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  1. (Airport Management College, Guangzhou Civil Aviation College, Guangzhou, 510403, China )

CNN, MFD algorithm, CED algorithm, Security equipment, Millimeter-wave

1. Introduction

Civil aviation security has recently been enhanced as a result of the expanding civil aviation sector [1-3]. Prohibited products have been announced, and security protocols have been stricter. Civil aviation security screening has relied on the use of metal gates, X-ray scanners, and the manual contact inspection method of security personnel to filter out any non-metallic contraband that humans could be carrying [4,5]. The current screening methodology can no longer match the demand for security checks at peak passenger flow since the flow of people is increasing, the speed of people passing through is decreasing, and more people are being put through the screening process.

Millimeter waves (MW) can penetrate clothing and can image the human body and carried contraband. Compared with X-ray security inspection equipment, MWs do not produce radiation that is harmful to the human body, and they also have the characteristics of high precision and high efficiency, which greatly improve the security inspection process. Therefore, intelligent security inspection equipment based on MWs is a research hotspot in the security field [6,7]. In order to detect contraband images of MW security equipment in real time, the MFD-WT algorithm and Canny Edge Detection (CED) algorithm and mask regional-convolution neural network (Mask R-CNN) algorithm to improve that accuracy and speed of contraband target detection.

MW intelligent security inspection equipment can automatically find contraband carried by personnel, detect and effectively identify the contraband information and risk level, strengthen the security in the civil aviation field, and make civil aviation security inspection more objective and efficient. There are two main innovations in this research. The first is that the Mean Filtering Denoising (MFD) algorithm was improved by using wavelet transformation (WT), and the MFD-WT algorithm was used for image denoising. The CED algorithm was used for real-time monitoring of contraband target images. The second main innovation is the first use of the Mask R-CNN algorithm to recognize MW contraband targets in order to maximize the speed at which contraband targets are recognized.

2. Related Work

The use of MWs in many industrial domains has been extensively researched by many academics. MWs are situated in the wavelength range where microwaves and far-infrared waves overlap. Its greater bandwidth and narrower beam can significantly increase the information transmission rate and target details.

Wang et al. designed a multi-base planar array MW distance enhancement technique in order to obtain a reconstructed image with a finer distance image. The outcomes of simulation experiments demonstrated that the novel distance enhancement technique's reconstructed images had finer distance information [8]. Gong et al. developed a channel phased-array radiometer front-end for V-band video-rate passive MW imaging, which was implemented in a multi-chip module. Simulation results showed that this front-end can effectively improve the recognition speed of MW imaging [9].

Cheng et al. proposed a feature parameter to reduce the negative impact on passive MW imaging target detection from the visible reflections generated by the human body on a floor. The results of a significance analysis showed that the feature parameter can effectively solve the reflection removal problem [10]. Wang et al. designed a training mechanism for a hidden target detection network based on normalized cumulative maps to automatically detect dangerous hidden objects in MW images. The proposed normalized cumulative maps can reveal the locations of frequently occurring hidden objects, providing different weights for the calculation of confidence loss. Simulation results confirmed the effectiveness of the training mechanism based on a normalized cumulative map [11].

As an important tool in image processing technology, the objective of the R-CNN-based target recognition algorithm is to allow a computer to automatically identify a target class in an image, draw bounding boxes around that target, and label the location of each target. Luo et al. designed a method based on the R-CNN model. The simulation results showed that the detection method can effectively improve the robustness against challenging targets [12]. Joy et al. constructed a fast R-CNN multi-target detection method based on incremental classification to perform target detection on surveillance domains, which was mainly divided into a class incremental learning part and a domain adaptive part. Experimental results confirmed that the method performed well on challenging targets including illumination changes, shadows, partial occlusions, and dynamic backgrounds [13].

In order to extract image features, Yang et al. proposed a dense R-CNN segmentation model based on double attention for multi-target instance segmentation of a medical image. This model also included an up-sampling strategy to improve multi-target instance and discriminability between pixel-level features in other regions. The efficacy and usability of the technique for multi-target instance segmentation of medical images were confirmed by simulation studies [14]. To increase the detection speed of infrared cameras monitoring electrical equipment in substations, Ou et al. developed a target detection model based on an improved fast R-CNN. The study's findings revealed that the target detection model performed effectively in terms of detection accuracy and speed [15].

