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  1. (Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and Technology Ghaziabad, India, )

Energy harvested wireless sensor network (EHWSN), Solar energy forecast, Prophet library, Hample filter

1. Introduction

Wireless sensor networks employ a group of sensor nodes to carry out various functions, with each activity involving sensing, data processing, and communication. Communication uses the greatest energy of all of these. Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are used in various applications, where they are left unattended for long periods, including flood detection, forest fire detection, and hazardous industrial applications. Batteries are commonly used to power WSNs but must be replaced regularly. Most of the work was done in the context of the medium access control (MAC) protocol architecture[1] to control power consumption owing to poor transmission. On the other hand, such a system fails after a certain period due to limited battery capacity. A network powered by an ambient energy source, such as solar energy, thermal energy, and RF energy, has been proposed to overcome this. Compared to other sources of energy, solar energy is considered the most efficient in terms of energy density (15mw/cm2) and availability[2]. The amount of energy captured by solar-powered nodes varies with variations in solar energy, weather, and monthly and seasonal swings. To solve this, researchers have developed a variety of solar prediction methodologies that have been divided into three categories.[3] as shown in Fig. 1.

This study used the Facebook Prophet library with the Hample filter to forecast global horizontal irradiance (GHI) over the next 24 hours. The data from the same month of the previous years were used to test the model ability to forecast in any season.

Fig. 1. Time Series Prediction Techniques.

2. Motivation

Life on Earth is dependent on the quality of the air and water, but the dumping of dangerous chemicals into the water causes a variety of human health problems, including mortality. According to the WHO, air pollution is responsible for 80% of deaths caused by respiratory disorders. WSN can also be used to identify forest fires and handle disasters, such as earthquakes and floods. As a result, there is an urgent need for a low-cost, stand-alone wireless networks that can monitor pollution parameters and operate continuously. Because WSN is battery-powered, sustaining continuous operation presents a variety of issues.

WSN uses the energy management procedure to reduce power consumption by properly designing the medium access control (MAC) protocol[1], routing protocol[4], and topology management, but the WSN nodes still die after some time. To achieve the goal of continuous operation, one must rely on energy harvesting technologies, such as wind, solar, and thermal. Combining WSN with energy harvesting has resulted in a new type of WSN known as an energy harvested wireless sensor network (EH-WSN).

Harvested energy is very indeterminate in this scenario due to seasonal volatility and several other environmental factors; hence good protocol design is necessary

2.1 Solar Data Description

NREL Solar Radiation Research laboratory data was used in this research (Andreas, A.; Stoffel, T.; (1981). NREL Solar Radiation Research Laboratory (SRRL): Baseline Measurement System (BMS); Golden, Colorado (Data); NREL Report No. DA-5500-56488. 2021). The location has a latitude of 39.742$^{\circ}$ north, a longitude of 105.18$^{\circ}$ west, an elevation of 1828.8 m AMSL, and a measuring instrument of CMP22. Between 2010 and 2015, The data were utilized for training, while the data for 2016 were used for testing. Data samples were taken every minute, but the data was averaged for 30 minutes to limit the effects of noise and the number of samples. Night samples were also removed to limit the amount of data. This is highly useful in a wireless sensor network with limited memory.

3. Literature Review

3.1 Classical Exponential and Moving Average Method for EHWSN

Various studies on energy harvesting wireless sensor networks have been undertaken to reduce power consumption, but the performance of WSNs has been disregarded. As a result, Kansal et al.[5] proposed the EWMA model, in which life was no longer an issue if operating in a proper ENO (Electrically Neutral Operation) state; it is a way in which energy harvesting is equal to or greater than energy consumption, which is given as

$ \begin{equation} B_{Available}+\eta *\int _{T}P_{Harvested}dt-\int _{T}P_{Consumed}dt-\int _{T}P_{leak}dt>=0 \end{equation} $

where $B_{Available}$ is the battery capacity, $P_{Harvested}$ is harvested energy, $P_{Consumed}$ is consumed energy, and $P_{leak}$ is battery leakage

The energy gathered was calculated using the exponentially weighted moving average approach. The energy harvested at any given moment was similar to the energy harvested the day before in the same slots. Excessive weather changes caused the above strategy to fail. Many scholars presented prediction systems that include weather changes, such as WCMA[6], Pro-Energy[7], IPro-Energy[8], and UD-WCMA[9]. A statistical time series method, such as ARIMA, which can be seasonal or non-seasonal, can be used because the preceding models cannot effectively manage data non-stationarity.

