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Home > 2024-02

Title Impact of Health Factors and Health Care Competencies on Quality of Life of Rural Elderly
Authors Seonhye Lee
(Cover Date)
Vol.31 No.1(2024-02)
Keywords KCHS; Quality of life; Rural elderly; Care; Competency
Abstract This study was attempted to examine the impact of health factors and health care competencies on quality of life(QoL) of rural elderly. This study aimed to provide basic data for developing policies to promote the quality of life of rural elderly. Using the 2021 Korean Community Health Survey(KCHS) raw data, we analyzed 32,844 over aged 65 years among rural community-indwelling people. The study subjects were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA and multiple regression by SPSS 27 win programs. The explanatory power for QoL increased to 35% when the general characteristics, health circumstances and health care competencies were included. We should develop tailored rural health programs and policies that improve health factors and strengthen health care competencies.