In summary, there are many research results on MW imaging and R-CNN algorithms. But for most MW imaging systems, it is difficult to extract sufficient target features. Furthermore, they still require assistance for contraband detection and identification in civil aviation.

3. Design of Mask R-CNN Algorithm-based MW Contraband Target Detection and Identification Algorithm for Civil Aviation

3.1 MW Security Imaging and Radiation Characterization of Objects

Objects made of different materials have different MW radiation properties. We generated different MW images based on the different radiation properties of human skin and typical materials. MWs are electromagnetic waves with a wavelength of 1-10$mm$ and a frequency of 30-300$GHz$. They are widely used in the field of civil aviation for scanning security screening equipment to accurately identify whether passengers are carrying contraband and to ensure the traffic safety of civil aviation [16,17]. The principle of MW imaging is that an external source emits a coherent MW in order to irradiate the target, the reflected wave carrying the phase and amplitude information of the target and the background is received, and then the temperature difference data of the echoes are then processed by an algorithm to obtain the scattered intensity distribution of the target (see Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Diagram of Millimeter-wave imaging principle.

In Fig. 1, the millimeter wave scanning plane is parallel to the plane $\left(X,Y\right)$, and the vertical distance from the plane is $R_{0}$, and the coordinate of any point of the target is $\left(x,y,z\right)$, then the corresponding point on the millimeter wave scanning plane is $\left(x',y',z_{0}\right)$. Since thermal radiation is the inherent electromagnetic energy emitted by the thermal perturbation of electrons in the material of which an object is composed, any object with a physical temperature above absolute zero has thermal radiation properties. We analyzed the radiation properties of real-world radiators based on an ideal black-body radiator. The spectral brightness $B_{f}$ of the black-body emission amplitude can be expressed by Planck's law [18]:

$ B_{f}=\frac{2h}{c^{2}}\cdot \frac{1}{e^{\frac{hf}{kT}}-1} $

In Eq. (1), $h$ and $k$ represent Planck's constant and Boltzmann's constant, and their units are $J.s$ and $J/K$, respectively. $T$ and $c$ represent the physical temperature and speed of light, and their units are $K$ and $m/s$, respectively. $e$ is the base of the natural logarithm, $f$ is the frequency, and its units are $Hz$.

All objects in the real world are grey bodies. A grey body is a non-ideal radiator compared to a black body. It radiates less energy than a black body at the same physical temperature. The spectral brightness of a grey body, $B'_{f}$, is given in Eq. (2).

$ B'_{f}=\frac{2k}{\lambda ^{2}}\cdot T_{R} $

$\lambda $ and $T_{R}$ in Eq. (2) represent the wavelength and radiation temperature of a grey body, respectively, and $T_{R}$ is expressed in Eq. (3).

$ T_{R}=e_{f}\cdot T $

$e_{f}$ is the grey body emissivity, and a uniform object’s $e_{f}$ is only a function of frequency. When the physical temperature of the radiating body is certain, the grey radiation energy is less than the black-body radiation energy, so $0\leq e\leq 1$.

An object in thermal equilibrium is irradiated by an incident wave with an incident flux density of $\mathrm{S}_{\mathrm{in}c}$. According to Eq. (4), the incident flux density is equal to the object's total reflected, transmitted, and absorbed flux densities.

$\begin{align} \begin{cases} \mathrm{S}_{\mathrm{in}c}=\left(\alpha +\beta +\chi \right)S_{\mathrm{in}c}\\ \alpha +\beta +\chi =1 \end{cases} \end{align} $

In Eq. (4), $\alpha $, $\beta $, and $\chi $ indicate the reflectivity, transmittance, and absorbance of the object, respectively. According to Kirchhoff's law of radiation, the absorbed power of an object in thermal equilibrium is equal to the radiated power of the object:

$\begin{align} \begin{cases} \chi =e\\ \alpha +\beta +e=1 \end{cases} \end{align} $

$e$ is the object’s radiation power. Because the human body has a thickness and is an opaque object, the MW band transmittance can be neglected:

$ \alpha +e=1 $

Objects of different materials have different reflectivity, emissivity, and transmittance, and their radiation properties in the $k_{a}$ band of MWs are shown in Table 1.

