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Title Comparison and Analysis of Sintering Techniques for Lunar Construction Materials: A Review
Authors 윤세윤(Seyoon Yoon) ; 우하영(Hayoung Woo) ; 진현우(Hyunwoo Jin) ; 이장근(Jangguen Lee)
Page pp.645-655
ISSN 1229-5515
Keywords 달기지 건설; 마이크로파 소결; 태양열 소결; 레이저 소결; 다공성 재료 lunar construction; microwave sintering; solar sintering; laser sintering; porous material
Abstract This study reviews recent literature findings on porous material sintering technology for lunar base construction, focusing on microwave, solar, and laser sintering technologies. The analysis compares the advantages and disadvantages of these methods in lunar environments. Microwave sintering, in particular, was found to be effective for lunar regolith, utilizing lunar soil for direct heating and demonstrating efficiency with materials possessing low thermal conductivity. However, due to its high sensitivity, it can lead to thermal runaway. To overcome this, hybrid microwave sintering has been developed, combining the advantages of microwave and radiative sintering to mitigate thermal runaway and enhance practicality in lunar conditions, making it an optimal choice for limited financial resources. Furthermore, solar and laser sintering technologies were examined. Laser sintering, in particular, was highlighted for its concentrated and precise heating, making it suitable for the vacuum conditions on the Moon. This study contributes to the exploration of optimal sintering technologies for lunar base construction by analyzing and comparing various aspects of porous material sintering technology. The research opens possibilities for applications in lunar base construction and space resource utilization.