PrabavathySundary S.3
(Research Scholar Department of Electronics Engineering, Fr. Conceicao Rodrigues College
of Engineering, Agnel Technical Education Complex, Fr. Agnel Ashram, Bandstand, Bandra
(West), Mumbai 400050, Maharashtra, India
(Principal, Fr. Conceicao Rodrigues College of Engineering, Agnel Technical Education
Complex, Fr. Agnel Ashram, Bandstand, Bandra (West), Mumbai 400050, Maharashtra, India
( Department of Science & Humanities, Fr. Conceicao Rodrigues College of Engineering,
Fr. Agnel Ashram, Bandstand, Bandra (West), Mumbai - 400050, Maharashtra, India
{prabavarthy, archana}@frcrce.ac.in)
Copyright © The Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers(IEIE)
Vertical handover (VHO), Vertical handover decision algorithm (VHDA), Decision matrix, Normalized matrix, Weight matrix, Analytic hierarchy process (AHP), Least cost function, Multi-attribute decision making (MADM)
1. Introduction
The telecommunication industry has changed because of the recent developments and
growth in the field of wireless communications. These developments have provided high-speed
bandwidth to smartphone users, enabling them to use multimedia and real-time services.
Various Radio Access Technologies (RATs) are available to smartphone users in Heterogeneous
Networks [1]. Fig. 1 shows the presence of Heterogeneous Wireless Networks. 3G and 4G networks have characteristics,
such as wide coverage and support mobility. On the other hand, there is the deployment
of Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs), which can provide a high-speed bandwidth
[1]. The above radio access technologies overlap each other. There have been significant
developments, and new features have been introduced in smartphones, such as the availability
of multiple network interfaces and increased memory size. These features help in running
multiple applications concurrently in smartphones. The ever-growing demand for uninterrupted,
seamless connectivity without degrading the Quality of Service (QoS) has highlighted
the need for Vertical Handover (VHO) [2-4].
The organization of the paper is as follows: Section 2 provides a literature review.
Section 3 covers the mathematical background. Section 4 gives the system model design
and implementation. Section 5 describes the experimental scenario followed by experimental
analysis in section 6. Section 7 reports the conclusions and future work.
Fig. 1. Scenario of Heterogeneous Wireless Networks.
2. Literature Review
A previous study [5] compared algorithms based on the techniques of the network selection. A review paper
summarized the prominent mathematical theories used for modelling the VHO [1]. A survey of algorithms for mobility management was reported [6]. Yan et al. [7] published a review paper containing a survey of VHO algorithms. Another review paper
outlining vertical handover decision algorithm (VHDA) based on various parameters
was presented [8], and another study [9] reported various aspects of handover in 4G networks, with an additional paper focusing
on handover management [10]. Obayiuwana and Falowo [11] published a review paper on the analysis of MADM techniques. Khiat et al. [12] reviewed the basics of handover, classification, and analysis of VHDAs.
Khalaf and Badr presented a model for estimating the triggering time for VHO and outage
probability [13]. VHDA based on a policy mechanism was reported [4] . The decision for Handover was made using Fuzzy Petri Nets. In [14] the authors presented a VHDA that used On-Boarding Units & navigation system in the
car. A VHDA based on a location-aware technique was also proposed [15], and a handover scheme based on an autonomic network architecture was presented [16]. Another study [17] proposed a VHDA that considers the techniques of vehicular networks. Barja et al.
[18] evaluated the performance of VHDA based on experiments considering a range of networks,
and Ulvan et al. [19] investigated the handovers in a femtocell. A VHDA based on load balancing techniques
was reported [20], and Alhabo et al. [21] presented a VHDA between a macro cell and a small cell. The algorithm proposed was
based on the throughput and balancing of network load. Barja et al. [22] presented a VHDA that captures network information. The network information was captured
using geolocation, map information, and route calculation. An algorithm based on a
hybrid scheme of congestion control and alleviation was summarized [23]. Performance analysis of VHDA between 3G & WLAN and performance analysis of VHO between
WLAN, WiMax, and 4G were conducted [24,25]; the simulations were done using NS2. A VHDA based on Fuzzy Logic was reported [26]; the main parameters considered were Bit Error Ratio, delay, jitter, and bandwidth.
Another study [27] presented an algorithm for the management of the radio resources of small cells.
