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Home > 2006-03

Title Prediction of Reverberation Time by the Number of Seats and Scalein the Basic Design Stage of Auditorium
Authors 조창근(Chang-Geun Cho) ; 신일섭(Il-Seop Shin)
(Cover Date)
v.13 n.1(2006-03)
Keywords Reverberation time ; Simplified shape of auditorium ; Shape factor ; Basic design stage ; Reverberation nomo-graph
Abstract It is very difficult for architect to predict the reverberation time of auditorium in it’s architectural basicdesign stage because it is dependent on volume and surface area of auditorium, number of audience, and finishingmaterials. The purpose of this study is to propose the easy prediction method of reverberation time of auditorium withbalcony floor in the early design stage of it. For the purpose of it, the prediction method of reverberation time isdeveloped by simplifying the shape of auditorium. And, the measured reverberation time of the existed auditorium iscompared with the predicted value. As the result, the correlation coefficient of surface area between the real and thesimplified shape of auditorium showed to be R2=0.9138 after regression analysis of them for examining the developedpredicted model. The predicted reverberation time was good agreement with the measured value in the subject audi-toriums in this study. And, the reverberation time nomograph is created on the basis of the developed prediction methodof it by the number of audience and volume of auditorium.