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  1. (Faculty of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University / Okayama city, Okayama, Japan )
  2. (Graduate school of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University / Okayama City, Okayama, Japan)
  3. (Faculty of Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering in Health Systems, Okayama University / Okayama city, Okayama, Japan {y-tarutn, yokohira} )

Network virtualization, Virtual network embedding, VNE-TD, Resource constraints

1. Introduction

The development of virtualization technology has increased the interest in network virtualization. In network virtualization, multiple virtual networks can be constructed and operated on a physical network by using node resources (e.g., CPU, memory, and storage) and link resources (e.g., bandwidth) [1,2]. Network virtualization allows users to use virtual networks on demand in a pay-as-you-go manner, realizing NaaS (Network as a Service). In addition, network virtualization enables efficient use of physical network resources and early deployment of new network services.

In network virtualization, it is essential to determine to which physical node and physical route in a physical network every virtual node and virtual link in a virtual network should be mapped in order to maximize the revenue of a virtual network provider, who constructs and provides virtual networks. In determining the mapping, resource constraints must be satisfied. The resource constraints mean that (1) each virtual node can only be mapped to a physical node with sufficient remaining node resources (node resource constraint), and (2) each virtual link can only be mapped to a physical route with sufficient remaining link resources on all the physical links along the route (link resource constraint). This problem is called the virtual network embedding (VNE) problem [3-12].

For this problem, a VNE algorithm (VNE-TD) based on temporal difference (TD) learning [13], which is a type of reinforcement learning, has been proposed [12]. VNE-TD defines the remaining amounts of node/link resources in the physical network as the state of the physical network and introduces a state value function for estimating the value (i.e., the expected total revenue obtained by the virtual network provider in the future) of the state of the physical network. The procedure for constructing a virtual network in VNE-TD is as follows. First, VNE-TD solves a node mapping problem, where we determine to which physical node each virtual node is mapped, using a conventional VNE algorithm (e.g., GRC-VNE [11]), and generates multiple candidate solutions. Then, from the candidate solutions, VNE-TD selects the solution that leads to the state of the physical network with the highest value after mapping the virtual network.

VNE-TD, however, does not consider whether the candidate solutions to the node mapping problem satisfy the resource constraints. Therefore, when constructing a virtual network based on the candidate solutions, embedding the virtual network may fail due to insufficient resources, resulting in a decrease in revenue for the virtual network provider.

In this paper, we modify VNE-TD to select only those candidate solutions that satisfy the resource constraints. We add a function to check the satisfiability of the node and link resource constraints to VNE-TD. This function eliminates physical nodes and links that do not have sufficient resources for mapping virtual nodes and links when generating candidate solutions to the node mapping problem, so that these physical nodes and links are not included in candidate solutions. The key contributions of this paper are summarized as follows.

1. We modify VNE-TD so that it has a function to check the satisfiability of the node resource constraint and the link resource constraint.

2. Simulation evaluations are conducted to evaluate the performance of the modified VNE-TD. The simulation results show that the performance is improved the most when both the node and link resources constraints are considered in VNE-TD.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we introduce related work on virtual network embedding. In Section 3, we describe the service model, network model, and revenue model of a virtual network provider assumed in this paper, followed by an explanation of the virtual network embedding problem addressed in this paper. In Section 4, we describe VNE-TD and its problem, followed by an explanation of our modified methods. In Section 5, we evaluate the performances of our modified methods through simulation evaluations. Finally, in Section 6, we conclude this paper.

2. Related Work

Many approaches were proposed to solve VNE problems [3-12]. Refs. [4-6] formulated VNE problems as integer linear programming problems (ILPs). Ref. [4] tackled an ILP to minimize the embedding cost and to maximize the acceptance ratio of VNRs. Refs. [5,6] studied an ILP to minimize the power consumption of the physical network. On the other hand, since ILPs are NP-hard, it is difficult to find the exact solutions of the ILPs.

In Refs. [7-12], heuristic algorithms were proposed to find solutions in shorter computation time. The existing algorithms are classified into offline algorithms [7-9] and online algorithms [10-12].

