(College of Information Engineering, Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang,
Henan 471000, China
(College of Information Engineering, Henan Mechanical and Electrical Vocational College,
Zhengzhou, Henan 451191, China )
Copyright © The Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers(IEIE)
Convolutional neural network, Image recognition, Inception-SE, License plate recognition
1. Introduction
The number of vehicles in cities is growing, resulting in an increase in traffic congestion
as a result of society's rapid development and the growing variety of people's modes
of transportation [1]. Manual management methods cannot effectively alleviate the traffic management pressure.
With the development of computer technology, intelligent traffic systems using intelligent
algorithms are gradually becoming popular.
One of the key uses of computer vision in intelligent transportation systems is license
plate identification, and precise license plate recognition helps with vehicle management.
Intelligent license plate recognition is mainly achieved by image processing and pattern
recognition technology, which automatically detects, segments, recognizes, and compares
license plates from images [2]. License plate recognition algorithms typically require manual feature extraction
and then use the extracted features to recognize license plate characters. Although
this method is relatively simple in principle, the selection of features directly
affects the recognition accuracy.
Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are deep learning algorithms that can automatically
extract image features using convolutional kernels [3], which makes them suitable for license plate image recognition. Wang et al. [4] proposed an automatic license plate recognition approach and verified its effectiveness
through experiments. Vetriselvi et al. [5] proposed an effective vehicle license plate number recognition (DLVLPNR) model based
on deep learning for recognizing alphanumeric characters in license plates, and the
results validated its effectiveness. In order to recognize and locate regions of interest,
Nurhaida et al. [6] developed an enhanced horizontal-vertical edge projection and found an improvement
over previous research.
All of the above studies have proposed algorithms related to license plate recognition,
but the feature extraction of license plate images in these studies was not detailed
enough. The purpose of this study is to use LeNet-5 to improve the performance of
license plate recognition. The features extracted by a basic CNN are not deep enough,
and there are not enough detail features. Therefore, this study introduces the inception-SE
convolution module to process the convolutional features in parallel to improve the
depth of features and increase the detail features. This study provides a simple introduction
to the LeNet-5 model used for license plate image recognition and an improved LeNet-5
model with the inception-SE convolution module. The optimized LeNet-5 model was compared
with the original one and a back-propagation neural network (BPNN) through simulation
2. License Plate Recognition based on Optimized LeNet-5
To extract contour information from license plate images, rule-based image processing
methods are applied [7], such as binarization, filtering, and edge detection. Character information is then
extracted from the contour. These methods require manual rule design and rely heavily
on human experience. Intelligent algorithms based on feature extraction recognize
license plates by using features such as the scale invariant feature transform (SIFT)
and histogram of oriented gradients (HOG) [8] combined with classifiers using various combinations [9]. But the selection of features is crucial and directly affects the accuracy of the
algorithm. Intelligent algorithms based on deep learning train recognition models
with large datasets, enabling the algorithms to autonomously extract features from
license plate images and accurately recognize the features.
2.1 LeNet-5 Model
The CNN algorithm is often used to recognize license plate images. Compared with other
deep learning algorithms, the CNN algorithm can use the sliding convolution operation
of the convolution kernel on the image [10] to directly extract the features from the image without additional feature extraction
processing. Fig. 1 shows the basic structure of LeNet-5 in the CNN algorithm. When applying LeNet-5
to license plate recognition, a license plate image with a size of $32\times 32$ is
input into the input layer, followed by a convolution operation in convolution layer
1 using a convolution kernel with a size of $5\times 5$. The convolution formula is:
where $l$ denotes the current layer, $w$ represents the convolution kernel weight
matrix, $x_{i}^{l-1}$ represents the output feature map matrix, $f$ denotes the activation
function, $\otimes $ denotes the convolution operation, and $b_{j}^{l}$ denotes the
bias of the $j$-th feature map of the $l$-th layer [11].
The convolutional feature map is then compressed in pooling layer 1, which uses a
pooling frame with a size of $2\times 2$. After the pooling and compression, the convolutional
feature map is sent to convolutional layer 2, which also uses a convolutional kernel
with a size of $5\times 5$. The pooling and compression is performed again in pooling
layer 2, which has the same parameters as pooling layer 1. The compressed convolutional
feature maps are computed in two fully connected layers, and the results are finally
output in the output layer [12].
Fig. 1. Basic structure of conventional LeNet-5.
2.2 Improved LeNet-5 Model for License Plate Recognition
The LeNet-5 model is mainly used for recognizing handwritten digits. However, during
license plate recognition, license plate images are easily affected by external factors,
such as the environment. Moreover, license plate recognition in China involves not
only recognizing digits, but also identifying Chinese characters and letters that
represent the region to which the license plate belongs. To improve the recognition
performance of LeNet-5 for license plate images, this study introduces the inception-SE
convolution module [13].
