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Home > 2010-10

Title Combined Effects of Fermented Soybean Complex and Exercise Training on Leptin and UCP2 Expressions in White Adipose Tissue of SD Rat
Authors 우상구(Sang-Koo Woo)
(Cover Date)
v.17 n.5(2010-10)
Keywords Fermented soybean ; Exercise training ; Body weight ; Body fatness
Abstract Combined effects of fermented soybean complex and exercise training on leptin and UCP2 expressions in white adipose tissue of SD Rats. This study investigated the combined effects of fermented soybean complex (SC) and exercise training (EX) on leptin mRNA & protein and UCP2 mRNA & protein in white adipose tissue of SD male rats. A total of the 28 rats were randomly assigned to low-fat diet (LFD, n=7), high-fat diet (HFD, n=7), HFD+SC (HFDSC, n=7), and HFD+SC+EX (HFDSCEX, n=7) for 8 weeks of different treatments. Time by treatment analyses showed significant interaction for changed body weight such that the LFD and HFDSCEX groups had significantly lower body weight and adipose tissue size than the HFD and HFDSC groups. With respect to mRNA and protein expressions in adipose tissue, the LFD and HFDSCEX groups had significantly lower levels of leptin mRNA and protein expressions than the HFD and HFDSC groups, with no significant group differences between LFD and HFDSCEX groups. In summary, the current findings of the study suggest that a combined treatment of fermented soybean and exercise training has an anti-obesity effect against high-fat diet.