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  1. (Jingdezhen University, Jingdezhen 333000, China )

Ceramic art design, Artificial intelligence, Innovative thinking, Interactive technology

1. Introduction

Ceramic art is a synthesis of traditional culture and modern art, with a long history of development occupying an important position in entire cultural industries. With the increasingly rich cultural and spiritual life of the masses, people have higher requirements in ceramic art design. Ceramic art design not only needs better visual image effects but a certain degree of innovation as well. The role of innovative thinking in ceramic art and design in the ceramics development process is becoming increasingly significant. With the deepening development of science and technology, AI technology has continuously penetrated various aspects of production and people’s lives, such as furniture, transportation, medical treatment, etc. It has important application value, and art design is gradually developing towards intelligence. AI technology can effectively help innovation in ceramic art design thinking, can improve design efficiency and design effect while retaining product culture, and achieves design goals quickly and effectively through intelligent analysis.

Ceramics has a long history, and innovative design is of great significance for sustainable development of the cultural ceramics industry. Using shapes, forms, and other important elements in ceramic art and design can inspire knowledge that can promote diversification of local ceramic products and promote the development of ceramic product design for local community identity and culture [1]. Starting from style characteristics of product design, Wang interpreted ceramic decorative art, and studied the combination of ceramics design and creative thinking. In the design process, creative thinking was used to showcase the value of the product, which could provide inexhaustible power for innovations in, and development of, product design [2]. Song suggested that current innovative thinking in ceramics design should focus on strengthening product style and individuality, rethinking modern design and application of traditional cultural ceramics elements. This not only relates to the inheritance of the ceramics industry, but also to historical continuation of the Chinese culture [3]. Zhao started with stacking design and combined it with ceramic art creation. He broke through the consistent expression of ceramic works and created ceramics with strong functionality, decoration, and no lack of ethnic characteristics, and promoted the development of ceramic art towards ethnic architecture [4]. Ceramic art design has developed well, but the increased demand for ceramics by the public means ceramic art design needs appropriate innovation and optimization. Research to date did not take into account diversification in ceramic art design.

The development of science and technology has provided more possibilities for exploration of innovative thinking in ceramic art design. Zeng proposed a curve-fitting ceramic art design technology based on an adaptive genetic algorithm, and compared the adaptive genetic algorithm with curve tools for curve fitting. Research showed that compared to other algorithms, the adaptive genetic algorithm could effectively reduce the original iteration count by 30.14\%, and this method could be effectively applied to the process of ceramic art pattern design [5]. Huang et al. proposed a patterned glass-ceramic design based on high brightness and high-color-quality, laser-driven lighting. Through experiments, they found that this method could give ceramics good chroma tunability, and reduces serious photon reabsorption [6]. With the assistance of science and technology, innovative thinking in ceramic art and design developed further, but most research has not combined problems in actual design with AI techniques to provide more effective guidance for ceramic art and design.

Most studies have not integrated issues in ceramic art and design with artificial intelligence technology to provide more effective guidance

In order to improve ceramic product design and achieve innovative developments in ceramics, in-depth research on innovative thinking in ceramic art design using AI technology was conducted and evaluated for its effectiveness from four aspects: visual image, product value, functional utility, and innovation. By using AI technology, ceramics designs maintained good results in terms of visual image, product value, functional utility, and innovation. In practical applications, AI-based innovative thinking in ceramic art design showed strong feasibility. To date, most research has focused on improving ceramics design processes and processes using artificial intelligence technology, but lacked innovative thinking. The innovations in this article combine artificial intelligence algorithms to achieve interaction between designers and design variables, broadening designers’ thinking and achieving intelligent design based on accurate analysis of consumer needs. This has important practical significance for promoting developments and innovations in the ceramics arts in the AI era.

2. Ceramic Art Design under AI

2.1 Innovative Thinking

2.1.1 Ceramic Art

Created with water, fire, and soil, ceramics has a long history originating from the Neolithic Age. In ancient times, ceramics was a necessity in people’s daily lives, representing their need for esthetics and practicality in life [7]. After long-term practice and evolution, ceramics has become an important symbol of traditional culture and modern art [8]. With the development of ceramic art, it has gradually transformed from a daily necessity into an important tool for expressing emotions and carrying ideological and cultural values. Ceramics gradually developed its own unique artistic esthetics and social value [9]. With the continuous development of ceramic art, it has gradually become an innovative cultural form. Due to its stable and unchangeable characteristics, ceramic art has now been used in various artistic creations, thus fully reflecting the humanistic and economic aspects of ceramics.

