(Department of Computer Science, Kyonggi University / Suwon, Korea
(Division of AI Computer Science and Engineering, Kyonggi University / Suwon, Korea )
Copyright © The Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers(IEIE)
YOLO, SlowFast network, Action recognition, Autonomous driving
1. Introduction
Recently, the use of computer vision technology for autonomous driving and road traffic
safety has increased. Intelligence technology enabling the flexible handling of diverse
driving environments is essential for guaranteeing driving performance. Video sensors,
such as cameras mounted on vehicles, are required to interpret information for accurate
judgment when errors occur, or it is challenging to acquire data. Therefore, studies
on deep learning models that detect and analyze objects through images or videos are
being conducted [1,2]. Technologies, such as object recognition, detection, and tracking, are being developed
through sensor fusion in response to weather changes, the internal/external problems
of the vehicle, and the external changes of the recognition target [3]. On the other hand, most of the current autonomous driving technologies are responding
according to the location of objects using only the results of object detection. This
is the cause of the lack of ability to cope with unexpected situations, such as sudden
lane changes in front vehicles and awareness of accident vehicles. Therefore, the
autonomous driving module can cope in more situations by adding behavior prediction
of the object. Nevertheless, recognition and action should be carried out quickly
with road transportation. Accordingly, the processing speed of a model is essential
so it can provide real-time processing. In the case of deep learning models, there
is a limitation in that real-time processing is difficult because of a large amount
of computation. The appearance of algorithms, such as R-CNN [4] and YOLO [5], makes it possible to process the object detection performance in real time. On the
other hand, it cannot process such action in real time because an algorithm that detects
even the action of objects is slow. Therefore, a model capable of demonstrating improved
detection speed while maintaining its action classification AUC is needed to improve
autonomous driving performance by predicting the action of objects.
Teawon Han et al. [6] proposed 'Driving Intention Recognition and Lane Change Prediction on the Highway'.
The proposed framework predicts the lane change intention and lane change action on
the highway through the external sensor data. The driving patterns and characteristics
are recognized through the LSTM model, and such patterns and characteristics are classified
into three classes: LCL(lane change Left), LCR(lane change Right), and LK(Lane-Keeping).
NGSIM data are used to achieve this. The NGSIM data [7] is the vehicle trajectory data collected through videos shot from tall buildings.
The trajectory data of the vehicles to be classified are proposed based on the NGSIM
data, and the action classification was performed. Therefore, as the input data was
not collected from a sensor mounted on a vehicle being driven, there is a limitation
that it cannot be used when there is no external sensor or where communication is
not possible.
Therefore, this study proposed the Dynamic Framerate SlowFast network. This study
analyzed the similarity between the unit frames of an input image of the similarity
between frames. Currently, if there is a similarity above a certain threshold, the
frame does not enter into the SlowFast Network and uses the existing output of the
model. This reduces the number of image frames input to the model itself, enabling
a decrease in computing performance requirements while maintaining the AUC of object
behavior classification.
2. Related Work
2.1 Action Recognition Models
Deep learning-based computer vision technology is being studied to classify the action
of objects. Algorithms, such as CNN-based R-CNN [4] and YOLO [5], make it possible to classify the object types at a fast speed. On the other hand,
as for the classification of the action of objects, Two-Stream neural networks, such
as the SlowFast network [8], have been achieving high performance. Fig. 1 presents the structure of a Two-Stream neural network. The two-stream neural network
has a high AUC in object behavior classification because it identifies different types
of characteristics through the temporary and spatial streams and utilizes them for
behavior classification. Nevertheless, it is slow because Two-Stream neural network-based
object action classification models use two neural networks simultaneously.
Biparva, M. et al. [9] predicted the lane change of vehicles and compared the performance results through
a two-stream network. It provides robust prediction of lane changes for nearby vehicles,
demonstrating great accuracy in the temporal domain ranging from 1-2 seconds. The
video used is a traffic video that records the front situation of a vehicle. The Two-Stream
Convolutional Networks, Two-Stream Inflated 3D Convolutional Networks (I3D) [10], Spatiotemporal Multiplier Networks [11], and SlowFast Networks [8] are used for performance evaluation. Based on the model comparison results, the SlowFast
network showed the highest AUC compared to the observation horizon. Regarding the
SlowFast network, an excessive overhead occurs, and this causes a GPU memory problem.
