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Title Factors Affecting Occupant Perception of Indoor Environment in University Student Accommodation
Authors Sang Hee Park ; Kyoung Woo Kim ; Ki-Hyung Yu ; Sun Ho Kim ; Seung-Min Lee
(Cover Date)
Vol.30 No.5(2023-10)
Keywords University student accommodation; Indoor environment; Occupant perception
Abstract The present research involves two consecutive studies. Study I carried out a questionnaire survey with university students residing in student accommodation. A total of 26 respondents took part in the study. The study assessed correlations between the occupants' perceptions of the indoor environments. Overall satisfaction, comfort, and effects on study had significant correlations with all the perceptions of the indoor environments. Among those, overall satisfaction had the highest correlation with satisfaction with indoor air quality. Study II conducted a questionnaire survey with 124 occupants in the same student accommodation. The study also measured indoor temperature and relative humidity in ten rooms on one floor of the building. The results showed that occupant perceptions of thermal environment, air quality, and visual and acoustic environments can predict one's overall satisfaction with the indoor environment. Furthermore, no consistent tendency was observed between the indoor temperature and relative humidity measurements and the overall satisfaction of the occupants. Limitation of the study and future research recommendations are discussed.