3.2 Classical Statistical Time Series Method

Yang et al.[10] proposed three ARIMA models that employed global horizontal irradiance (GHI) as an input parameter with seasonal components eliminated, and another model that links GHI with the zenith angle with various cloud situations and achieves greater accuracy than the other two. Colak et al.[11] used ARIMA(2,2,2) to predict one hour, two hours, and three hours ahead of time, and reported a~lower mean absolute error than other models. Prema et al.[12] used the multiplicative holt winter method and reported that a two-month period produces the best results, with a MAPE of less than 9.28 %, but the error increases on cloudy days. When the seasonality is added to the ARIMA model, the model is called the SARIMA model, and it produces the best prediction results when used with seasonal data, such as solar data. Using 37 years of NREL data, Shadab et al.[13] reported that ARIMA (1, 0, 1) (0, 1, 1)12 yielded the smallest mean percentage error (MPE) and suggested a hybrid model for future research. To validate his finding further, Shadab et al. examined 34 years of data from the Indian state of Haryana and reported the following results: MAPE (6.556), MAE (.2659), R2 (.9293), and RMSE (.3529).

3.3 Facebook Prophet Library and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Method

The Facebook Team[14] just built the Prophet Library for business forecasting and made it public for use in other domains. This method is an enhanced variant of the Classical Time Series method that does not require much subject knowledge. To improve business sales forecasting, which necessitates precise modeling, Ensafi et al.[15] applied Prophet, LSTM, and CNN models. They reported that LSTM outperformed the other two. Bashir et al.[16] used a combination of Prophet and LSTM for electrical load forecasting. Prophet was used for linear data, and LSTM was used for non-linear data Bitcoin mining considerable energy and produces much electronic trash. Hence, predicting waste generation patterns is important. Jana et al.[17] reported the use of Prophet and a deep learning model to control the generation of electronic garbage. When solar energy is injected into the grid, proper grid planning is essential to predict solar energy. Gupta et al.[18] use the Prophet Model in conjunction with the extreme gradient boost (XGB). Ge et al.[19] employed the empirical mode decomposition (EMD) technique first and, subsequently, the LSTM method for forecasting. The hybrid combination produced better results than standard techniques. When the grid was powered by solar energy, intermittency concerns in economic load dispatch were eliminated. Bhatt et al.[20] used three deep learning algorithms with a sliding window approach to convert input data into 12 steps lag datasets, with first-order differencing applied to the outputs. Faisal et al. [21] utilized LSTM and Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) for solar forecasting in five Bangladeshi cities and found that the GRU model performed better in terms of MAPE, which in this case, is 19.28 %. Mohan et al.[22] utilized both the ARIMA and Prophet models to anticipate covid-19 patients. He found that the latter is significantly more accurate for long-term forecasting. In addition to using neural networks, Shardga et al.[23] used statistical techniques, such as ARMA, ARIMA, and SARIMA. He found that while both can make short-term forecasts without measuring weather parameters, neural networks are more accurate than statistical techniques. Here, the outliers are eliminated using Hample Filters.

4. Methodology

This section examines the Prophet Library for solar prediction and the Hample filter for detecting and rectifying data anomalies. The recommended methodology will then be investigated. Fig. 2 presents a flowchart of the proposed method.

4.1 Prophet Library

The prophet is a Facebook-developed open-source library for time series forecasting that is ideal for univariate forecasting. For non-linear trends, seasonality, and the holiday effect, it employs an additive regression model. Before utilizing this model, the names of two columns were changed to 'ds' and 'y,' where 'ds' stands for date and 'y' stands for the GHI value, and a future frame that includes the training and forecasting dates was then built. The following is a representation of the entire model:

$ \begin{equation} z\left(t\right)=y\left(t\right)-w\left(t\right)-l\left(t\right)+e\left(t\right) \end{equation} $

where $y(t)$ represents the trends (which may be saturated or piecewise linear), $w(t)$ represents the periodic changes, $l(t)$represents the effects of holidays, and $e(t)$represents the error

$y(t)$for saturated growth is represented as

$ \begin{equation} y\left(t\right)=\frac{M}{1+\exp \left(-n\left(t-m\right)\right)} \end{equation} $

where $M$, $n$ and $m$ are the capacity, growth, and offset parameters, respectively The growth rate is not constant but changes at the changepoints. The changepoints occur at time $f_{j\hspace{0pt}\hspace{0pt}\hspace{0pt}}\,,$ where $j=1,....,S$; $S$ is the number of change points.