Therefore, the author finally classified the lane change of vehicles through the Spatiotemporal
Multiplier Networks. Based on the performance valuation results. They confirmed that
the NLC (No Lane Change) achieved excellent classification performance. On the other
hand, the LLC (Left Lane Change) and RLC (Right Lane Change) was limited because they
showed a precision of 60\textendash{}70\% and a recall of 60\textendash{}70\%. In
addition, the data used for testing requires two seconds of observation, even though
the image had its vehicle object section cropped in advance. This serves as a factor
that slows the processing to be performed by the existing system used for pre-processing,
such as object recognition and cropping. Therefore, this study developed a plan to
reduce the required model performance while maintaining the AUC of the SlowFast network.
Fig. 1. Structure of Two-Stream neural network.
2.2 Dynamic Framerate
A deep learning model can improve object detection and classification of AUC. The
required computing performance improves because of the characteristics of deep learning.
In addition, there has been an increase in cases where various deep learning models
are used in conjunction for AUC improvement purposes. Therefore, an efficient data
processing technique capable of reducing the required performance of a deep learning
model is necessary. Videos shot on the road in diverse environments have differences
in their dynamic level. Therefore, unnecessary frames are inputted when the same content
is repeated continuously. Therefore, the aim is to improve performance by applying
the frame skip method and reducing the data entered into the model. Park. J. W. et
al. [12] proposed a faster object detection using the frame skip method. Whether to input
a frame into YOLO or keep the result of the previous frame is determined by temporal
subtraction and ORB feature matching between two consecutive frames. First, the temporal
subtraction of two adjacent frames was performed. The temporal subtraction mask did
not provide the output if the two adjacent frames were identical. In this case, the
frame was not entered into the YOLO model. Instead, the output results of the YOLO
model drawn from the previous frame were used. The object detection speed was enhanced
using such a process, and the AUC was enhanced. The limitation is that it is unsuitable
for applying to road traffic data because whether to skip a frame is determined only
when the two adjacent frames are identical. As for road traffic data, it is rare to
have completely identical frames due to vibration. In addition, the frame will not
be skipped when only the illuminance value is changed, as it is with tunnels. Therefore,
instead of simply comparing the illuminance values, it was necessary to develop a
method that determines how similar the context of the images per frame. Therefore,
this study used a measuring technique that focuses more on the structural differences
of images than on the change in illuminance values.
Image similarity measuring techniques include techniques using the differences between
the pixels and techniques comparing the structural differences of pixels. NRMSE (Normalized
Root Mean Square Error) [13] calculates the difference at the same location and then normalizes it. On the other
hand, it is difficult to calculate the similarity between images accurately because
the technique cannot calculate the structure of image pixels. An image similarity
measuring technique performed through histogram makes a comparison through color distribution.
Nevertheless, the structural characteristics of images or the differences in pixel
positions are not considered. SSIM (Structural Similarity Index Measure) [14] is an image similarity technique that considers brightness, contrast, and structure
to resolve the problem demonstrated by the NRMSE. Therefore, the SSIM prioritizes
applying structure to similarity over applying brightness and contrast to similarity.
Fig. 2 shows the similarity scores derived through various image similarity measurement
techniques for images that have undergone color tone and brightness change. SSIM,
which is highly similar, is suitable for this study because it does not change the
image structure but only changes the color tone or brightness.
Fig. 2. Various types of image similarity measuring techniques.
3. Dynamic Framerate SlowFast Network for Improving Autonomous Driving Performance
The Dynamic Framerate SlowFast network proposed in this study is performed in 3 stages.
Fig. 3 shows the overview of the dynamic framerate SlowFast network for improving autonomous
driving performance.
Fig. 3 shows the process of the proposed model when the similarity is high. The initial
stage is the process of collecting and pre-processing road traffic data. The video
data of the front situation of the vehicle collected from the dashboard camera mounted
on the vehicle or the road information collection system were utilized. The objects
were recognized and tracked through the YOLO model, and only the closest object was
cropped and entered as data. In the second stage, the similarity between unit frames
was analyzed. The input of the involved unit frame was skipped when the similarity
between the current and next unit frames exceeded a certain level [15]. The SSIM was used as the similarity analysis technique to focus more on the structural
changes to images than on the change in surrounding environments. Finally, the frame
rate-adjusted image was entered into the SlowFast network. This process can improve
the speed while maintaining the AUC of object action detection.
