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Title Experimental Evaluation of Shear Strength and Design Limits of Reinforced Concrete Beams with Circular Web Openings
Authors 김동환(Dong-Hwan Kim) ; 강성원(Seong-Won Kang) ; 김형국(Hyeong-Gook Kim) ; 이정윤(Jung-Yoon Lee) ; 김길희(Kil-Hee Kim)
Page pp.621-632
ISSN 1229-5515
Keywords 최대전단강도예측; 유공보; 유공보강형상; 유공 간격; 유공위치 maximum shear strength; web opening system; web opening reinforcement; plastic hinge; shear performance
Abstract In this study, repeated loading experiments were performed on 21 perforated beam specimens in 4 groups with the diameter, location, spacing, number, and reinforcement method as variables. The compatibility of the evaluation equations was compared by comparing the experimental results from the calculation results with the existing evaluation equation, and Mansur’s proposed equation. The effects of the ratio of the diameter of the opening to the height of the beam, the ratio of the spacing to the diameter of the opening, the location of the opening, and the shape of the opening reinforcement on the shear strength of the beam were evaluated. Finally, a simple evaluated web opening beam shear strength evaluation formula was proposed, after comparing the experimental results with the existing variables. Recommendations for significant variables were presented when designing a notice. It was confirmed that the proposed formula produced more accurate predictions than the previous formula for predicting the shear strength of reinforced concrete evaluated beams and the Mansur equation.