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Title A Study on the Life Satisfaction of the Elderly Working for Economic Reasons
Authors Soo-Young Kim ; Kang-Min Kim
(Cover Date)
Vol.31 No.5(2024-10)
Keywords Elderly; Working Elderly; Life Satisfaction; Active Aging
Abstract The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors affecting the life satisfaction of the elderly who are engaged in work for economic reasons. This study used data from the ‘9th Korean Longitudinal Study of Ageing’, and was conducted with descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, anova test, and regression analysis.
For this purpose, the analysis was divided into three groups: the elderly who work for economic reasons, the elderly who work for other reasons, and the elderly who do not work. As a result of the study, subjective health status had a significant effect on life satisfaction in all three groups, and in the case of the elderly who worked for economic reasons, life satisfaction was higher when they had a spouse, good social relationships, and low social activity.