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Title Fracture Analysis of Post-Tensioning Anchorage Zone according to Design and Construction Variables
Authors 이균태(Kyun-Tae Lee) ; 양준모(Jun-Mo Yang) ; 김진국(Jin-Kook Kim)
Page pp.25-35
ISSN 1229-5515
Keywords 포스트텐션; 지압강도; 정착장치 파손; 정착장치 손상; 횡보강 철근 post-tension; bearing strength; anchorage device fracture; anchorage device defect; lateral reinforcement
Abstract Load-transfer testing and FEM structural analysis were performed in order to investigate the fracture mode and ultimate bearing strength of a post-tensioning anchorage zone considering the tensile strength and defect of the anchorage device, the effective contact area of the anchor head, and the detailing of the spiral rebar. Based on comparison with experimental results, the FEM model was confirmed to accurately simulate the anchorage zone behavior considering construction errors and anchorage device defects. Parametric analysis revealed that the tensile strength of the anchorage device and the effective contact area of the anchor head were highly influential in the fracture of the anchorage device, leading to a reduction in the ultimate bearing strength of the post-tensioning anchorage zone. PTI (post-tensioning institute) formula was found to be acceptable for the estimation of the ultimate bearing strength only when the anchorage device was not fractured and/or a defect in the anchorage device or anchorage zone did not exist. From the research results, a design guide that can prevent anchorage fracture and develop the designated ultimate bearing strength of the post- tensioning anchorage zone was proposed.