Fig. 3. Overview of Dynamic Framerate SlowFast Network for Improving Autonomous Driving Performance.
3.1 Data Collection and Preprocessing
This study collected the dataset through the PREVENTION (PREdiction of VEhicles iNTentIONs)
dataset [16]. This dataset is manufactured according to the need to predict the driver's intention
and the future trajectory of the vehicle. It included the videos recorded with a camera
facing the front as the vehicle is driven and included vehicle trajectory information,
category information, and line information as labels. The events include cut-in, cutout,
left/right lane change, and risk maneuver. Each video had a resolution of 1920 ${\times}$
920 and an FPS of 10 frames per second. The dataset consisted of 11 videos recorded
on five mutually different days, and the videos were 377 minutes long in total. In
this study, only the data related to lane change were used. Table 1 lists the number of videos and the average video length per lane change event included
in the dataset.
For road-driving images of the original PREDICTION dataset, it is inappropriate to
enter it because it is in the SlowFast Network because there is too much ambient information.
Accordingly, it is possible to construct an image dataset in which surrounding information
is not excessive by detecting only vehicle objects to classify the behavior through
the YOLO model and performing a crop [17]. Hence, a lane change image dataset was configured to crop only the vehicle objects
for each image frame, resize them to 256${\times}$256 size and input them to the SlowFast
Network. The lane change image dataset consisted of cropping only objects moving in
the lane using the learning data and the validation data of the bounding box information
of the object. The data for learning and verification of SlowFast Network was constructed
by cropping the image through the lane change point of the label and the bounding
box information of the object. In this case, the cropped image was inverted left and
right for use as class data in the opposite situation and solve the data imbalance
and shortage. In addition, the vehicle was cropped from the image when the lane change
did not occur to derive an image of a general situation not during the lane change.
Among the original PREDICTION datasets, the Days 1, 2, and 3 images; Day 4 images;
Day 5 images were configured as learning data. The validation data was also composed
of the remaining images. After extracting the data, the lane change image dataset
consisted of 668 images for each label of the left lane change, right lane change,
and no lane change, consisting of 2,004 images. One thousand five hundred images were
configured as learning data for the performance evaluation, and the remaining 504
images were configured as validation data. Table 2 lists the configuration of a lane change image dataset for learning and verifying
the SlowFast Network.
This study detected objects from driving images and cropped them through YOLOv5 models
pre-trained via MS COCO (Microsoft Common Objects in Context) dataset [18]. The MS COCO Dataset is an image dataset for object detection, segmentation, key-point
detection, and captioning. The YOLOv5 model detects objects by receiving images. The
model is very fast compared to existing object detection algorithms. The YOLOv5 model
pre-trained through the MS COCO dataset derives performance with a mean average precision
(mAP) of approximately 45 or higher due to the performance evaluation on the dataset.
Through this, it is possible to detect quickly and accurately only the vehicle objects
to classify behavior in the original image through the pre-trained YOLOv5 model. In
this case, the Region of Interest (RoI) was adjusted to include some surrounding information.
Table 1. Composition of Lane Change Events Included in Dataset.
Record #
Left Lane Change
Right Lane Change
Mean Frames per Lane Change
Mean Time per Lane Change
3.76 seconds
Table 2. Composition of Cropped Video Data.
Left Lane Change
Right Lane Change
No Lane Change
Cropped & Horizontal Flipped
3.2 Similarity Estimation
Regarding the pre-existing SlowFast network, the framerate was fixed. In this study,
however, the similarity between frames within each unit frame of the video was analyzed,
and the similarity between unit frames was assessed before model input. The following
limitation was improved using such as process. The road traffic data has a limitation
in that unnecessary frames entered as the same contents are repeated continuously
in most cases. When the similarity in both cases exceeds the threshold, the similarity
is acknowledged, and the input to the model is skipped. The SSIM (Structured Similarity
Image Matching) [14] is used for similarity analysis.