The rate at time t is given as $n+k(t)^{T}\delta $ where

$ \begin{equation} \,k_{j}\left(t\right)=\left\{\begin{array}{l} 1,if\,t\geq s_{j}\\ 0,otherwise \end{array}\right. \end{equation} $

The correct adjustment at the change point is calculated as:

$ \begin{equation} \rho _{j}=\left(s_{j}-m-\sum _{l<j}\rho _{l}\right)\left(1-\frac{n+\sum _{l<j}\delta _{l}}{n+\sum _{l\leq j}\delta _{l}}\right) \end{equation} $

Piecewise linear growth after adjustment is expressed as:

$ \begin{equation} y\left(t\right)=\frac{M\left(t\right)}{1+\exp \left(-\left(n+k\left(t\right)^{T}\delta \right)\left(t-\left(m+k\left(t\right)^{T}\rho \right)\right)\right)} \end{equation} $

4.2 Hample Filters nnn

The Hample filter is a great filter for eliminating outliers[24]. The median of the data sequence $l=[l(1),\,\,l(2),....\,\,l(N)]$ is used to determine it, followed by the median absolute deviation (MAD) from the median. This work on the threshold $L$and median of half window length for data sequence. The number of outliers depends on the threshold value, i.e., the outlier will increase or decrease with increasing or decreasing threshold. Once an outlier is detected, it will be replaced by the median value of windowed data. The Data Sequence window is represented as

$ \begin{equation} l_{w}\left(n\right)=\left[l\left(n-k\right),......,l\left(n+k\right)\right] \end{equation} $

The outlier in Hample is represented as

$ \begin{equation*} Outlier\left(n\right)=\left\{\begin{array}{l} 1if\left| l\left(n\right)-l'\left(n\right)\right| >L*P\\ 0otherwise \end{array}\right. \end{equation*} $

where $l'(n)$ is the median; $L$is the threshold, where $W(n)$ is given as

$$ W(n)=1.4286 \text { median }\left\{\mid\left(l_w(n)-l^{\prime}(n) \mid\right\}\right. $$

5. Proposed Methodology

The main objective of this study was to assess the performance of the model and forecast solar energy for EHWSN using the Prophet Library. The Hample filter removed outliers in the data before applying the model. The model was evaluated for June to determine its effectiveness. The same month data from the previous years were used for training and testing. Fig. 2 shows the proposed methodology.

Fig. 2. Proposed Methodology.

6. Experiment and Result Discussion

A one-minute sampling dataset from the NREL laboratory was gathered for seven years, from June 1, 2010, to June 30, 2016, to investigate the aforementioned models. The data was resampled again for a half-hour period to reduce the quantity of samples taken. For training and cross-validation on June 18, 2017, the data was collected from June 1, 2010, to June 17, 2017. Outliers were removed using the Hample filter with a standard deviation of 3 and a window size of 3 before utilizing the forecasting model. Fig. 3 depicts the raw signal, filtered signal, and outlier. The following metrics were used to assess the Prophet Model performance.

Fig. 3. Original data and Hample-Filtered data with Outliers.

6.1 MSE

This was evaluated by calculating the squared difference between the predicted and true values. In the equation given below, $y_{A}$ is the actual value and $y_{P}$ is the predicted value.

$ \begin{equation} MSE=1/m\sum _{i=1}^{n}\left(y_{A}-y_{P}\right)^{2} \end{equation} $

6.2 MAE

MAE checks the closeness of the predicted value to the actual value and is expressed as

$ \begin{equation} MAE=\sum _{i=1}^{n}\left| y_{A}-y_{P}\right| /n \end{equation} $

6.3 MAPE

MAPE is used to measure the accuracy of the model. MAPE measures accuracy in terms of percentage. The equation for calculating the MAPE is given below:

$ \begin{equation} MAPE=\frac{\sum _{i=1}^{n}\left| \frac{y_{A}-y_{p}}{y_{A}}\right| *100}{n} \end{equation} $

6.4 RMSE

The RMSE is calculated by first calculating MSE and then calculating the square root of the MSE.

$ \begin{equation*} RMSE=\sqrt{1/n\sum _{i=1}^{n}\left(y_{A}-y_{P}\right)^{2}} \end{equation*} $

6.5 Result Analysis

The Prophet Library has a cross-validation feature that may be used to calculate the forecast inaccuracy. This can be done by choosing cutoff points in the historical data, running the model up to those cutoff points, and comparing the predicted values to the measured values. By default, a 3${\times}$prediction horizon is selected for the initial training period, with cutoffs placed halfway down the horizon. This process is continued until the final cutoff points and for the desired prediction horizon. This is performed by choosing the cutoff points, period, and prediction horizon, as shown in Fig. 4. For this study, a cutoff of five years, a time frame of 24 hours, and a forecast horizon of 24 hours were used.