The offline algorithms [7-9] solve a VNE problem, assuming that all virtual network requests are known beforehand. Ref. [7] proposed a distributed VNE algorithm and a virtual network mapping protocol. Ref. [8] proposed a heuristic VNE algorithm based on a max-min ant colony metaheuristic. Ref. [9] proposed DPVNE, a distributed, parallel, and generic VNE framework. On the other hand, knowing all the requests for virtual networks beforehand is impractical.

The online algorithms [10-12] solve a VNE problem for each virtual network request in an online manner without prior knowledge about future requests for virtual networks. Ref. [10] proposed a heuristic VNE algorithm whose goal is to maximize the financial profit of the virtual network provider. The algorithm first solves the node mapping problem in a greedy manner by assigning the virtual nodes with larger node resource requests to the physical nodes with larger remaining node resources. Then, the algorithm solves the link mapping problem by assigning each virtual link to multiple physical routes (i.e., multipath routing). However, this VNE algorithm is not applicable to physical networks adopting single path routing protocols. Ref. [11] proposed a heuristic VNE algorithm called GRC-VNE. The algorithm adopts a metric called GRC (Global Resource Capacity) to quantify the embedding potential of every node. The algorithm first solves the node mapping problem in a greedy manner by assigning the virtual nodes with larger GRC values to the physical nodes with larger GRC values. The algorithm then solves the link mapping problem by using the shortest-path algorithm. Ref. [12] proposed a heuristic VNE algorithm (VNE-TD) based on temporal difference learning. VNE-TD generates multiple candidate solutions and selects the one with the highest value estimated using a state value function. The simulation results show that VNE-TD outperforms GRC-VNE. VNE-TD, however, does not consider the resource constraints when generating the multiple candidate solutions. Consequently, VNE-TD can cause VNE failures because of the lack of resources.

3. Virtual Network Embedding

3.1 Service Model

Network virtualization provides users with virtual networks embedded in a physical network. The users of virtual networks are assumed to be providers of network services that require high communication quality, such as live video streaming and online games. The service flow in network virtualization is shown below.

A user requests a virtual network provider to construct a virtual network. This request is called a virtual network request (VNR).

The virtual network provider attempts to construct the requested virtual network on the physical network. If it succeeds, the virtual network provider delivers the constructed virtual network to the user and receives a network usage charge from the user. If it fails, the virtual network provider informs the user.

A virtual network provider receives VNRs dynamically one after another. Therefore, the virtual network provider needs to construct and provide a virtual network in response to each VNR in an online manner.

3.2 Network Model

The lower left of Fig. 1 presents an example of a physical network. Each vertex of the physical network represents a physical node, and each edge represents a physical link. The numbers on the side of a physical node and a physical link represent the amount of remaining node resources (e.g., CPU, memory, and storage) and the amount of remaining link resources (e.g., bandwidth), respectively. For example, physical node B has 20 remaining node resources, which can be provided to virtual nodes, and physical link (A, B) has 60 remaining link resources, which can be provided to virtual links.

The upper left of Fig. 1 presents an example of a virtual network. Each vertex of the virtual network represents a virtual node, and each edge represents a virtual link. The numbers on the side of a virtual node and a virtual link represent the amount of requested node resources and the amount of requested link resources, respectively. For example, virtual node b requires five node resources on the physical node to which virtual node b is mapped, and virtual link (a, b) requires 20 link resources on the physical route to which virtual link (a, b) is mapped.

An example of mapping a virtual network onto a physical network is shown on the right side of Fig. 1. In this example, virtual nodes a, b and c are mapped to physical nodes A, B and D, respectively. The virtual link connecting virtual node a to virtual node b is mapped to a physical route that passes through physical link (A, B), the virtual link connecting virtual node a to virtual node c is mapped to a physical route that passes through physical link (A, D), and the virtual link connecting virtual node b to virtual node c is mapped to a physical route that passes through physical links (B, C) and (C, D).

Fig. 1. Network model.

3.3 Revenue Model

Similar to Ref. [11], the objective of the virtual network embedding in this paper is to maximize the long-term time-average revenue of the virtual network provider (Eq. (1)).

