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Title Shear Strength Evaluation by Variable Crack Angle (II) Design Strength of Shear Reinforcement
Authors 이정윤(Jung-Yoon Lee) ; 신동익(Dong Ik Shin) ; 김강수(Kang Su Kim) ; 김상우(Sang-Woo Kim) ; 이득행(Deuckhang Lee) ; 황현종(Hyeon-Jong Hwang)
Page pp.367-377
ISSN 1229-5515
Keywords 변동 균열각도; 전단강도; 최소 전단균열각도; 트러스모델 variable crack angle; shear strength; minimum shear crack angle; truss model
Abstract The role of the shear cracking angle is crucial for accurately estimating shear strengths of reinforced concrete (RC) members. Existing shear design expressions in the KCI-17, ACI318-19, and EC2-04 codes consider the effect of the shear crack angle in different ways. In this study, a new shear design code model was proposed by introducing a simple equation for the shear crack angle. The equation was developed based on an analysis of 244 RC beam test results from various literature sources. The minimum shear crack angle was set at 28 degrees, taking into account the shear strength of concrete and the minimum shear reinforcement ratio specified in the KCI-17 code. The proposed equation accurately evaluated the shear crack angles of the test specimens. Additionally, a simplified equation for calculating the crack angle was derived, and it was found that the shear crack angles obtained from the detailed equation and the simplified equation aligned well.