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Title Airtightness and Sound Insulation Performance Based on Window Characteristics and Installation Methods
Authors Hyeonjin Ryu ; Minju Kim ; Kwangrae Cho ; Jongil Park
(Cover Date)
Vol.31 No.6(2024-12)
Keywords Airtightness; Sound insulation performance; Global method; Sliding window; Tilt&Sliding window
Abstract Urbanization and industrialization have increased outdoor noise sources, leading to growing discomfort from noise penetrating indoors. While airtightness and sound insulation performance of windows are closely related, domestic studies have focused mainly on window design and airtight materials. This study aimed to analyze performance differences based on ‘application of airtight materials in sliding windows’, ‘window types’ and ‘installation methods’. Results showed airtight materials improved sliding window airtightness by 82%, and sound insulation by 1.8 dB at all frequencies. System windows outperformed sliding windows, enhancing sound insulation by 2.2 dB at all frequencies. Airtight installation improved airtightness by 98% and sound insulation by 0.7 dB at all frequencies compared to general installation. In conclusion, sound insulation and airtightness showed similar improvement patterns. System windows offer better performance and energy efficiency but require higher costs. Installation methods also significantly impact performance, necessitating careful consideration.