The authors have presented VHDA that minimizes outage probability [28].
VHDA based on the k partite graph, and another Multi-Attribute Decision Making (MADM)
techniques and Mahalanobis distance were presented [29,30]. Abid et al. [31] reported a VHDA based on Utility theory. The model was based on the utility function
for each parameter. A VHDA based on Markov Model was reported [32]. Another study [33] compared four Multi-Attribute Decision-making techniques, such as Multiplicative
Exponential Weighting (MEW), Simple Additive Weighting (SAW), Technique for Order
preference by similarity to an Ideal Solution (TOPSIS), and Grey Relational Analysis
(GRA). Navarro and Wong [34] reported a VHDA based on the GRA technique. A VHO using MADM techniques, such as
SAW and VIKOR, was presented [2]. A previous study [35] outlined a VHDA based on the Score function. The score function was calculated using
the bandwidth, cost, and battery status as the input parameters. Yu et al. [36] reported the effects of VHDA mobile weights, network weights, and equal weights.
Another VHDA based on the Nash bargaining model was presented [37]. A VHDA based on Modified Multiplicative Exponent Weighting (M2EW) was proposed [38]. Drissi and Oumsis [26] presented aVHDA based on MADM techniques. An analysis of network-centric, user-centric,
and mixed schemes for selecting the network was analyzed [3]. A VHDA based on Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Principal Component Analysis
(PCA) was reported [39]. Another study [40] presented a scheme for calculating the weights of the parameters for MADM based on
the Bayes approach. A VHDA based on the MADM technique, in which the weights for the
parameters are variable [41], a VHDA based on the Utility Function [42], and a VHDA based on MADM techniques [43] were reported. The algorithm considers the parameters in different priorities. A
VHDA based on the entropy weights and TOPSIS was presented [44]. Singh and Singh [45] outlined a VHDA-based on MADM techniques, such as SAW, GRA, and TOPSIS. The networks
considered are WLAN and WiMax. Mahardhika et al. [46] presented a VHDA using the MADM technique. The main parameters considered were the
Received Signal Strength (RSS), traffic class, speed of the mobile user, and occupancy
in the network.
Table 1 gives the summary of implementation and observation from key Research papers.
Table 1. Summary of Implementation & Observations from Key Research papers.
Summary of Implementation & Observation
It is a review paper in which a comprehensive survey of the VHD algorithms is presented.
It is a review paper in which an overview of the VHO techniques and algorithms is
VHDA based on K partite graph is presented. The paper gives insight into the use of
graph theory for VHDA implementation.
VHDA based on score function is presented. Use of Score function to decide the candidate
network for handover is introduced.
Comparison of SAW, MEW & TOPSIS is presented. Comparison is based on subjective weights
An algorithm considering details of Vehicular Networks is presented. The algorithm
chooses best network using user preferences in vehicular contexts.
VHDA is optimized by combining networking information, obtained by the services of
the IEEE 802.21 standard, with geolocation, map information, Surround context information
and route calculation. The VHDA gives good results in the adopted context.
Evaluation of VHO performance is presented. Technology aware VHO mechanism is able
to achieve an adequate performance when traffic congestion is low.
VHDA based on Fuzzy Logic and Genetic Algorithm is proposed. Proposed algorithm reduces
the false handovers.
3. Mathematical Background
3.1 VHO-phases & Parameters
VHO is divided into three phases. Fig. 2 describes three phases of VHO [47].
The first phase is the information-gathering phase. In this phase, the information
and details of all the available candidate networks, along with the parameters, are
captured. This is also known as the System Discovery phase. The second phase is very
important. In this phase, the decision for the handover is done based on the parameters
captured in the first phase. This is also known as the network-selection phase. The
third phase refers to the performing of the handover. The handover is performed in
this phase. This is also known as the handover implementation phase [8, 48, 47]. Fig. 3 shows the main parameters that need to be considered for an effective VHDA.
~ \textit{Packet}\,Loss,\,\,\textit{Jitter}\,and\,\textit{Latency}
Received Signal Strength (RSS) is the most critical parameter to be continuously monitored
to ensure good connectivity. Quality of Service (QoS) depends on Latency (L), Jitter
(J), Packet Loss (PL). Good Network Coverage can reduce frequent handover overheads
Table 2 captures the details of the parameters for VHDA [7, 48, 49, 52-55]
Table 2. Details of parameters for VHDA.