The transmissivity of human skin, metal, and plastic products in Table 1 is negligible, and the transmittance of clothing is 0.98. Because human bodies and the things they carry have different temperatures, an MW imager can detect temperature differences for metal and illegal plastic materials. Human skin, metal, plastic articles, and clothing also have varying reflectivity and emissivity.

Table 1. Characteristics of MW objects' radiation.

Material type












Plastic products




Clothing items




3.2 Design of a Contraband Detection Algorithm based on MFD-WT Algorithm and CED Algorithm

MW images are different from optical images in that their spatial resolution and contrast are lower [19]. The contraband image target detection approach based on edge detection is primarily a mix of two image processing techniques: image denoising and edge extraction [20]. The mean filtered image $G\left(x,y\right)$ is obtained as:

$ G\left(x,y\right)=\frac{1}{mn}\sum \left(x,y\in R_{xy}\right)F\left(i,j\right) $

In Eq. (7), $F\left(i,j\right)$ represents the original image, $mn$ is the size of the convolution kernel, and $R_{xy}$ is the center point at $\left(x,y\right)$. The process of mean filtering is shown in Fig. 2.

In Fig. 2, the grayscale image $F\left(i,j\right)$ is processed by MFD with a convolutional kernel of size $3\times 3$ and the convolution values are all set to 1. The convolutional kernel goes over the original image during MFD processing, and the processed grayscale value is equal to the convolutional value of the kernel and the corresponding window. WT is able to extract the features of the signal in different frequency bands and retain the time-domain features of the signal at each scale.

Fig. 2. Diagram of MFD treatment process.
Fig. 3. Process flow of CED algorithm.

After using the MFD-WT algorithm to denoise the image, the CED algorithm is used to extract the edge of the image. The CED algorithm is a common edge detection algorithm with stable generalization capability and a simple implementation process. It satisfies the three edge detection criteria of low error rate, accurate edge localization, and single edge marking. Therefore, the CED algorithm was chosen as the edge detection algorithm for MW contraband image targets.

As shown in Fig. 3, the image is smoothed using a Gaussian filter to remove the noise in the image. Next, the gradient intensity and direction of the image's pixel points are calculated so that the non-maximum suppression process can be used to remove the detected weak edges. The true edges are determined using double threshold detection, and finally, the edge detection of the image is finished by suppressing the detected weak edges. The calculation of the Gaussian convolution kernel is shown in Eq. (8).

$ \begin{array}{l} H\left(x,y\right)=\frac{1}{2\pi \sigma ^{2}}\exp \left(-\frac{\left(x-\left(b+1\right)\right)^{2}+\left(y-\left(b+1\right)\right)^{2}}{2\sigma ^{2}}\right)\\ \begin{array}{llll} & & & \end{array}\begin{array}{lll} \begin{array}{llll} & & & \end{array} & & \end{array}x,y\in \left[1,2b+1\right],b\in N^{*} \end{array} $

In Eq. (8), $\sigma $ is the standard deviation, and $\left(2b+1\right)\ast \left(2b+1\right)$ is the convolutional kernel size. The Canny algorithm mainly uses four edge detection operators to detect vertical, horizontal, and diagonal edges in the image and calculates the horizontal gradient, vertical gradient, and direction of each pixel using edge detection operators, as shown in Eqs. (9) and (10).