The SSIM divides an image into NxN windows and applies Eq. (1) to each window. In Eq. (1), ${\mu}$ represents average and ${\sigma}$ represents dispersion. c is a positive
constant that prevents the denominator from being 0. Unlike other image similarity
analysis techniques, the SSIM focuses on structural differences. Therefore, it makes
it possible for the similarity to focus more on the change in the objects than on
the change in external environments. This is suitable for drawing similarities from
road driving data containing various illuminance changes resulting from changes in
sunlight and tunnel entrances during driving. Fig. 5 shows the similarity between the frames of the first-day video.
In each plot, the x-axis represents the image frame of the comparison point. The y-axis
is the similarity score derived by comparing the image of the corresponding frame
with the image of the previous frame through a similarity measurement technique. Fig. 5(a) shows the SSIM; Fig. 5(b) shows the NRMSE; Fig. 5(c) shows the similarity scores measured through a histogram. In the case of the NRMSE
and histogram, they were so insensitive to image changes that the similarity is constantly
high. Therefore, it is appropriate to skip the frame after measuring the similarity
through the SSIM.
Fig. 5. Plots that derive the similarity between frames of the first-day video.
3.3 Dynamic Framerate SlowFast Network
Using the Dynamic Framerate SlowFast network proposed in this study, the video of
the initial unit frame was entered into the SlowFast network. Starting with the second
unit frame, where the possibility of one class exceeds a certain level, the involved
class is drawn as an action classification result. The video similarity between the
next unit frame video and the previous unit frame video was analyzed when an action
classification result was drawn. The involved unit frame was entered into the SlowFast
network, and the action of objects was classified when the similarity was below the
set threshold. On the other hand, the involved unit frame was skipped and not entered
into the SlowFast network when the similarity exceeded the set threshold. At that
point, the model output used the action classification results from the previous unit
frame. Through such a process, provided that minimum movements existed, the frame
was entered into the SlowFast network. Fig. 6 shows a pseudo-code of skipping unit frame process.\begin{enumerate}[1.]
1. Confirming whether the probability of one class exceeds a certain level after action
2. Confirming whether the similarity exceeds a certain level after similarity analysis
3. Skipping the frame when 1. and 2. apply
Fig. 6. Process of skipping a unit frame.
An algorithm is entered in units of 10 frames. A UnitFrame variable refers to the
unit frame being entered. The SlowFast method receives unit frame inputs, and the
CheckSimilarity () classifies the similarity between two unit frames. The similarity
threshold is entered into the threshold variable, serving as the hyperparameter. Fig. 7 shows the final output results of the model proposed in this study.
Fig. 7. Final output results of the proposed model.
In the video, information is displayed per object. First, the type of object is displayed
and the recognition ranking of the involved object (how quickly the involved object
is recognized) is displayed. Second, the distance between the camera and the object
is displayed. At that point, a higher number means that the distance is closer. Lastly,
the current action taken by the object drawn through the SlowFast network is displayed.
4. Experiments
4.1 Similarity Estimation Method
The software in the experimental environment of the proposed model used Ubuntu 18.04,
CUDA version 11.2, Python 3.9.7, and the deep learning framework PyTorch. The hardware
consisted of Intel(R) Xeon(R) Silver 4210R CPU @ 2.40 GHz, NVIDIA RTX 3090, and 24
GB RAM. In the case of a dataset, the learning data consisted of images on Days 1,
2, 3, and 4 and the images on Day 5. The validation data was also composed of the
remaining images. When the image length was converted into a ratio, the ratio of the
learning data and the validation data was approximately 5;1. In the case of lane change
image data derived through this, 2,004 images were composed. For performance evaluation,
1,500 images were configured as learning data, and the remaining 504 images were configured
as validation data. The performance evaluation used the AUC of the proposed model
and compared it with the existing model. The AUC is the area under the ROC (Receiver
Operating Characteristic) Curve. It represents the width of the bottom area of the
ROC Curve [19,20]. A value closer to 1 indicates that the sensitivity and specificity are close to
1, indicating that the model performance is superior.
Table 3 shows the performance evaluation results per technique used for similarity measurement.