This results in 17 forecasts with a cutoff point ranging from 2016/05/31 to 2016/06/16, with the forecast cutoff point shifting right by 24 hours after that. Therefore, for the most recent forecast, the MSE, MAE, MAPE, and RMSE values for unfiltered data were 292.81, 14.56, 19.37, and 17.11, as shown in Fig. 5; the corresponding graph is shown in Fig. 6.

The Hample filter removes outliers in the second procedure, and the filtered data is then cross-validated again. The MSE, MAE, MAPE, and RMSE values for this filtered data are 292.55, 14.86, 14.86, and 17.10, respectively, as shown in the table and figures.

Fig. 4. Cross-validation of the data[14].
Fig. 5. Evaluation metric for 1 to 24 Hour Prediction horizon using Prophet Library.
Fig. 6. (a)-(d) Graphs of MAE, MSE, MAPE, and MSE for the 24 Hour Prediction horizon without a Hample filter.
Fig. 7. Evaluation metric for 1 to 24 Hour horizon using the Prophet Library after Hample Filter.
Fig. 8. (a)-(d) Graphs of MAE, MSE, MAPE, and MSE for the 24 Hour Prediction horizon with a Hample filter.
Fig. 9. Actual and Forecasted solar irradiance for 18/6/2016.
Table 1. Performance comparison for Prophet and Hample filtered-Prophet model.






Prophet Model





Hample-Prophet Model





Table 2. Performance comparison of RMSE and MAPE with Amandeep et al.[25].




Ensemble Approach

(Arithmetic Mean)



Ensemble Approach

(Harmonic Mean)



Ensemble Approach

(Quadratic mean)



Ensemble Approach










7. Conclusion

This paper presented a Facebook Prophet based on the Hample filter. The forecasting model was tested, and the Hample filter was implemented on real-time data acquired from NREL using the Python Framework and MATLAB. The data were resampled for one hour to minimize the number of sample points, noise, and memory resources in EHWSN. Data from 2010 to 2015 was used to train the model, and the data from 2016 was utilized to test it. The Mean Squared Error (MSE), Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE), and Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) values for the Prophet model were 292.81, 14.56, 19.37, and 17.11, respectively, while for the Prophet model based on the Hample Filter, they were 92.56, 14.86, 14.86, and 17.10, respectively. MAPE was reduced to 18.60 %, while the remaining metrics changed slightly. Prophet and Hample-Prophet gave the best result regarding the RMSE and accuracy compared to previous work based on the Ensemble approach. As a result, the proposed model improves forecast accuracy. This expected result will be applied in the next work on the power management of energy harvesting wireless sensor networks.


This research was not funded by any agency


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Satya Sai Srikant

Satya Sai Srikant is presently working as Associate Professor in Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Delhi-NCR Campus, Modinagar, Ghaziabad, since 2009. He has 7 years of experience as Design Engineer in R&D organization and more than 12 years of experience in Teaching and Research at SRM Institute of Science and Technology. He qualified his M.Tech degree from University of Delhi in Microwave Electronics in the year 2002 and obtained PhD degree from SOA University, Bhubaneswar Odisha, in “Microwave Processing of Beach Placer Heavy Minerals” in the year 2014.His research area includes Microwave and RF circuits; Antenna Technologies, Wireless and communication system; Applications of microwave technology in mineral processing and materials technology in various sectors of RF and other industries. He has published more than 40 papers in International conferences and Journals. He has authored one International book “Basic Electronics Engineering – Including Laboratory Manual” under Springer Publication, and also published four book chapters. He also published three published patents, in which one of them was Granted patent also. He is currently guiding six PhD scholars and two scholars has successfully completed PhD, under his supervision.

Vivek Kumar Verma

Vivek Kumar Verma received his B.Tech. degree in Electronics & Communication engineering from M.J.P. Rohilkhand University, Bareilly (UP), India, in 2002, and M.Tech. Degree in Energy Management from DAVV, Indore, India, in 2010. He is currently pursuing his Ph.D. degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering with SRM Institute of Science and Technology Ghaziabad, India. His current research interests include machine learning algorithms, artificial intelligence methods, Embedded Systems & Industrial Automation.