$\begin{align} \begin{cases} {G}_{\left(x,y\right)}^{h}={\nabla }_{\left(x,y\right)}^{h}\Theta W\mathrm{x},\mathrm{y}\in \left[1,2b+1\right],b\in N^{\ast }\\ {G}_{\left(x,y\right)}^{v}={\nabla }_{\left(x,y\right)}^{v}\Theta W\mathrm{x},\mathrm{y}\in \left[1,2b+1\right],b\in N^{\ast } \end{cases} \end{align} $

In Eq. (9), ${\nabla }_{\left(x,y\right)}^{h}$ and ${\nabla }_{\left(x,y\right)}^{v}$ represent the horizontal and vertical edge detection operators of size $\left(2b+1\right)\ast \left(2b+1\right)$, and ${G}_{\left(x,y\right)}^{h}$ and ${G}_{\left(x,y\right)}^{v}$ represent the horizontal and vertical gradients of pixel $\left(x,y\right)$, respectively. $W$ is the detection window, and $\Theta $ refers to the convolution calculator. The expression for the direction $\theta \left(x,y\right)$ of pixel $\left(x,y\right)$ is given in Eq. (10).

$ \theta \left(x,y\right)=\arctan \left(\frac{{G}_{\left(x,y\right)}^{h}}{{G}_{\left(x,y\right)}^{v}}\right) $

3.3 Design of Contraband Recognition Algorithm based on Mask R-CNN Algorithm

After using the target detection algorithm based on the MFD-WT algorithm and CED algorithm to complete the edge detection of security images, it is necessary to use a deep learning model to identify contraband targets in the detection area. A Convolution Neural Network (CNN) model is a deep learning model that can process image data through supervised learning. The parameters of the convolutional layer are expressed in Eq. (11).

$ {x}_{j}^{l}=f\left(\sum _{i\in {M_{j}}}{x}_{i}^{l-1}*Kerne{l}_{ij}^{l}+b^{l}\right) $

In Eq. (11), ${x}_{j}^{l}$ is the $j$th neuron in the $l$th layer. $Kernel$, *, and $f\left(\cdot \right)$ represent the convolution kernel, convolution operation, and non-linear excitation function, and $a$ and $M_{j}$ represent the bias term and the number of inputs of the $j$th neuron, respectively. The common pooling operations are mean pooling and maximum pooling, as shown in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4. Diagram of pooling.

Fig. 4(a) shows a diagram of maximum pooling, and Fig. 4(b) shows a diagram of mean pooling. Maximum pooling retains the maximum value of each sliding window, and mean pooling retains all values of each sliding window by averaging them. The excitation layer introduces non-linear features to the neural network, allowing it to approximate arbitrary non-linear functions. A common activation function is shown in Eq. (12).

$\begin{align} \begin{cases} f_{S}\left(x\right)=\frac{1}{1+e^{-x}}\\ f_{R}\left(x\right)=\begin{cases} 0,x< 0\\ x,x> 0 \end{cases}\\ f_{T}\left(x\right)=\frac{e^{x}-e^{-x}}{e^{x}+e^{-x}} \end{cases} \end{align} $

The sigmoid function, tanh function, and ReLu function are represented in Eq. (12) by $f_{S}\left(x\right)$, $f_{T}\left(x\right)$, and $f_{R}\left(x\right)$, respectively. The sigmoid function and tanh function have saturation zones, and the gradient is prone to vanishing during backpropagation. This phenomenon becomes more pronounced as the number of network layers increases.

The ReLu function exists to solve thisproblem with a positive activation value derivative of 1, and it can effectively avoid the phenomenon of gradient disappearance. The function of the fully connected layer is to integrate input image features and map the feature maps generated by the convolutional layer into fixed-length feature vectors, thus completing the image classification task, as shown in Eq. (13).

$ {x}_{j}^{l}=f\left(\sum _{i\in {M_{j}}}{x}_{i}^{l-1}*w_{i,j}+b_{j}\right) $

In Eq. (13), $w_{i,j}$ and $b_{j}$ represent the weights and offsets between neurons, respectively. The R-CNN algorithm is a CNN series method and is primarily made up of three modules. The R-CNN algorithm uses a selective search algorithm when generating candidate regions and trains the candidate boxes searched by the selective search algorithm using a CNN model to output element vectors to describe image content. The vectors are then input into a linear support vector machine for classification. However, too many candidate regions for the R-CNN algorithm make it run slowly, and it is not suitable for target recognition of MW contraband images. In response to this issue, the Mask R-CNN algorithm has been proposed, as shown in Fig. 5.

Fig. 5. Diagram of Mask R-CNN algorithm structure.

