90 minutes. I have written a assessmentreport by using intake sheet and GRST (General Recreation Screening Tool) for assessing the population, made outSPP which focused on functional intervention service and made up 5 point scale by task analysis using individualperformance sheet. Generally, it has shown that the gross&fine motor skills and coordination got to be improved from11th session for A child, gross&fine motor skills did from 8th session and coordination for 9th session for B child,gross&fine motor skills did from 5th session and coordination from 9th session for C child and gross&fine motorskills did from 7th session and coordination from 8th session for D child. In considering the conclusion of this studycomprehensively, the therapeutic recreation program conducted for the children with developmental disabilities for 12weeks effects positively on improvement of their gross&fine motor skills and coordination.