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Home > 2018-04

Title New Usage of Concrete and Brick in Korean Architecture
Authors Gong-Hee Lee
(Cover Date)
Vol.25 No.2(2018-04)
Keywords Architectural material ; New usage of Concrete and Brick ; Change in production process method ; Modification of field construction method ; Mix of existing production methods
Abstract The study is intended to reveal the contents of the new usage in architectural material(Concrete and Brick), and Korean architecture is currently seeking and to suggest an architectural attempt to reach a new discipline of architecture. Therefore, the study has two kind of objects. One defines new ways of using materials in Korean architecture, and the other is to discover and demonstrate new usage of architectural material. Through the definition and demonstration of this concept, the Korean current architecture classified the three different types of architecture material into the following three different aspects. 1. Change in production process method 2. Modification of field construction method 3. Mix of existing production methods The challenge of this architect is also to make new modules or algorithms of the time from the point of view of building materials and production, and to use the same material gentleman who discovers another value in material properties.