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Title Analysis of Wind Environment and Energy Consumption by the Layout of Residential Buildings considering Wind Road
Authors Won-Geun Lee ; Woong Seog Yim ; Taesub Lim
(Cover Date)
Vol.30 No.5(2023-10)
Keywords Wind road; Layout of residential buildings; Wind environment; Energy consumption
Abstract One of the effective ways to reduce building energy consumption is to use natural ventilation. Moreover, it can be more effective if the layout of residential buildings is designed with the wind road. However, the layout of residential buildings is determined by solar radiation. The purpose of the study is to assess the wind environment of several layouts of residential buildings by using CFD simulation. After estimating wind velocity and wind pressure difference, the air change rates were calculated to find the most effective layout regarding natural ventilation. The energy consumption between the cases were analyzed by using energy simulation. While considering the results from the energy simulation, the building layout for effective natural ventilation and energy consumption was determined.