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Title Diaphragm Behavior and Connection Design for Horizontal Extension Remodeling in Bearing Wall Apartments
Authors 윤건웅(Geonung Yoon) ; 엄태성(Tae-Sung Eom) ; 박홍근(Hong-Gun Park) ; 김인호(In-Ho Kim)
Page pp.353-364
ISSN 1229-5515
Keywords 구조격막; 계면전단; 전단마찰; 내진설계; 컴퓨터해석 diaphragm; interface shear; shear friction; seismic design; computer analysis
Abstract In this study, a diaphragm analysis and design method of bearing wall apartment buildings under consideration for horizontal extension remodeling was investigated. Existing design codes and technical guides were reviewed to establish the procedure for diaphragm modeling and analysis. By performing computer analysis on a 18-story bearing wall apartment under consideration for horizontal extension remodeling, the diaphragm behavior and force transfer through the diaphragm connection were investigated. The results showed that diaphragm in-plane forces were significantly increased near the walls; in particular, diaphragm transfer forces were significantly increased due to wall discontinuity of the floor just below the top two stories, where part of the floor area was reduced by setback. Based on the results, design considerations of diaphragm connections for horizontal extension remodeling in bearing wall apartment were discussed. Furthermore an interface shear connection method to connect existing and new diaphragm slabs using concrete shear keys and adhesive anchors was proposed.