Ceramic art has continuously developed throughout history. From simple ceramic vessels to exquisite porcelain, from ovens to machine manufacturing, and from ancient to modern times, it has been loved and pursued by a large number of people. Among them, ceramics is not only a traditional form of art, but a cultural inheritance. It not only continues the craftsmanship and creative spirit of ancestors, but becomes more rich and profound with the changes in dynasties, thus making ceramic art an important symbol of an era. The development and evolution of ceramic art in its unique forms showcases an understanding of society and culture, and reflects the state of social and cultural development as well as the living habits and standards of people at different times.

Ceramics combines practicality and esthetics, creating a pleasing sensation through shape, color, materials, and inherent beauty. Practicality is the foundation of pottery, while esthetics and symbols are the soul of pottery. With the development of society, quality of life for the masses continues to improve, and people have new requirements from both spiritual and cultural aspects. For ceramic art, people are no longer satisfied with its esthetic and symbolic nature, but pay more attention to innovation in design thinking. On the basis of improving existing ceramics, enterprises continue to develop new varieties with higher requirements for the design of ceramic products.

2.1.2 Design Innovation

Innovation thinking emphasizes putting people first in the designs, paying attention to people’s needs and expectations, while fully considering factors such as customer personality, behavioral habits, and social environment in order to achieve the perfect value from design. Design thinking is a kind of creative thinking [10]. Innovation in design thinking includes original design, improved design, and vacancy design. Original design innovation requires designers to integrate creative ideas and thinking into the design process, while also considering the needs of social development, so that the ultimately formed creative works can meet the needs of consumers. Improved design innovation requires designers to improve existing products in order to achieve better product performance and user experience; vacant design innovation refers to designers not fully considering the needs of social development. There are deficiencies or imperfections in some product functions, resulting in defects in the use of the product. This is also very important innovative thinking. Specifically, the important role of design innovation thinking in ceramic art can be manifested at three levels.

a) Improving Artistic Appearance

Ceramic products on the market are identical, and people often hesitate to buy. Therefore, designers need to change their design concepts and strive to incorporate innovative elements. Designers can create different shapes based on the age of end users, and design new shapes for different ceramic applications to provide customers with more choices and promote the sale of ceramic products.

b) Enhancing Value

The reason ceramic products with extremely high historical value have attracted more attention lies in the methods used in the design process, which can fully demonstrate the cultural characteristics of their era. Therefore, innovation in design thinking can effectively enhance the value of ceramic products and make them more contemporary.

c) Enhancing Practicality

When using ceramic products, people often pay more attention to their practical value, which requires designers to continuously personalize and innovate designs while meeting consumer needs. In this process, as long as ceramic products are closer to meeting the needs of the end users, people have greater recognition of the design. For example, ceramics used in daily life are relatively bulky, so designers should pay attention to comfort in using ceramic products when designing them. At this point, designers should fully consider the impact of ergonomics. For example, when designing a pot handle, it is important to consider the length of the handle and comfort in the grip. In addition, more attention should be paid to the smoothness in the connection between the handle and the body in order to improve the user experience.

2.1.3 Requirements Evaluation

The key to ceramic art design lies in the artistic conception and creation, and every design should be a new realm. Design work cannot be static. However, due to the wide audience and development direction of ceramic art, its design must take into account the practical issue of market demand. This leads to a contradiction between independence in design innovation and identity from mass production. Therefore, designers need to spend time combining artistic esthetics to think about the original meaning of the product, while also adapting to the practical problem of industrial production. Original design refers to the fact that when designing ceramic art, designers must adhere to the principle of identity reproduction. That is to say, ceramic art designers must integrate their own creative thinking and design into every detail of ceramic art works to make them artistic and esthetically pleasing. Therefore, ceramic art designers should pay attention to creative thinking and design that not only takes into account the artistic and esthetic aspects of ceramic works but factors such as functionality, economy, and modernity to ensure that ceramic artwork has stronger practicality and higher ornamental value.

a) Functionality

Products without practical value cannot succeed in the market. The same goes for ceramic art, which is closely related to people’s lives. People need ceramics because they can better meet people’s daily and esthetic needs. If a product can meet certain requirements and achieve certain functions, it can be said that the product meets the principle of functionality. The starting point in designing ceramic products is centered around functionality. Without function, any creation would lose its meaning. Outstanding ceramic artworks often focus on practical functions when they are created. Many good ceramic designs not only have innovative creativity but also pay more attention to a functional role. In terms of styling, many works change shape to increase and highlight functional features. Therefore, in ceramic design creation, functionality should be focused on, which is also the basis and premise of innovative thinking in ceramic art design.

