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Title Shear Behavior Model on Crack Surface Subjected to Cyclic Load
Authors 이성철(Seong-Cheol Lee)
Page pp.259-266
ISSN 1229-5515
Keywords 전단; 슬립; 균열; 골재 맞물림 shear; slip; crack; aggregate interlock
Abstract For nonlinear analysis of reinforced concrete members under multi-directional stress state, the Disturbed Stress Field Model (DSFM) has been developed from the Modified Compression Field Theory (MCFT) so that crack slip behavior can be rigorously considered in the analysis. In the DSFM, however, shear stress-slip behavior along a crack is considered only for monotonic loading condition; crack surface behavior under cyclic load cannot be properly considered. In this paper, based on the Basic Contact Density Model (BCDM), a simple model has been developed to consider shear stress-slip behavior along a crack under cyclic load. In spite of the simplification, it has been found that the proposed model reasonably predicted the shear behavior along a crack under cyclic load. In addition, using the proposed model, it was shown that crack slip behavior can be more rationally described for a reinforced concrete panel under cyclic load. This paper is expected to be useful for relevant studies on structural behavior of reinforced concrete under cyclic load.