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Title The Relationship between Start-finish Record and Performance Factor in Luge Athletes
Authors Kwang-Kyu Lee ; Ji-Eun Kim ; Soon-Gil Lim ; Tae-Woong Oh ; Seok-Ki Min
(Cover Date)
Vol.31 No.3(2024-06)
Keywords Luge athletes; Athletic performance; Start-finish record; Physical Fitness factor; Correlation analysis
Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between luge athletes’ sled driving records and physical fitness factors. Nineteen Korean luge athletes were assessed to verify performance factors related to competition records, including measurements of length, weight and circumference. Additionally, physical fitness, upper strength, anaerobic and isokinetic test were measured. As a result, the male athletes’ start record correlated positively with arm length(r= .630), while female athletes’ finish record correlated negatively with fat rate(r= -.770). Pull-up had a high positive correlation with start record for both male and female(r= .743, r= .764), while sit-up showed a high correlation with finish record for female(r= .883). Also, shoulder extension strength at 60o/sec correlated more strongly than flexion at the same speed. Left shoulder extension strength at 180o/sec showed a high correlation with finish record for both male and female athletes. Furthermore, the multiple regression analysis is related to start and finish records were found to be significantly associated with pull-up, shoulder strength at 180°/sec and sit-up(p<.05). In conclusion, luge athletes’ performance correlates with upper body flexibility, trunk muscular endurance, shoulder and trunk extension strength.
Thus, if it is comprised of a training program that can improve upper body strength, power and flexibility, it is thought to be helpful in improving luge athletes performance.