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Title The Importance of the Environmental Color Context in Interior Occupants' Spatial Perception: A Case Study of Ponce City Market
Authors Jain Kwon ; Ju Yeon Kim
(Cover Date)
Vol.25 No.2(2018-04)
Keywords Adaptive reuse ; Ponce city market ; CIELAB ; Interior color ; Sociocultural sustainability
Abstract This study investigates how the interior colors of an urban marketplace built in a reused and repurposed historic building relate the interior settings to the context of the cityscape. This case study of Ponce City Market in Atlanta aimed to identify 1) the color schemes of the cityscape, the interior structures of the marketplace, and its graphic features and signage; 2) the L*a*b* values and CIELAB color spaces of the individual colors that constitute those color schemes. The findings derived through image pixel analysis showed that the environmental colors of both the cityscape and the interior?including the signage?consisted of three dominant colors and four accent colors. There appeared a notable similarity in the hues and color schemes of the cityscape and the interior. While the interior color schemes echoed the colors of the cityscape, the contrast among the interior colors appeared greater than the contrast among the cityscape's colors. Most considerable contrasts were found between the primary colors of the interior structures and those of the informative graphic features. This may help visitors' wayfinding while enhancing the legibility of key information and visual cues, which plays an important role, especially in a large-scale public space. This study suggests a contextual approach to interior color planning.