The Mask R-CNN algorithm in Fig. 5 mainly consists of a feature extraction network, a candidate region generation network, a mask prediction branching network, and a classification network. The feature extraction network is the backbone architecture of the Mask R-CNN algorithm, which uses ResNet-101 as the feature extractor. In order to accurately extract the semantic information of the low-level and high-level features, the feature extraction network is designed with a two-way structure. A one way structure is a bottom-up network forward process, where the feature map size is changed at some layers. The layers that do not change size are grouped into one order, and the last layer of one order is extracted as the output each time.

Another type of feature extraction network uses a top-down 2-fold up-sampling process. The results of the up-sampling are fused with a feature map of the same size generated from the bottom-up process, and then each fused result is convolved by a $3\times 3$ convolution kernel. A mask prediction branching network is a convolutional network with an input target candidate region and generates a mask for the target candidate region. The resolution of the generated mask is 28*28, which is small and helps to keep the mask branching network lightweight. In the Mask R-CNN algorithm, the loss function has classification error, detection error, and segmentation error due to the introduction of a new mask branch:

$ L=L_{cls}+L_{box}+L_{mask} $

In Eq. (14), $L_{cls}$, $L_{box}$, and $L_{mask}$ represent the classification regression loss value, detection regression loss value, and mask loss function, respectively.

4. Analysis of the Results of MW Contraband Target Detection and Identification Algorithm for Civil Aviation

4.1 Performance Analysis of MFD-WT Algorithm and CED Algorithm

To verify the feasibility of the MFD-WT algorithm, CED algorithm, and Mask R-CNN algorithm for MW contraband detection and identification, we conducted comparative experiments using several algorithms. In order to verify the effectiveness of the target detection algorithm, the MFD-WT algorithm and CED algorithm were tested in a Matlab simulation. The control group for the MFD-WT algorithm was the MFD, WT, and median filter denoising algorithms, and the control group for the CED algorithm was the Sobel Edge Detection (SED) algorithm.

The Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Mean Square Error (MSE) were the performance measurements. The higher the PSNR is and the lower the MSE is, the better the algorithm performs. The experimental samples selected in this study were image data of a human body carrying contraband obtained by an MW real-time imager, as shown in Table 2.

Table 2 shows the radiation effects of temperature, imaging speed, and clothing thickness on the detection target without the frequency band. In order to ensure the detection accuracy and generalization ability of the model, the MW image dataset was divided into a training set, test set, and verification set, and the total number of samples was set to 800, 300, and 400 samples.

Table 2. MW influence dataset.


System frequency


Imaging speed

Resolution ratio

Imaging distance

sample size

Folding knife

34 GHz


(10,15, 25)

5-6 cm@3 m

2.5-5.0 m



34 GHz


(10,15, 25)

5-6 cm@3 m

2.5-5.0 m



34 GHz


(10,15, 25)

5-6 cm@3 m

2.5-5.0 m


Table 3. PSNR and MSE results of four image denoising algorithms.

Noise reduction method









Median filtering denoising






The PSNR and MSE results for the four image denoising methods are shown in Table 3. The PSNR and MSE values for the MFD-WT algorithm were 25.439 dB and 65.4781, respectively. The WT algorithm’s PSNR and MSE values were 22.375 dB and 87.8943, respectively. The median denoising algorithm's PSNR value was 22.157 dB, and its MSE value was 99.4522. The MFD algorithm's PSNR and MSE values were 21.515 dB and 126.4586, respectively. The combined data in the table shows that the MFD-WT algorithm has superior performance and performs well in the denoising of MW contraband images.

Fig. 6 displays the PSNR findings for the two techniques for various noise categories. As the noise density rises, so do the PSNR values for both algorithms. The PSNR values for the two algorithms in the category of salt-and-pepper noise are displayed in Fig. 6(a). When the salt-and-pepper noise density was 1%, the PSNR values for the CED and SED algorithms were 27.987 dB and 26.115 dB, respectively. When the salt-and-pepper noise density was 13%, the PSNR values of the CED and SED methods were 26.710 dB and 25.187 dB, respectively.

Fig. 6. Results of two algorithms' PSNRs for various categories of noise density.
Fig. 7. Results of two methods' MSEs for various noise classes.