$ \begin{array}{c} \lim _{T\rightarrow \infty }\begin{array}{c} \frac{\sum _{k\in {K_{T}}}Rvn\left(k\right)}{T} \end{array} \end{array} $

where $K_{T}=\{k\,| \,0< t_{k}< T\}$ denotes the set of identifiers of virtual network requests that arrived by time T, $t_{k}$ denotes the arrival time of the $k$th arriving virtual network request (VNR $k$), and $Rvn\left(k\right)$ denotes the revenue obtained by embedding VNR k. $Rvn\left(k\right)$ is calculated as the weighted sum of the amount of node and link resources used by VNR $k$ (Eq. (2))

$\begin{align} Rvn\left(k\right)=\begin{cases} \eta \sum _{v\in V^{k}}NR\left(v\right)+\beta \sum _{e\in E^{k}}LR\left(e\right)\\ if\,\,VNR\,\,k\,\,is\,\,accepted\\ 0if\,\,VNR\,\,k\,\,is\,\,blocked \end{cases} \end{align} $

where $V^{k}$ is the set of virtual nodes in VNR $k$, $E^{k}$ is the set of virtual links in VNR $k$, $NR\left(v\right)$ is the amount of node resources requested by virtual node $v$, $LR\left(e\right)$ is the amount of link resources requested by virtual link $e$, $\eta $ is the unit price of node resource, and $\beta $ is the unit price of the link resource.

3.4 Virtual Network Embedding Problem

The virtual network embedding problem tackled in this paper is described as follows.

● Input:

A newly arriving VNR

● Output:

Whether the VNR can be embedded in the physical network. (If the VNR can be embedded, it is provided to the user.)

● Objective function:

To maximize the total revenue of the virtual network provider (the numerator of Eq. (1))

● Constraints:

1. Node resource constraint:

Each virtual node can only be mapped to a physical node that has sufficient remaining node resources.

2. Link resource constraint:

Each virtual link can only be mapped to a physical route that has sufficient remaining link resources on all the physical links along the route.

4. Modification of the Conventional Virtual Network Embedding Algorithm

4.1 VNE-TD (Virtual Network Embedding Algorithm based on Temporal-difference Learning)

VNE-TD, proposed in Ref. [12], is a virtual network embedding algorithm using TD learning. VNE-TD uses the state value function $V$ to estimate the expected value of the cumulative revenue obtained by the virtual network provider in the future and constructs a virtual network so that the expected value is as high as possible.

Fig. 2 presents the interaction between the agent and environment in VNE-TD. In VNE-TD, the agent corresponds to the virtual network provider, and the environment corresponds to the physical network and VNR, respectively. The state of the environment, the agent's action, and the reward that the agent gains from the environment are defined as follows. The state of the environment corresponds to the remaining resources in the physical network. The state is represented by a vector whose elements are the amounts of remaining resources of all physical nodes and links (normalized based on the maximum amounts of remaining resources). The agent's action corresponds to how the current VNR is embedded in the physical network (mapping solution). The reward corresponds to the revenue obtained from the current VNR (Eq. (2)).

Fig. 2. Interaction between the agent and the environment in VNE-TD.

VNE-TD uses the state value function $V$ to estimate the expected value of the cumulative revenue $V(s_{k+1})$ obtained by the virtual network provider in the future at state $s_{k+1}$ of the physical network, which corresponds to the state after mapping the current VNR k. The state value function $V$ is approximated using a neural network in order to appropriately estimate the values for states that have never been experienced. The estimation accuracy of the state value function $V$ is improved by learning based on the experiences ($s_{k},\,\,r_{k},\,\,s_{k+1}$) obtained in virtual network embeddings in the past. The stochastic gradient descent (SGD) method is used to train the state value function $V$. The SGD method updates the parameter vector $\vec{p}_{k}$ of the neural network using the experiences ($s_{k},\,\,r_{k},\,\,s_{k+1}$) in the past, which are stored in an experience buffer, based on Eq. (3) so that the TD error (the difference between $r_{k+1}+\gamma V\left(s_{k+1}\right)$ and $V\left(s_{k}\right)$) is minimized.

