Keywords |
Environmental-friendly design ; Changpyung Samjjinae village ; Classification system ; Traditional village ; Eco desgn |
Abstract |
The goal of this study is to investigate the applications of the environmental-friendly design factors for Changpyung Samjinae Village using the classification system of the environmental-friendly design factors in the existing traditional villages. The classification system of the design factors for environmental-friendly buildings in existing traditional villages are composed of 6 main categories for land-use, ecological spaces within a complex, system of residential units, the conservation of resources and energy, water resources, the reduction of environmental pollution, and 13 sub categories as the arrangement of complexes, and 54 items of the sub categories as the adaptation to existing geographical features. The results showed that main environmental-friendly design factors like the utilization of land, ecological spaces within a complex, the conservation of resources and energy, and the reduction of environmental pollution were generally applicated well, however, the application of water resources was insufficient. In addition, three environmental-friendly design factors unique to the Changpyung Samjinae Village such as the road of stone wall, the multipurpose streamlet, and the outdoor marcket places were investigated. |