S. No
Details of parameter
Received Signal Strength (RSS)
RSS is the most prominent and widely used parameter in the algorithm for VHO. RSS
changes with the distance of the mobile user from the base station or access point.
This is measured in dBm.
Bandwidth determines the ability of the access network to hold a number of simultaneous
transmissions of voice calls or data sessions. This is measured in Mbps.
Latency (L)
Latency can be described as the mean time used by the data packet for reaching the
destination. This is measured in msec.
Jitter (J)
Jitter can measure the relative inconsistency in delivering data packets between the
two endpoints of the access network. This is measured in msec.
Packet Loss (PL)
Packet Loss can be described as the loss of packets during transmission in the access
network. This is measured in %.
Network Coverage (NC)
Network coverage is the geographical area that is covered by a base station or access
It is measured in meters.
Fig. 3. Input parameters for VHDA.
3.2 Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)
The process for AHP is as follows:
1.Construct pairwise comparison and build a pairwise matrix to make a decision.
The pairwise comparison is as follows -
where n denotes the number of attributes compared
$x_{ij}~ $are obtained based on Saaty’s scale for the pairwise comparison mentioned
in Table 3.
2.Construct Normalized decision Matrix, applying the sum normalization technique to
matrix X. The normalized matrix A
where a$_{\mathrm{ij}}$ is given by
3.Determine the weight of each criteria using the formula
Such that $\sum _{i=1}^{n}W_{i}$ = 1
4.Verify the consistency of the pairwise comparison using Consistency Ratio (CR) given
by the formula [26,29]
where CI denotes the consistency index and is obtained as
where RI is the Random Index
For n = 6, RI = 1.24 [56]
CR denotes the degree of consistency in the pairwise comparison of attributes. The
smaller the value of CR, the better the pairwise comparison of the attributes. The
maximum allowable limit for CR is 10% [2]
Condition of acceptance: If CR < 0.1, the pairwise comparison is accepted.
Table 3. Table for Saaty’s scale.
Relative Importance
Equally Important
Moderately Important
Strongly Important
Very Strong Important
Extremely Important
Intermediate Values
3.3 Digraph Model
The digraph model is a graphical representation of the available networks and their
inter-connections. The model consists of nodes and edges, where a node represents
an available network, and an edge defines the cost of the connection. Fig. 4 shows the Digraph Model that was used for the selection of networks across the user
path [29]
3.4 Calculation of Cost Function
The calculation of the cost function is as follows -
where L$_{\mathrm{m}}$, J$_{\mathrm{m}}$, PL$_{\mathrm{m}}$, NC$_{\mathrm{m}}$, B$_{\mathrm{m}}$,
and RSS$_{\mathrm{m}}$ represent the average of parameters between the two access
networks installed on edges e$_{\mathrm{ij}}$ [29]
4. System Model Design & Implementation
4.1 Proposed Algorithm for VHO
The proposed algorithm for VHO is based on the cost function, which was calculated
using Eqs. (8) and (9). Other studies used AHP to calculate the MADM techniques, SAW,
MEW, M2EW, TOPSIS, and GRA. The weights of the parameters using AHP and decision for
handover was calculated based on the least value of the cost function.
Figs. 5 and 6 gives the flowchart and algorithm for AHP. Figs. 7 and 8 show the flowchart
and algorithm, respectively, for VHO based on the Least Cost function.
Fig. 5. Flowchart for AHP.
Fig. 6. Algorithm for AHP.
Fig. 7. Flowchart for VHO.
Fig. 8. Algorithm for VHO.
5. Experimental Scenario
The simulation has been done for practical values. Considering the scenario of a mobile
user traveling across the road. The mobile user comes across two networks 4G and WLAN
(Public WLAN with APs deployed across the road). Fig. 9 shows the associated cost of the two available networks.
The following are the notations used in the graph.
V$_{1}$ - Mobile User
V$_{2}$ - 4G
V$_{3}$ -WLAN
V$_{5}$- 4G
The screenshots of the measured values of parameters are captured in the following
Fig. 9. Figure showing the associated cost for networks.
6. Experimental Analysis
The following analysis has been done based on the above scenario. Table 4 lists the Decision Matrix X.