$ \begin{array}{c} \vec{p}_{k+1}=\vec{p}_{k}+\alpha \left[r_{k+1}+\gamma V\left(s_{k+1}\right)-V\left(s_{k}\right)\right]\nabla _{{\vec{p}_{k}}}V\left(s_{k}\right) \end{array} $

where $\alpha $ is the learning rate, $\gamma $ is the discount rate of the reward, and $\nabla _{{\vec{p}_{k}}}V\left(s_{k}\right)$ is the gradient of $V\left(s_{k}\right)$ with respect to $\vec{p}_{k}$.

Fig. 3 presents the algorithm of VNE-TD. In VNE-TD, GC-GRC algorithm (Fig. 4) is first used to generate $L$ candidate solutions for the node mapping problem in order to decrease the calculation time of a mapping solution (line 2 in Fig. 1). In GC-GRC, a GRC value [12] is calculated for each physical node in the physical network before performing node mapping. The GRC value of a physical node represents its embedding potential and is calculated based on the amount of remaining node resources of the physical node and the amounts of remaining link resources of the physical links connected to the physical node. VNE-TD then selects the candidate solution that leads to the state of the physical network with the highest expected value of the cumulative revenue of the physical network after mapping the current VNR (lines 5 to 24 in Fig. 3). For the link mapping problem, the shortest path method is used to determine the physical route to be assigned to each virtual link. When VNE-TD finishes embedding the current VNR, it stores the experience obtained this time to the experience buffer (line 25). Finally, it trains the state value function $V$ based on past experiences (line 26).

Fig. 3. Algorithm of VNE-TD.
Fig. 4. Algorithm of GC-GRC.

4.2 Modification of VNE-TD

VNE-TD does not consider whether or not the candidate solutions to the node mapping problem satisfy both the node resource constraint and the link resource constraint when selecting the candidate solutions. Therefore, when constructing a virtual network based on the candidate solutions, the embedding of the virtual network may fail because of insufficient node or link resources.

Fig. 5 gives examples of failures of VNE due to non-consideration of the node/link resource constraints in VNE-TD. In these examples, a virtual network consisting of three nodes and three links is embedded in a physical network consisting of five nodes and six links. In candidate solution 1 (upper right of Fig. 5), virtual nodes a, b and c are mapped to physical nodes A, B and E, respectively. In this case, the VNE fails because of the lack of remaining node resource at physical node B. In candidate solution 2 (lower right of Fig. 5), virtual nodes a, b and c are mapped to physical nodes E, C and D, respectively. In this case, the node resource constraint is satisfied. For link mapping, virtual links (a, b), (a, c) and (b, c) are mapped to the physical route passing through physical link (E, C), the physical route passing through physical link (E, D) and the physical route passing through physical link (C, D), respectively. In this case, the VNE fails because of the lack of remaining link resources at physical links (E, D) and (C, D).

In this paper, in order to improve the performance of VNE-TD, we modify VNE-TD so that it has a function to check the satisfiability of the node resource constraint and the link resource constraint.

In our modified VNE-TD, Resource-Constraint-Aware GC-GRC (Fig. 6) is used instead of GC-GRC (Fig. 4) when finding candidate solutions for node mapping in line 2 of Fig. 3. As a physical node to which virtual node $j$ is mapped, the Resource-Constraint-Aware GC-GRC selects only those physical nodes that can satisfy both the node resource constraint and the link resource constraint (lines 8 to 17 in Fig. 6) instead of all physical nodes. The function isRscCstSatisfied (Fig. 7) checks whether the node and link resource constraints are satisfied when virtual node $j$ is mapped to physical node $l$. The function isRscCstSatisfied first checks whether the node resource constraint is satisfied in lines 1 to 3. Here, $NR^{v}\left(j\right)$ is the amount of node resource requested by virtual node $j$ and $NR^{p}\left(l\right)$ is the amount of remaining node resource of physical node $l$. Then, the function isRscCstSatisfied checks whether the link resource constraint is satisfied for each of virtual links that are set up between virtual node $j$ and the virtual nodes that have already been mapped to physical nodes in lines 4 to 11. Here, $LR^{v}\left(j,m\right)$ is the amount of link resource requested by virtual link $\left(j,m\right)$.