b) Economy

Ceramic art is a commodity that prioritizes meeting people’s daily needs, and it serves a wide audience. Therefore, in ceramic art design, both the relationship with people’s lives and economic factors should be considered. In this sense, economy refers to the design of products that need to be popularized and affordable for the public to consume. If the production process of a ceramic art product is complex and expensive, even if it has a unique design, it will still be difficult for the public to consume and will lose market share. Therefore, in the innovation of ceramic art design, it is necessary to consider economic factors, especially the production process. Otherwise, even well-designed ceramics cannot reflect economic benefits and popularity if the production process is cumbersome and costly. Therefore, the principle of economy should be implemented in ceramic art design, which is also of universal significance in contemporary design.

c) Contemporaneity

The modern information society has promoted rapid updating of esthetic ideas. In ceramic art design, it is necessary to fully consider the impact of the rapid development of modern society on people’s esthetic concepts, and to face the current trend of high-tech and information technology development. During the creative process, the contemporary nature of ceramic art requires designers to consider the uncertain factors that are inherent in the work itself, and the new ideas brought about by the development of science and information technology. In contemporary ceramic art, it is necessary to integrate these uncertain factors and new ideas into its creation, and to combine inheritance and innovation to ensure that the designed work has strong vitality.

2.2 Artificial Intelligence

AI is an emerging technology that simulates, expands, and upgrades the principles, technologies, and application systems of human intelligence. The concept of AI mainly includes two levels: intelligence and artificiality [11]. Between them, artificiality means that is goes against nature. The term intelligence encompasses a broader category. With the development of modern society, AI technology plays an increasingly important role in the field of art and design [12,13].

Currently, there are two ways to research AI. One is based on information technology, with the goal of achieving machine learning and memory; another approach is to use methods such as artificial neural networks to simulate biological intelligence and obtain intelligence features [14]. Man is the only animal with intellectual characteristics. Studying the structure and working methods of the human brain and neural networks is an important direction for the future development of AI [15]. With the development of AI theory, interaction technology is also undergoing tremendous changes. The principle of interaction technology is that the operator inputs relevant instructions into the machine through an input device in one or more modalities, and then the machine feeds back the information to the operator through an output device or display device. Interaction technology is the most direct means of communication between humans and machines, which enables operators to quickly obtain information and control machines more effectively. At the same time, interaction technology can also achieve human-machine interaction through interfaces, thereby improving intelligence in the machines. With the rapid development of computer networks, AI, and other technologies, the intelligence and automation in machines are becoming increasingly high-level. Based on AI theory combined with interaction technology, the ceramic art innovation design framework is shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1. The ceramic art design innovation framework.

In Fig. 1, we can see that the innovative thinking model for ceramic art design explored in this article mainly consists of five parts: design goal input, design variable analysis, data organization and classification, feature extraction, and task requirement positioning. Among them, the input of design objectives mainly includes the design objective’s definition, a user requirement analysis, and idea generation; design variable analysis mainly includes creative evaluation and screening; data organization and classification includes prototype design; feature extraction includes iteration and optimization design; and task requirement positioning includes technical realization. Ceramic art design innovation is a new thinking model with polynomial characteristics. It considers $s$ ceramic art design innovation variables. Each variable has an integrable output and input signal. The input-output relationship of design variables can be expressed as follows:

$ \left(f_{n}\cdot x_{n}y_{n}\right)\left(t\right)=f_{n}\left[x_{n}y_{n}\left(t\right)\right],\,\,\,s=1,2,\cdots ,n $

In the formula, $x_{n}$ and $y_{n}$ are the input and output of $n$’th design variables, respectively.

The interaction between designers and design variables is achieved through model connections. The set of all connections is defined as $L$. $Out_{L}$ is the design variable for transmitting output; $In_{L}$ is the design variable for transmitting input.

It is assumed that the input relationship between design variables and design objective $d_{n}\left(t\right)$ is as follows:

$ x_{n}\left(t\right)=d_{n}\left(t\right)+{\sum }_{L=I_{n}}^{\alpha _{L}}\,y\,\mathrm{Out}_{\mathrm{L}}\left(t\right),\,\,\,s=1,2,\cdots ,n $

The output relationship between design variables and design objective $d_{n}\left(t\right)$ is as follows:

$ y_{n}\left(t\right)=f_{n}\left[d_{n}\left(t\right)+{\sum }_{L=I_{n}}^{\alpha _{L}}y\mathrm{Out}_{\mathrm{L}}\left(t\right)\right],\,\,\,s=1,2,\cdots ,n $

Among them, $\alpha _{L}$ is the connection weight, and $I_{n}$ is the input connection set for the $n$’th design variable.