The performance evaluation results are acquired by comparing the AUC and the percentage
of skipped frames between the case where the similarity analysis technique is applied
and the case where the pre-existing models are applied. Based on the AUC comparison
results, it was confirmed that the histogram method showed an AUC of 0.5923 and that
NRMSE showed an AUC of 0.5782. SSIM used in this study showed an AUC of 0.7126, which
is higher than those of histogram and NRMSE. In addition, compared to the histogram
and NRMSE, SSIM showed a greater number of skipped frames when the same threshold
was applied. Through such a process, it was confirmed that SSIM is the similarity
measuring technique that enables skipping more frames while maintaining AUC in the
road environment.
Table 3. Performance Evaluation Results per Similarity Measuring Technique.
Similarity Measuring Technique
Skipped Frames
4.2 Dynamic Framerate SlowFast Network
The performance was evaluated by comparing the level of speed improvement and the
level of AUC performance maintenance when the frames were skipped using the SSIM.
Table 4 lists the results acquired by comparing the speed and AUC between the case where
the proposed frame skip technique was applied and the case where the proposed frame
skip technique was not applied.
In addition, it shows the AUC changes made when the similarity threshold was adjusted.
First, based on the AUC comparison results per similarity threshold, the highest AUC
was confirmed when the threshold was 0.75. Through this process, 0.75, with a smaller
AUC reduction than the speed increase, was the most suitable threshold. In addition,
the FPS(Frame Per Second) was drawn to analyze the video analysis speed. Compared
to when the pre-existing system was applied when the proposed frame skip technique
was applied, the image analysis speed increased approximately 1.5 fold to 0.7912 FPS
with Video 5. In addition, the AUC was 0.7126, which was on 0.04 decrease compared
to the pre-existing AUC. Through the proposed similarity measuring technique, the
frame skip technique can maintain its AUC while reducing its analysis time.
Table 4. Performance Evaluation Results According to Use Status of Frame Skip Technique.
No Frame Skip
0.75 (Ours)
5. Conclusion
The Dynamic Framerate SlowFast network was proposed for improving autonomous driving
performance. The proposed model reduced the number of frames entered into the model
by analyzing the association between the unit frames. Through such a process, it was
possible to draw the results more promptly while maintaining the object action detection
AUC of the SlowFast model. This makes it possible to draw objects and their action
information through computer vision in diverse road traffic situations and use such
objects and their action information in real time. By considering the action of objects,
it is possible to improve the traffic situation recognition. Based on the performance
evaluation results, the proposed Dynamic Framerate SlowFast network showed a video
processing speed of 0.7912 FPS, which was much faster than the 0.5285 FPS of the pre-existing
SlowFast network. In addition, the Dynamic Framerate SlowFast network showed an AUC
of 0.7126, which was only a tiny decrease in AUC compared to the 0.7531 from the pre-existing
SlowFast network. Through such a process, the model proposed in this study could maintain
the AUC while improving the processing speed. Therefore, the proposed model can provide
more efficient vehicle object action recognition than the pre-existing model in road
traffic situations.
The SlowFast Network model has excellent human action classification performance,
and the dynamic framerate method proposed in this study reduces computing performance
requirements and maintains predictive performance. However, in the case of the action
classification accuracy for vehicles, there was a limit that the absolute value could
not be said to be high. Accordingly, it is necessary to apply a different model. In
future studies, we plan to explore ways to improve performance by considering model
This work was supported by Kyonggi University Research Grant 2022.
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Byeong-Uk Jeon received his B.S. degree from the Division of Computer Science and
Engineering, Kyonggi University, South Korea, in 2021. He is currently in the Master's
course at the Department of Computer Science, Kyonggi University, Suwon, South Korea.
He has worked as a researcher at the Data Mining Lab., at Kyonggi University. His
research interests include data mining, big data, deep learning, machine learning,
and computer vision.
Kyungyong Chung received his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in 2000, 2002, and 2005,
respectively, from the Department of Computer Information Engineering, Inha University,
South Korea. He has worked for the software technology -leading department of the
Korea IT Industry Promotion Agency (KIPA). From 2006 to 2016, he was a professor at
the School of Computer Information Engineering, Sangji University, South Korea. Since
2017, he has been a professor in the Division of AI Computer Science and Engineering,
Kyonggi University, South Korea. He was named in 2017 as a Highly Cited Researcher
by Clarivate Analytics. His research interests include data mining, and artificial