The PSNR findings for the two techniques in the Gaussian noise category are displayed in Fig. 6(b). When the Gaussian noise density was 1.0%, the PSNR value of the CED algorithm was 26.701 dB, and the SED algorithm’s value was 25.001 dB. When the Gaussian noise density was 4.0%, the PSNR values of the CED and SED algorithms were 24.871 and 22.996 dB, respectively.

Fig. 7 displays the MSE outcomes for both algorithms for various noise categories. Fig. 7(a) displays the MSE findings for the two methods in the category of salt-and-pepper noise. At 3% salt-and-pepper noise, the MSE values for the CED algorithm and the SED algorithm were 59.8412 and 123.5678, respectively. At 10% salt-and-pepper noise, the MSE values of the CED and SED algorithms were 74.5662 and 154.2314, respectively.

Fig. 7(b) shows the MSE results of the two algorithms for the Gaussian noise category. At 5% Gaussian noise, the MSE value of the CED algorithm was 69.8777, and the MSE value of the SED algorithm was 140.2312. At 15% Gaussian noise, the MSE values of the CED and SED algorithms were 98.7452 and 174.5782, respectively. Based on the data in Figs. 6 and 7, it can be seen that the average PSNR value of the CED algorithm was larger than that of the SED algorithm, and the average MSE value of the CED algorithm was smaller than that of the SED algorithm. This shows that the performance of the CED algorithm was better than that of the SED algorithm, and it can effectively and stably realize the real-time detection of MW contraband images.

4.2 Performance and Application Analysis of Mask R-CNN Algorithm

A Faster Regional Convolutional Neural Network (Faster R-CNN)-based algorithm, the R-CNN algorithm, and the Mask R-CNN algorithm were used in comparison tests to evaluate the performance of the Mask R-CNN method. The algorithm model was built based on the Tensorflow open-source framework, cuda10 graphics architecture, CPU model i7-7700, and GPU model Quadro P6000. The performance metrics were the Precision Recall (PR) curves, Mean Average Precision (MAP), F1 values, and accuracy rates.

The PR curves and F1 value curves of the three algorithms are shown in Fig. 8. Fig. 8(a) shows the PR curves of the three algorithms. The larger the area of the PR curve is, the better the performance of the algorithm will be. The area of the PR curve of the Mask R-CNN algorithm was 0.94, and the areas of the PR curve of the FasterR-CNN and R-CNN algorithms were 0.82 and 0.73, respectively.

Fig. 8(b) shows the F1 value curve. With the increase of the number of iterations, the F1 value of all three algorithms was improved. When the number of iterations was 25 epochs, the F1 value of the Mask R-CNN algorithm was 70.54%, the F1 value of the Faster R-CNN algorithm was 60.42%, and the F1 value of the R-CNN algorithm was 52.13%. When the number of iterations was 150 epochs, the F1 values of the Mask R-CNN, Faster R-CNN, and R-CNN algorithms were 94.14%, 82.33%, and 73.15%, respectively.

Fig. 8. PR curve and F1 results of three algorithms.
Fig. 9. MAP results of three algorithms.
Fig. 10. Classification accuracy and calibration frame accuracy results of three algorithms for different contraband.

The three algorithms' MAP results are displayed in Fig. 9. The MAP values of the three algorithms exhibit a quick increasing trend as the number of iterations rises, but after a certain number of iterations, the MAP values of the three methods fluctuate. When the number of iterations was 30 epochs, the MAP values of the Mask R-CNN, Faster R-CNN, and R-CNN algorithms were 82.13%, 71.88%, and 55.44%, respectively. The MAP value of the Mask R-CNN algorithm was 91.15%, that of the Faster R-CNN algorithm was 82.41%, and that of the R-CNN algorithm was 73.20% when the number of iterations was 150 epochs.

To verify the feasibility of the Mask R-CNN algorithm in MW contraband image recognition, we set up a folding pocket knife, gun, and large knife for contraband recognition experiments. Fig. 10 displays the classification accuracy and calibration frame accuracy for the three algorithms for various contraband. The categorization accuracy results for the three algorithms for various categories of contraband are displayed in Fig. 10(a).

