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Title Analysis of Application Effects on Operation Scenarios for Community-Level Energy-Sharing Systems
Authors Ji-Young Eum ; Goopyo Hong ; Gyeong-Seok Choi
(Cover Date)
Vol.30 No.6(2023-12)
Keywords Energy sharing; Community-level; Operation scenario; Energy-sharing system; Surplus energy
Abstract In relation to optimizing electricity demand and supply through two-way operation, the demand resource market is increasing through expansion of consumer participation along with the expansion of the proportion of distributed resources. Transactions between various energy prosumers and consumers can be made at an individual level, such as a building, or at a collective level, such as a complex or village. Community-level energy sharing has the benefits of energy flexibility, as well as reduced energy consumption, rates and carbon emissions. This study developed a scenario for operating energy-sharing systems at the community-level for energy sharing and analyzed the effect of applying the scenario on communities composed of actual and virtual buildings in terms of power consumption and electricity rates reduction effects.