Table 4. Decision matrix.
Packet Loss
Network Coverage
Packet Loss
Network Coverage
RSS is more important than Network coverage. Therefore, number 5 is captured for the
RSS row against the network coverage column.
Although RSS and bandwidth are important, RSS plays a larger role than bandwidth for
VHO. Hence, number 3 is placed in the RSS row for the bandwidth column.
Table 5 Normalized Matrix.
Table 5. Normalized Matrix.
Packet Loss
Network Coverage
Packet Loss
Network Coverage
Table 6 Weight Matrix
Table 6. Weight Matrix.
Packet Loss
Network Coverage
Table 6 shows that RSS has the highest weight, followed by the bandwidth.
${\lambda}$$_{\mathrm{max}}$= 0.9988
RI = 1.24 [56]
CI = -1.0002
CR = -0.8066 < 0.1
Since CR < 0.1, the comparison is accepted.
The values of the parameters are normalized on the scale of 0 to 1. Table 7 lists the normalized values for 4G & WLAN.
Table 7. Normalized values for 4G & WLAN.
Normalized Values for 4G (A)
Normalized Values for WLAN (B)
Mean Values
Packet Loss
Network Coverage
The calculation of the cost function is shown in Table 8.
Table 8. Calculation of Cost Function for 4G and WLAN.
Values for 4G
Values for WLAN
Mean Values
Packet Loss
Network Coverage
Cost Function Value
Fig. 14 shows the Graph Model.
Table 9 provides details of the path-wise cost. Fig. 15 shows the path-wise details of the cost function.
Table 9. Path-wise details of the cost function.
Value of Cost Function
V1 – V2 – V4
V1 – V2 – V5
V1 – V3 – V4
V1 – V3 – V5
Observation from Table 9 - The least-cost path has been selected as
V1 (MU) ---- V2(4G) ----V5 (4G) because the path gives the least cost value.
In this scenario, with the parameters under consideration, the preferred network was
4G over WLAN, due mainly to the better QoS offered by 4G, as evident from the measurement
Fig. 10.RSS measurement for WLAN.
Fig. 11. RSS measurement for 4G.
Fig. 12. QoS measurement for WLAN.
Fig. 13. QoS measurement for 4G.
Fig. 15. Path-wise details of the Cost function.
7. Conclusion & Future Work
This study designed and implemented VHDA based on the least cost function. A real-life
scenario with measured parameter values was considered. The weights of the parameters
were evaluated using Analytic Hierarchy Process. These weights were used to calculate
the path costs for selecting the best network for handover along the route. Future
studies will extend the scope of the algorithm by increasing the input parameters
to VHDA, based on the network set-up, and implement the same where multiple candidate
networks are available. In addition, a network fitness function will be derived for
each network to make the algorithm more robust.
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Siddharth Goutam Obtained his bachelor degree in Electronics & Telecommunication
Engineering and Masters in Engineering in Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
with specialization in Communication Systems Engineering. He is currently a student
member of the IEEE.
Srija Unnikrishnan is Principal at Fr. Conceicao Rodrigues College of Engineering,
affiliated with the University of Mumbai, India. She has over 35 years of teaching
experience at the UG and PG level. She received her Bachelor's Degree in Engineering
from the University of Kerala, a Master’s Degree from Osmania University, and Ph.D.
from the University of Mumbai. Her broad areas of interest are Mobile Communication
and Signal Processing.
Sundary S. Prabavathy pursued a Master of Science, Master of Philosophy (Mathematics),
B.Ed (Mathematics). Worked under UGC Research Project as UGC JRF for three years.
Field of Specialization: Epidemic Models (Stochastic Proce-sses). She possesses 30
years of teaching experience. Currently, she is working as Associate Professor in
Mathematics in Fr. Conceicao Rodrigues College of Engineering., Fr. Agnel Ashram,
Band-Stand, Bandra (West). Mumbai, India.
Archana Karandikar is an Assistant Professor (Mathematics) in the Department of
Science & Humanities at Fr. Conceicao Rodrigues College of Engineering, affiliated
with the University of Mumbai, India. She has received her Bachelor's Degree in Science
(Mathematics) from the University of Mumbai, Master’s Degree in Science (Mathematics)
from the University of Mumbai. She is SET Qualified. Her area of interest includes
Discrete Mathematics.