The inception-SE convolution module is a fusion of the inception module and the SE
module. The aim is to increase the accuracy and efficiency of the model while keeping
relatively small model parameters. The module can be applied to various computer vision
tasks. Fig. 2 shows the basic structure of the inception-SE convolution module [14].
The module consists of the inception module and the SE model. The inception model
has four convolution branches that process images from the previous layer in parallel,
and the features extracted from different convolution branches are ultimately concatenated
into a deeper feature map. By using the multiple convolution branches in the inception
module, more target features can be acquired, increasing the depth and breadth of
the network structure [15]. The SE module is a gating mechanism that adaptively adjusts the relationships between
channels to enhance the important information within the feature map and thus improve
the performance of the model [16]. First, global pooling is performed on the channel according to the feature map at
each position, and then the activation functions of multiple hidden layers are combined
in an interleaved structure. Finally, sigmoid compression and multiplication operations
are performed on the results to obtain feature maps with enhanced effective features
and suppressed ineffective features.
The basic structure of the LeNet-5 model after the introduction of the inception-SE
convolution module is shown in Fig. 3. It was improved by using the inception-SE module to replace convolution layer 2
and the first fully connected layer in the original model. The recognition steps are
listed below.
① The license plate image is pre-processed, including grayscale conversion, filtering,
noise reduction, binarization, edge detection [17], and so on. Finally, the characters in the image are segmented [18]. Since the license plate has uniform specifications, the character segmentation can
be realized after designing the corresponding matching template according to the specifications
of the license plate. The formulas for grayscale conversion and noise reduction filtering
where $gray$ stands for the gray level of a pixel, $R$, $G$, and $B$ are the color
components of the pixel, $g(x,y)$ is the Gaussian filter function, $A$ is the function
amplitude, $(x_{0},y_{0})$ is the central coordinates, and $\sigma _{x}$ and $\sigma
_{y}$ are the width in the directions of $x$ and $y$. The image binarization is performed
using the maximum between-cluster variance method, and its expression is:
where $\mu $ is the overall average gray level of the image, $\mu _{1}$ and $\mu _{2}$
are the average gray levels after dividing by gray threshold $T$, $\omega _{1}$ and
$\omega _{2}$ are the percentages of pixels after dividing by gray threshold $T$,
and $g(t)$ is the variance between the two parts.
② The image is passed to the input layer.
③ Convolutional feature extraction and compression are performed in the convolutional
and pooling layers.
④ The compressed convolutional feature map is convolved in the inception-SE convolution
module to expand the depth and breadth of the convolutional feature map and highlight
the effective features. Compression is then performed again.
⑤ The convolution operation is performed in the second inception-SE convolution module
[19] and then sent to the fully connected layer for forward computation. The recognition
result is output in the output layer.
In the training phase, the recognition results of the model need to be compared with
the labeling results of the corresponding training samples to obtain the error between
the them. The cross entropy was used as the training error in this study [20].
Fig. 2. Basic structure of the inception-SE convolution module.
Fig. 3. Basic structure of the optimized LeNet-5 model.
3. Simulation Experiments
The previous section described the algorithm used for license plate image recognition,
which improves recognition performance by incorporating the inception-SE convolutional
module into the traditional LeNet-5 model. To evaluate the improved LeNet-5 model's
recognition performance on license plate images, this section conducts performance
tests and compares it with both the traditional LeNet-5 model and BPNN model by experiments.
3.1 Experimental Data
The license plate images used in the simulation experiments were collected from different
intersections. Cameras were placed at different locations of the intersections, and
then the license plate images of the vehicles in the path were collected by the cameras.
The collected images had different light and angles. Some of the images are shown
in Fig. 4. A total of 1,500 license plate images were collected, of which 1,000 were randomly
selected as the training set, and the remaining 500 were used as the test set.
3.2 Experimental Setup
The relevant parameters of the optimized LeNet-5 model are presented in Table 1. The inception-SE module had convolutional branches for parallel processing, as described
Table 1. Relevant Parameters of the Optimized LeNet-5 Model.
Structure name
Parameter setting
Structure name
Parameter setting
Input layer
An image size of
Pooling layer 2
Maximum pooling frame with a size of , 2 moving step length
Convolutional layer 1
96 convolution kernels with a size of
Inception-SE Module
Pooling layer 1
Maximum pooling frame with a size of moving step length: 2
Fully connected layer
84 neurons
Inception-SE module
Output layer
Using softmax function
4. Experimental Results
Before recognizing the license plate images, they were pre-processed, and the characters
to be recognized were segmented. Fig. 5 shows some license plate images and their pre-processed segmentation contact character
images. The color performance for different license plates was different due to the
influence of external environmental factors such as lighting, especially the base
color between conventional-energy vehicle license plates and new-energy vehicle license
plates. After pre-processing and character segmentation, the characters in the license
plate image were clearer, and the color difference between different license plates
was eliminated, which is beneficial for recognition.
