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Home > 2023-08

Title The Effects of Leisure Activities and Work-life Balance on the Professional Quality of Life of Nurses during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Authors Ye mee Lee ; Mi-Young Chon
(Cover Date)
Vol.30 No.4(2023-08)
Keywords COVID-19; Nurse; Leisure activity; Work-life balance; Professional quality of life
Abstract The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of leisure activities, work-life balance on the professional quality of life of clinical nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic in South Korea. Data were collected from 179 nurses who voluntarily agreed to participate in a tertiary general hospital. The result of multiple regression analysis showed marital status and work-life balance to be influencing factors of compassion satisfaction, and this explained 25.8% of compassion satisfaction. Ages 36 to 40 and work-life balance were influencing factors of burnout, and this explained 58.6% of burnout. Work-life balance was the influencing factor of secondary traumatic stress and explained 58.6% of secondary traumatic stress. In conclusion, during the COVID-19 pandemic, professional quality of life for nurses may be enhanced through more leisure activity and better work-life balance. Active investments in programs such as incentives for leisure activity, more efficient rotating shifts, child care support, and career-appropriate education programs are suggested as some of many efforts that can be taken to elevate the professional quality of life for nurses.