Fig. 5. Examples of failures of VNE due to non-consideration of resource constraints in VNE-TD.
Fig. 6. Algorithm of Resource-Constraint-Aware GC-GRC.
Fig. 7. Algorithm of function isRscCstSatisfied().

5. Performance Evaluation

5.1 Parameter Settings

We evaluate the performances of our modified methods by computer simulation. We use the following three modified methods: 1) NLRC-VNE-TD (Node and Link Resource Constraints aware VNE-TD): Both the node and link resource constraints are considered and the function isRscCstSatisfied (Fig. 7) is used as is, 2) NRC-VNE-TD (Node Resource Constraint aware VNE-TD): only the node resource constraint is considered and the link resource constraint is not considered (i.e., lines 4 to 11 in the function isRscCstSatisfied in Fig. 7 are commented out), 3) LRC-VNE-TD (Link Resource Constraint aware VNE-TD): only the link resource constraint is considered and the node resource constraint is not considered (i.e., lines 1 to 3 in the function isRscCstSatisfied in Fig. 7 are commented out). VNE-TD is used for comparison.

Table 1 lists the parameter settings for the simulations. We developed a VNE simulator using OpenAI Gym [14]. We implemented the neural network representing the state value function $V$ using Keras [15]. We used the Waxman model as the topology generation model for the physical network. We used the Erdos-Renyi model as the topology generation model for virtual networks.

In the simulations, VNRs arrive dynamically, and their arrival intervals follow an exponential distribution with an average of one second. The holding times of the constructed virtual networks follow an exponential distribution with an average of 70 seconds. The total number of VNRs is set to 10000.

In order to evaluate the effect of the ratio of the amount of node resources to the amount of link resources on the performances of the VNE methods, we set the amount of node resource provided by a physical node as follows: Case 1) uniformly distributed over the integers from 10 to 100, Case 2) uniformly distributed over the integers from 5 to 50 and Case 3) uniformly distributed over the integers from 40 to 400.

We use blocking ratio of VNRs and revenue of virtual network provider as performance metrics. The blocking ratio of VNRs is the ratio of the number of VNRs that failed to be embedded in the physical network to the number of all the VNRs. The revenue of a virtual network provider is the revenue per second earned by the virtual network provider.

Table 1. Parameter Settings.



Number of physical nodes


Number of physical links


Node resource provided by a physical node

Case 1: [10:100]

Case 2: [5:50]

Case 3: [40:400]

Link resource provided by a physical link


Number of virtual nodes

Case 1: [2:50]

Case 2: [2:40]

Case 3: [2:60]

Probability to connect a pair of virtual nodes with a virtual link in the Erdos-Renyi model


Node resource requested by a virtual node


Link resource requested by a virtual link


Inter-arrival time of VNR

Exponential distribution with an average of 1 [s]

Holding time of VNR

Exponential distribution with an average of 70 [s]

Number of candidate solutions


Number of hidden layers in the neural network


Number of neurons in a hidden layer


Activation function


Experience buffer size


Batch size


Learning rate


5.2 Evaluation Results

Fig. 8 presents the blocking ratio of every method in Case 1. The horizontal axis represents the elapsed simulation time. Compared to VNE-TD, NLRC-VNE-TD reduces the blocking ratio by approximately 57%, suggesting that the blocking ratio of VNE-TD can be improved by considering the node and link resource constraints. Compared to VNE-TD, NRC-VNE-TD and LRC-VNE-TD reduce the blocking ratio by approximately 4% and 17%, respectively, suggesting that considering only one resource constraint can also improve the blocking ratio of VNE-TD.

Fig. 9 presents the blocking ratio of every method in Case 2. Compared to VNE-TD, NLRC-VNE-TD and NRC-VNE-TD reduce the blocking ratio by approximately 80% and 41%, respectively. On the other hand, LRC-VNE-TD shows a comparable blocking ratio compared to VNE-TD. This is explained as follows. In Case 2, the amount of node resources is relatively small, and the leading cause of blocking in VNE is the lack of node resources. LRC-VNE-TD does not consider the node resource constraint, and consequently it cannot avoid the blocking in VNE because of the lack of node resources.