For the folding pocket knife, the classification accuracy of the Mask R-CNN algorithm was 93.65%, that of the Faster R-CNN algorithm was 82.19%, and that of the R-CNN algorithm was 73.54%. For the gun, the classification accuracy of the Mask R-CNN algorithm was 89.94%, which was higher than that of the Faster R-CNN algorithm and R-CNN algorithm (75.48% and 69.87%). For the machete, the classification accuracies of the Mask R-CNN, Faster R-CNN, and R-CNN algorithms were 91.25%, 81.14%, and 71.57%, respectively.

The calibration frame accuracy results for the three algorithms for the various types of contraband are displayed in Fig. 10(b). The calibration frame accuracy of Mask R-CNN for the folding pocket knife, gun, and large knife were 94.83%, 91.24%, and 93.56%, respectively. The calibration frame accuracy of the Faster R-CNN and R-CNN algorithms for the folding pocket knife were 84.15% and 73.20%, while they were 79.88% and 68.79% for the gun and 81.61% and 71.27% for the large knife, respectively. In summary, the performance of the Mask R-CNN algorithm proposed in this study was robust and effective in identifying contraband in the MW domain.

5. Conclusion

As a new security inspection mode, an MW image contraband identification system can identify contraband according to the detected characteristics, and the identification information can be used for an automatic early warning mechanism for civil aviation security inspection. Because the current MW contraband image processing method cannot extract sufficient characteristics, it is difficult for it to detect and identify contraband targets, resulting in passengers not passing quickly. In order to solve these problems, we used the MFD-WT algorithm to denoise the image and then used the CED algorithm to detect a contraband target. Based on this, we used the Mask R-CNN algorithm to identify the contraband target to meet the needs of large passenger flow.

The PSNR of the MFD-WT algorithm was 25.439 dB according to the data, which is 3.282 dB better than the median filter denoising technique. The MSE value of the CED method was 74.5662 at 10% salt and pepper noise, which was lower than the MSE value of 154.2314 for the SED algorithm. The Mask R-CNN algorithm outperformed the Faster R-CNN algorithm by 11.81% and 8.74% when the number of iterations was 150 epochs with F1 and MAP values of 94.14% and 91.15%, respectively. The classification accuracy of the Mask R-CNN algorithm was higher than that of the Faster R-CNN method for large knives, guns, and folding pocket knives (93.65%, 89.94%, and 91.25%, respectively).

In conclusion, the suggested method was reliable and effective for identifying and detecting illicit targets in MW pictures for civil aviation. However, the proposed algorithm has only been evaluated for the detection of guns, large knives, and folding pocket knives. Other kinds of contraband have not been trained for security purposes, so there are still gaps in the research.


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Fengwei Chen

Fengwei Chen obtained his Master's degree in Software Engineering from Beijing Institute of Technology in 2015. Presently, he serves as a professional instructor at Guangzhou Civil Aviation College. With rich industry experience in the field of civil aviation safety, he is mainly engaged in teaching and research on aviation safety, civil aviation safety inspection, and counter-terrorism technology. As an industry expert and consultant, Chen was invited to deliver various technical lectures on topics such as civil aviation safety and security inspection technology. He has participated in provincial and ministerial level projects and contributed to the development of teaching standards for civil aviation safety inspection. Chen has published articles in both domestic and international journals and conference proceedings. Additionally, he has been frequently invited to serve as a judge in civil aviation safety inspection competitions. His areas of interest include aviation safety, security inspection technology, pattern recognition, machine learning, and virtual simulation.

Tianyou Wu

Tianyou Wu obtained his Master's degree in Business Administration from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2017. He currently serves as an instructor specializing in security inspection at Guangzhou Civil Aviation College. Wu has consistently worked in the field of civil aviation safety, encompassing areas such as civil aviation security inspection, civil aviation emergency rescue, aviation English, management studies, and organizational behavior. He has published numerous articles related to civil aviation safety technology in domestic academic journals and has been involved in multiple provincial and ministerial level projects. His areas of professional interest include aviation safety, security inspection technology, airport emergency rescue, and research on improving security inspection service quality.