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Title A Study on the Reliability of Composite Detecting Sensors in the Event of Fire -Focusing on Storage Facility-
Authors Seong-hyun Park ; Jeong-woo Lim ; Jang-hoo Seo
(Cover Date)
Vol.30 No.3(2023-06)
Keywords Flame detection sensor; Gas detection sensor; Fire prevention; Model experiment
Abstract This study conducts model experiments using flame and gas detection sensors integrated with the Arduino system to prevent fires at large-scale sites such as storage facilities. The objective of this research is to minimize fire damage by analyzing combustion reaction times according to the materials involved and by evaluating the reliability of the detectors in conveying the location of a fire to the nearest fire department. We perform fire tests using different types of combustibles. In the first combustion material experiment, we select two cases for analysis by recording the reaction times of the flame and gas sensors for each material. In the second fire experiment, we measure and record the time taken to suppress the slowest-burning material using a sprinkler system. The results of the first experiment indicate that birch and plastic respond to flame sensors. The second experiment demonstrated that the sprinklers that reacted to the flame sensor extinguished birch, while plastic produced a smaller fire, which is insufficient for triggering the sprinklers. However, the gas sensors detected an increase in gas concentration and subsequently extinguished the fire. In comparison to the existing systems, the proposed solution holds the potential to minimize casualties by enabling an immediate response and accurately determining the presence of a fire.