Due to its non-linear nature, $d_{n}\left(t\right)$ is highly susceptible to external interference that affects its correctness. Therefore, it needs to be optimized.

For the optimization problem with $s$ design variables and $m$ optimization objectives, if the constraint conditions are ignored, its form can be expressed as follows:

$ \min _{N\in \delta }g\left(N\right)=\left(g_{1}\left(s\right),g_{2}\left(s\right),\cdots ,g_{m}\left(s\right)\right) $

The formula is

$ N=\left(1,2,\cdots m\right)\in \delta \subseteq R^{s} $

In formulas 4 and 5, $N$ is the vector composed of design variables, $\delta $ is the feasible domain, and $g\left(N\right)$ is the optimization objective vector. Under the optimization goal, the key to the implementation process of innovative thinking in ceramic art design based on AI lies in the rational and effective use of design software to reproduce creativity, which transforms abstract creativity into concrete forms to achieve optimization of ceramic art design. This is a complex and detailed process that involves multiple disciplines, including art, architecture, craftsmanship, materials science, and so on. Designers can help themselves better understand design ideas and make improvements by utilizing thinking models to reproduce creativity.

Specifically, in the process of ceramic art design, the use of thinking models can achieve objective analysis of design variables. The final results not only provide designers with more creative sources, but also expand the scope of design. This can help designers fully consider the local effects that the artwork itself can produce, and the possible effects that the work may elaborate on in a larger scale when creating it. After classifying the relevant design variables and the data as a whole, designers can extract elements from different categories and generate a set of element resources. Designers can make reasonable applications of various types based on actual design needs.

In addition, the innovative design thinking model of ceramic art based on AI technology can bring the needs of end users into the design process. Combined with interactive technology, designers can use market data to analyze consumer orientation and behavior. At the same time, it is also possible to mine and develop potential demand data, classify the data as a whole, extract product information features, accurately convey them to consumers, and locate their task requirements based on a deep understanding and analysis of the product. A detailed and thorough design process can provide clear manufacturing ideas for later digital manufacturing, which greatly reduces the repetitiveness of the design process and improves design efficiency. In order to better analyze end user interactions and serve them, introducing artificial intelligence can not only effectively and conveniently mine and analyze data, but also promotes more diverse forms of information transmission and stronger real-time interactivity. While improving the user experience, it also makes ceramic art and design innovation more intelligent.

3. Innovative Thinking in Ceramic Art Design based on AI

To verify the effectiveness of AI-based innovative thinking for ceramic art and design, this article applied the model to industrial production of daily ceramic products by a ceramic enterprise in the first quarter of 2022, and randomly selected 12 products from 2618 finished products (numbered 1 to 12 in this article). Effectiveness was evaluated from four aspects: visual image, product value, functional utility, and innovation. Six experts rated the effectiveness of product designs\textemdash{}two professors in ceramic design and production, two ceramic product designers with more than five years of experience, and two technical personnel in the industrial production of ceramic products. The scoring standard was 10 points; the higher the score, the better the effect of art and design. To ensure objectivity in the results, the average of all scores was recorded.

3.1 Visual Image

The visual image of a ceramic art design is generally influenced by spatial arrangement, color tone processing, and element matching. Reasonable spatial arrangement, balanced color tone processing, and harmonious element matching are of great significance when improving a ceramic art design.

Fig. 2 summarizes evaluations of the visual images of the different products designed under the innovative thinking model. On the horizontal axis the numbers 1 to 12 represent the finished products from model design, and on the vertical axis, 6 to 10 is the range of expert evaluations of visual images on the products. In Fig. 2, the overall visual image of ceramic products designed under AI-based innovative thinking scored at least seven points. The average score for the spatial arrangement of the finished products was 7.81 points, the average score for tone treatment was 8.23 points, and the average score for element matching was 8.31 points. From the ratings for visual image, we can see that with the support of AI, the innovative thinking model of ceramic art design effectively assists the visual image of ceramic products. From data analysis of the design variables, the spatial arrangement, color tone processing, and element matching in the ceramics were relatively balanced.

Fig. 2. Visual image ratings.

3.2 Product Value

The value of ceramic products is mainly economic. For ceramic art, the economic value of products mainly consists of design value, production value, and preservation value. Combined with the design process, the scoring results for design value, production value, and preservation value of the different finished products are shown in Fig. 3.

