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Title Simplified Moment-Curvature Relationship Model of Reinforced Concrete Columns Considering Confinement Effect
Authors 곽민경(Min-Kyoung Kwak) ; 양근혁(Keun-Hyeok Yang)
Page pp.279-288
ISSN 1229-5515
Keywords column ; moment-curvature relationship ; lateral force-lateral displacement relationship ; confinement ; curvature ductility
Abstract The present study simplified the moment-curvature relationship to straightforwardly determine the flexural behavior of reinforced concrete (RC) columns. For the idealized column section, moments and neutral axis depths at different stages(first flexural crack, yielding of tensile reinforcing bar, maximum strength, and 80% of the maximum strength at the descending branch) were derived on the basis of the equilibrium condition of forces and compatibility condition. Concrete strains at the extreme compression fiber beyond the maximum strength were determined using the stress-strain relationship of confined concrete, proposed by Kim et al. The lateral load-displacement curves converted from the simplified moment-curvature relationship of columns are well consistent with test results obtained from column specimens under various parameters. The moments and the corresponding neutral axis depth at different stages were formulated as a function of longitudinal reinforcement and transverse reinforcement indices and/or applied axial load index. Overall, curvature ductility of columns was significantly affected by the axial load level as well as concrete compressive strength and the amount of longitudinal and transverse reinforcing bars.