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Home > 2023-08

Title Heat Emission Point Analysis of LED Light for Building Cooling Load Reduction Approach
Authors Hosang Ahn ; Jae Sik Kang ; Gyeong-Seok Choi
(Cover Date)
Vol.30 No.4(2023-08)
Keywords LED light; Surface temperature; Building cooling load; Heat utilization; Heat emission
Abstract LED lights have been commonly used in office buildings and draw more intention than before as zero energy building policy drives the improved building energy consumption efficiency and lighting loads which take account considerable portion of energy consumption of zero energy buildings. Surface temperatures of LED light were measured and analyzed per heat emission and spread point as preliminary data acquisition for future heat emission amount and lighting loads analysis. Voltage stabilizer and LED chip surface were points where the highest temperature was recorded as around of 46∼48°C and others points such as LED housing surface and 34∼30.5°C in next. Indoor air temperatures of plenum and indoor spaces just above and below LED light were measured to be in around 28∼ 26.5°C and were 2∼3°C above the indoor temperatures at the same measured time. It is our findings that LED lighting loads could be feasibly manageable by the technology such as Phase Change Material, utilizing emitted heat from light.