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Title Reliability?security Tradeoff Analysis of a Cooperative Cognitive Radio Network under an Eavesdropping Attack
Authors Tam-Thanh Pham(Tam-Thanh Pham) ; Anh-Tuan Dinh(Anh-Tuan Dinh) ; Hong-Ha Tran(Hong-Ha Tran) ; Dang-Khanh Le(Dang-Khanh Le)
Page pp.244-253
ISSN 2287-5255
Keywords Cooperative cognitive radio systems ; Relay selection ; Physical layer security
Abstract In this paper, we consider a cooperative cognitive radio network with multiple relays under an eavesdropping attack. We first propose a novel relay selection scheme to improve network security and reliability. Then, we derive accurate closed-form expressions of the network outage and intercept probabilities. Finally, several representative simulation results are provided to validate our analyses. We show that network reliability is completely irrelevant to the channels’ statistical characteristics between relays and the eavesdropper, while network security is independent of the channel statistical characteristics for relays to the destination. We also point out that network security is first improved from increasing the number of relays; however, when the number of relays reaches a certain point, the increased network reliability is not proportional to the number of relays any more.