Fig. 10 shows the blocking ratio of every method in Case 3. Compared to VNE-TD, NLRC-VNE-TD and LRC-VNE-TD reduce the blocking ratio by approximately 44% and 41%, respectively. On the other hand, NRC-VNE-TD shows a comparable blocking ratio compared to VNE-TD. This is because the amount of link resources is relatively small in Case 3, and NRC-VNE-TD does not consider the link resource constraint. Consequently, it cannot avoid the blocking in VNE because of the lack of link resources.

Figs. 11-13 present the revenue of virtual network provider for every method in Cases 1, 2 and 3, respectively. In Fig. 11, compared to VNE-TD, NLRC-VNE-TD and NRC-VNE-TD achieve approximately 1.57 and 1.07 times higher revenues, respectively. On the other hand, LRC-VNE-TD shows similar revenue to VNE-TD. This situation can be explained through the fact that LRC-VNE-TD successfully embeds more VNRs than VNE-TD, but the resource requirement per VNR (i.e., the revenue from a single VNR) of LRC-VNE-TD is smaller than that of VNE-TD. In Fig. 12, similar to Fig. 9, NLRC-VNE-TD and NRC-VNE-TD achieve approximately 2.84 and 2.09 times higher revenue than VNE-TD, respectively while LRC-VNE-TD shows comparable revenue compared to VNE-TD. In Fig. 13, similar to Fig. 10, NLRC-VNE-TD and LRC-VNE-TD achieve approximately 1.47 and 1.43 times higher revenues than VNE-TD, respectively whereas NRC-VNE-TD shows comparable revenue compared to VNE-TD.

These results show that the blocking ratio and the revenue of the virtual network provider are improved the most when both the node and link resources constraints are considered in VNE-TD.

Fig. 8. Blocking ratio in Case 1.
Fig. 9. Blocking ratio in Case 2.
Fig. 10. Blocking ratio in Case 3.
Fig. 11. Revenue per second in Case 1.
Fig. 12. Revenue per second in Case 2.
Fig. 13. Revenue per second in Case 3.

6. Conclusion

In this paper, we have modified VNE-TD to select only those candidate solutions that satisfy the node and link resource constraints. The simulation results confirms that the blocking ratio of virtual network requests and the revenue of virtual network provider are improved the most when both the node and link resources constraints are considered in VNE-TD.

One of our future works is to evaluate the scalability of VNE-TD.


This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP23K11065.


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Yukinobu FUKUSHIMA received the B.E., M.E. and Ph.D. degrees from Osaka University, Japan, in 2001, 2003 and 2006, respectively. He is currently an associate professor of the Faculty of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University. His research interest includes knowledge-defined networking and network virtualization. He is a member of IEICE, IEEE and ACM.
Yuta SAGAWA received an B.E. and M.E. degree in Engineering from Okayama University in 2018 and 2021. His research interest includes virtual network embedding.
Yuya TARUTANI received an B.E., M.E. and Ph.D. degree in Information Science and Technology from Osaka University in 2010, 2012 and 2014, respectively. He was an assistant professor in cybermedia center at Osaka University from Oct. 2014 to Nov. 2018. He is currently an assistant professor in Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering in Health Systems at Okayama University. His research interest includes communication network, design of control method with IoT devices, and network security in IoT network. He is a Member of IEICE and IEEE.
Tokumi YOKOHIRA received the B.E., M.E. and Ph.D. degrees in information and computer sciences from Osaka University, Osaka, Japan, in 1984, 1986 and 1989, respectively. He was an academic of Okayama University from April 1989 to March 2018. Since April 2018, he has been a professor of Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering in Health Systems of the same university. His present research interests include highly distributed cloud computing environment, design of virtual networks, technologies to upgrade the speed of the Internet and technologies to increase the fault tolerance of the Internet. He is a member of the IEEE Computer and Communication Societies, the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers Inc. and Information Processing Society of Japan.