From Fig. 3, we can see that under the AI technology innovative thinking model, the value rating of ceramic art and design was generally higher. Among them, the average design value score of the finished products was 8.29 points, the average production value score was 8.37 points, and the average preservation value score was 7.89 points. From the perspective of overall product value, design value and production value were relatively high. This is mainly because under the proposed model, ceramic design and production are more standardized and detailed. Compared to the design value and production value, the preservation value score was relatively low, which might be influenced by ceramic production technology.

Fig. 3. Product value scoring results.

3.3 Functional Utility

As a comprehensive art form, the main functional utility of ceramic art is esthetic and symbolic. With the continuous popularization of ceramic culture in public life, in the design process, it is not only necessary to ensure that the shape, materials, and patterns have certain esthetic and symbolic functions, but products also need to ensure certain practical functions. Fig. 4 shows the functional utility scoring for the products designed under the innovative thinking model.

On the horizontal axis of Fig. 4, the numbers 1 to 12 represent the order of finished products in the design, and on the vertical axis, numbers 7 to 10 represent the range of expert evaluations for functional utility of the products. From Fig. 4, we can see that under the guidance of innovative thinking in ceramic art design based on AI, the esthetic function, symbolic function, and practical function of the designed products achieved high-scoring results. Among them, the average score for the esthetic function of the products was 8.20 points, the average score for the symbolic function was 8.11 points, and the practical function of the products reached 8.01 points. The average score for utility from the three types of functions was above 8 points. We can see that with the support of AI technology in the design process, the esthetic, symbolic, and practical aspects of ceramic art can be effectively utilized.

Fig. 4. Functional utility scoring.

3.4 Innovation

Innovation in ceramic art is mainly reflected in content, form, and concept. In the design process, innovation in content and form can be achieved by expanding the design elements, while innovation in the concept needs to be combined with the ceramic market and consumer needs. Fig. 5 summarizes the scoring results for the different products designed under the innovative thinking model.

On the horizontal axis of Fig. 5, the numbers 1 to 12 represent the finished products, and on the vertical axis, 7 to 10 represent the range of expert evaluations for innovation in product design. The average scores for innovation in product content, form, and concept were 8.04 points, 8.16 points, and 8.23 points, respectively. From the results, we can see that under AI technology, innovation in the concepts of the finished products was highly rated and highly correlated with market data analysis and consumer demand analysis of interactive technology. With the assistance of objective data analysis, designers can more accurately grasp the concepts that ceramic art needs to convey during the design process, thus making the finished product itself innovative in the market.

Fig. 5. Innovation rating results.

Table 1 summarizes the results of the proposed method in terms of visual image, product value, functional utility, and innovation.

From Table 1, we can see that the method proposed in this article had relatively ideal performance in terms of visual image, product value, functional utility, and innovation.

Table 1. Summary of experiment results.



Score result

Visual image

Spatial arrangement


Color tone processing


Element matching


Product value

Design value


Production value


Preservation value


Functional utility

Esthetic function


Symbolic function


Practical functions



Design content


Design form


Design concept


4. Conclusion

Ceramic art is closely related to the cultural life of the masses. With the development of cultural industry and the progress of science and technology, esthetic and artistic needs of the masses are also constantly changing. As an important component of public art, ceramics not only needs to have esthetic functions, but also needs to continuously integrate modern elements, and achieve development and innovation in the art market. To demonstrate artistic value and characteristics in ceramic art and to promote sustainable development, this article presented in-depth research on innovation design using AI technology, and further enhanced the visual image and product value of ceramic art through the innovative thinking model. In addition, to ensure the functional effectiveness of the designed product, innovation in its design was enhanced, which improved ceramic art design in terms of content, form, and concept. Although the research on innovative thinking in ceramic art design based on AI had a certain guiding role in promoting the development of ceramic art innovation, there were still limitations in the research process for this article. There is a wide range of ceramic art types, and the innovative thinking in this paper only focuses on daily-use ceramic products, so the evaluation method still needs improvement. Future research would continuously improve the content of innovative thinking practice and the evaluation of ceramic art innovation and development, and would broaden research perspectives to promote continuous development of ceramic art in the modern market.


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Baoqing Zhang

Baoqing Zhang received her bachelor’s degree in Ceramic Art design from Jingdezhen Ceramic University in 2003 and her master’s degree in Software Engineering from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China in 2013. Currently, he is an associate professor in the Department of Ceramic Design, School of Ceramic Art and Design, Jingdezhen University. He has been invited to host academic lectures on ceramic art design for many times. He has hosted many provincial scientific research projects related to ceramic design and ceramic education, and has published nearly 20 core papers in domestic and foreign journals. His main research areas include ceramic art design, ceramic painting, modern pottery production, blue and white painting, art education, etc.