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Title Evaluation of the Impact on the Insulation Performance of Exterior Materials Applied as Design Elements in the Lower Floors of Apartments
Authors Min Kyung Kang ; Beom Yeol Yun ; Kyung Hoon Lee ; Sumin Kim
(Cover Date)
Vol.28 No.5(2021-10)
Keywords Apartment; low-rise parts; exterior materials; insulation performance; building energy simulation
Abstract The most effective way to save energy in a building is to strengthen the insulation performance of the outer shell. As an apartment building, it is essential to strengthen the insulation performance as the representative housing type in Korea. Visual elements that satisfy consumers are also important. Therefore, this study focused on the effect of exterior materials used as design elements on insulation performance. For this, four types of exterior materials mainly used were selected and the thermal conductivity of each was measured. Based on the measured thermal conductivity, the thermal transmittance value for each case was calculated. Annual heating and cooling energy consumption was calculated through simulation through the calculated thermal transmittance value and comparatively analyzed. As a result of comparison, both heating and cooling energy consumption showed a slight difference of less than 1% depending on the presence or absence of exterior materials. Therefore, it was judged that the existing exterior material as a design element did not help the insulation performance. However, now that both insulation performance and design are considered important, it is judged that research on exterior materials that can play both roles at the same time is necessary.