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Title A Study on the Technology Trends for Securing Indoor Thermal Environment of Manned Space Habitation
Authors Taeyeon Kim ; Seheon Kim ; Jae-Weon Jeong ; Hansol Lim
(Cover Date)
Vol.30 No.6(2023-12)
Keywords Thermal Comfort; HVAC; Air conditioning; Habitation; Space
Abstract Recent development in space exploration, driven by NASA’s Artemis program, have revitalized the focus on manned space exploration. One of the important challenges for the development and settlement of manned space is to maintain a stable internal thermal environment of manned space habitats, which is essential technology for sustainable space exploration and development. This paper investigates the current trends in research about securing the internal thermal environment of manned space habitats. Based on the collected thesis data, research trends and key keywords were derived using the time series analysis methodology, and the main research contents and directions were investigated through keyword network analysis. Through this study, the necessity of continued research and development in the domain of securing internal thermal environment for manned space habitats was confirmed, and the direction of future research was recommended.