Fig. 6 shows the convergence curves of the three license plate recognition model algorithms
when training was performed. The training bias of all three recognition algorithms
decreased as the number of training sessions increased and eventually stabilized.
The improved LeNet-5 decreased the fastest and converged earlier with stability, and
the error with stability was also the smallest.
Table 2 presents the recognition results of the three recognition algorithms for some license
plate images. The character recognition results of the improved LeNet-5 model matched
the characters in the images. The character recognition results of the original LeNet-5
model differed from the characters in the images, and sometimes, "0" was recognized
as "O". The character recognition results of the BPNN model differed the most from
the characters in the images, recognizing not only "0" as "O", but also "B" and "5"
as "8" and "S", respectively.
Fig. 7 shows the recognition performance of the three recognition algorithms for characters
such as Chinese characters, letters, numbers, and the whole license plate image. The
specific recognition accuracy can be obtained from the data labels in Fig. 7. It was seen that the recognition accuracy of the improved LeNet-5 model was the
highest for recognizing Chinese characters, letters, numbers, and the whole license
plate image, followed by the original LeNet-5 model, and the BPNN had the lowest recognition
Fig. 5. License plate images and their pre-processed character images.
Fig. 6. Convergence curves of the three recognition algorithms when training was performed.
Fig. 7. Recognition accuracy of three recognition algorithms.
Table 2. Partial Recognition Results of License Plate by Three Algorithms.
License plate
Recognition results of the BPNN model
Recognition results of the original LeNet-5 model
Recognition results of the optimized LeNet-5 model
5. Discussion
Intelligent recognition of license plate images, as one of the important applications
in the field of computer vision and pattern recognition, plays a key role in traffic
safety and intelligent transportation. By combining image preprocessing, feature extraction,
and machine learning or deep learning methods, an efficient and accurate license plate
recognition system can be realized. This is of great significance for traffic violation
monitoring, parking management, and traffic flow statistics. This study used a LeNet-5
CNN as the classifier. As a CNN, it does not need to extract image features separately
when recognizing images. The convolutional kernel in the convolutional layer can automatically
extract image features, so it has an advantage in recognition efficiency.
In order to improve the recognition accuracy of LeNet-5, this study introduced the
inception-SE convolutional module into it, and then the simulation experiments compared
the BPNN model, the original LeNet-5 model, and the improved LeNet-5 model. The improved
LeNet-5 model converged faster, stabilized with a smaller error during the training
process, and had the highest accuracy in recognizing license plates. The BPNN model
needs to extract image features separately when recognizing license plate images,
and in this process, image features are lost, resulting in lower recognition accuracy.
As CNNs, the original LeNet-5 and improved LeNet-5 do not need to extract additional
image features, and the local features extracted by the convolutional kernel can be
combined into the global features. This can maintain the integrity of the image features
as much as possible.
Therefore, these methods perform better than the BPNN model in terms of training efficiency
and recognition accuracy. The inception-SE convolutional module introduced into the
improved LeNet-5 model obtains more detailed features in the image through parallel
convolution and then enhances the effective features through the gating mechanism.
Thus, it is better than the original LeNet-5 model in terms of recognition performance.
One limitation of this study is that only Chinese license plate images were used in
the training and testing of the recognition algorithm. This makes the algorithm less
generalizable. Therefore, a future research direction is to add license plate images
from different countries to improve the generalizability of the algorithm.
6. Conclusion
This study improved the LeNet-5 model by introducing the inception-SE convolution
module. In simulation experiments, the optimized LeNet-5 model was compared with the
original model and BPNN. After pre-processing and character segmentation, the characters
in the license plate images were clearer than before, and the color differences between
different license plates were almost eliminated. As the training time increased, the
errors of the three recognition algorithms all decreased, but the optimized LeNet-5
model decreased the fastest and had earlier stable convergence. In the character recognition
of license plate images, the improved LeNet-5 model had the highest accuracy, followed
by the original LeNet-5 model, and the BPNN model had the lowest accuracy.
This study was supported by the Study on the Training Program for Young Backbone
Teachers in Higher Vocational Schools in Henan Province in 2020: exploration and practice
of the ideological and political implementation path in higher vocational information
security and management major courses (Project No. 2020GZGG082).
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Jing Li was born in August 1988 in Henan and is a doctoral candidate. She is an
associate professor. She is interested in artificial intelligence and pattern recognition.
Chun Cheng was born in August 1985 in Henan and has received a master's degree.
She is an associate professor. She is interested in computer applications and intelligent