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  1. 한양대학교 건축시스템공학과 대학원생 (Graduate Student, Department of Architectural Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul 04763, Rep. of Korea)
  2. 한양대학교 건축학부 교수 (Professor, Department of Architectural Engineering, Hanyang University, Ansan 15588, Rep. of Korea)

저층RC 건물, 내진성능, 강도지표, 연성지표, 지진 피해율 추정
low-rise reinforced concrete buildings, seismic capacity, strength index, ductility index, seismic risk assessment

1. Introduction

In Korea, countermeasures against earthquakes, such as seismic capacity evaluations and/or retrofitting schemes for buildings, especially existing low-rise reinforced concrete (RC) buildings, have not been implemented comprehensively because Korea had not experienced many destructive earthquakes. However, more than 1,200 low- or moderate-intensity earthquakes have occurred in the coastal and inland regions of Korea over the past 20 years. The recent occurrence of moderate earthquakes in Korea, such as the 2016 Gyeongju Earthquake, with M=5.8, and the 2017 Pohang Earthquake, with M=5.4, pointed to the importance of future earthquake preparedness measures becoming widely recognized in Korea.

It is very important to assess the seismic risk of existing Korean buildings to mitigate earthquake damage and provide effective earthquake preparedness measures against future earthquakes. For this purpose, it is essential to develop a methodology to estimate the seismic capacity of buildings and their vulnerability, and to predict potential losses due to earthquakes.

Against this research background, we conducted the seismic capacity evaluation of 14 existing low-rise RC public buildings in Korea based on the Japanese Standard for Evaluation of Seismic Capacity of Existing Reinforced Concrete Buildings (JBDPA 2005, 2017; Lee et al. 2002) to obtain the fundamental data for evaluating the seismic capacity of existing low-rise RC buildings in Korea, as described in previous research (Lee et al. 2018). Their seismic capacities are evaluated by the first and the second level procedure specified in the Japanese Standard. We then investigated the distribution of the seismic capacity index IS of existing 14 typical RC buildings in Korea, especially the distribution of the ductility index (F) of each building, as depicted in Fig. 1 (Lee et al. 2018). The Standard defines the ductility index (F) of a building by the expected ductility which is primarily based on the shear-to-flexural capacity ratio ($V_{Su}/V_{M u}$). The result found in Fig. 1 showed that F-index for half buildings investigated in this study varies from 1.8 to 2.6, which corresponds to $\mu$=1.6 to 3.3.

Fig. 1 Ductility index distribution of existing low-rise RC buildings in Korea (Lee et al. 2018)


It should be pointed out, however, that the ductility expected in these buildings may need to be re-examined, since most buildings investigated herein have the hoop spacing wider than 300 mm, and such high ductility calculated by the Standard may be overestimated. This finding may result in lower seismic capacities and higher seismic vulnerability of Korean buildings than presented in the research paper (Lee et al. 2018), and revealed that the ductility index (F) should be modified for accurately estimating the seismic capacity of existing low-rise RC buildings in Korea.

The main objective of this study was to propose a method to evaluate the seismic capacity of existing low-rise RC buildings in Korea by reviewing the applicability of the Japanese Standard for Evaluation of Seismic Capacity of Existing Reinforced Concrete Buildings (JBDPA 2005, 2017). To achieve this, we focused on the following two subjects:

(1) Proposal for a basic structural index suitable for evaluating existing RC buildings in Korea

$\quad$- Proposal of equations to determine the ultimate horizontal flexural and shear strength based on test results from Korean RC buildings

$\quad$- Proposal of average shear stresses of Korean buildings based on statistical data

(2) Seismic capacity of Korean RC buildings based on the proposed basic strength index

$\quad$- Comparison of Korean RC buildings in terms of seismic capacity according to the proposed basic strength index and the Japanese Standard

$\quad$- Seismic vulnerability and probabilistic assessment of structural damage ratios of Korean RC buildings due to earthquakes

2. Proposal of Basic Structural Index for Evaluating Existing Korean RC Buildings

As shown in Fig. 2, in this section, we modify the equations for the ultimate flexural and shear strength of the columns and walls. These are basic components of the basic structural index that are used when applying the second level procedure of the Japanese Standard (JBDPA 2005, 2017; Lee et al. 2002).

Fig. 2 Flowchart of the proposed basic structural index, which is suitable for evaluating Korean reinforced concrete (RC) buildings


These modifications are proposed based on the results of tests of columns and walls in Korean buildings. We propose ultimate flexural and shear strength equations. The ultimate average shear stress of the columns and walls was evaluated using the first level procedure, based on statistical data on the structural characteristics of Korean RC buildings.

2.1 Ultimate strength equations for columns

2.1.1 Ultimate flexural strength of a rectangular column

Fig. 3 shows the relationship between the ultimate flexural strength of columns (subsequently referred to as $_{c}M_{u}$), obtained using experimental evaluations of the horizontal behavior of columns of Korean RC buildings (Lee 2011; Yi et al. 2000), and $_{c}M_{u}$, calculated using Equation 1, which is quoted from the Japanese Standard.


For $N_{\max}\ge N>0.4b DF_{c}$;

$_{c}M_{u}=(0.8a_{t}\sigma_{y}D+0.12b D^{2}F_{c})\times\left(\dfrac{N_{\max}-N}{N_{\max}-0.4b DF_{c}}\right)$


For $0.4b DF_{c}>N>0$;

$_{c}M_{u}=0.8a_{t}\sigma_{y}D+0.5ND\left(1-\dfrac{N}{b DF_{c}}\right)$


For $0>N\ge N_{\min}$;


Fig. 3 Relationship between cMu values of columns obtained experimentally and computed using Equation 1


where $N_{\max}$ is the axial compressive strength of a column ($b DF_{c}+ a_{g}σ_{y}$, [N]); Nmin is the axial tensile strength of a column ($-a_{g}σ_{y}$, [$N$]); $N$ is the axial force on the section [N]; at is the tensile reinforcement area [mm2]; $a_{g}$ is the total longitudinal reinforcement area [mm2]; $b$ is the width of compression face of a column [mm]; $D$ is the cross-sectional depth of a column, [mm]; $σ_{y}$ is the yield strength of the longitudinal reinforcements [MPa]; and $F_{c}$ is the compressive strength of the concrete [MPa].

As shown in the figure, the flexural strength ratios ($_{testc}M_{u}/_{calcc}M_{u}$) were approximately distributed between +10 % and -10 %, and the linear correlation coefficient ($R$) between the experimental and theoretical values of $_{c}M_{u}$ was 0.97. The value of $_{c}M_{u}$ calculated using Equation 1 is in good agreement with the results of the experiments, in which Korean RC columns were tested. Thus, the values of $_{c}M_{u}$ for existing Korean RC buildings calculated by Equation 1 may be assumed to be reliable.

2.1.2 Ultimate shear strength equation of rectangular column

The following is an empirical equation derived for beams (Arakawa 1960). It was subsequently modified to include the effect of the axial load and seismic safety of the shear strength, as follows:


Minimum equation :

$_c V_{S u}=\left\{\frac{0.053 p_{t}^{0.23}\left(180+F_{c}\right)}{M /(V d)+0.12}+2.7 \sqrt{p_{w s} \sigma_{c y}}+0.1 \sigma_{o}\right\} b j$

where $p_{t}$ is the tension reinforcement ratio [%]; $p_{w}$ is the transverse shear reinforcement ratio; $_{s}σ_{cy}$ is the yield strength of the transverse shear reinforcement [MPa]; $σ_{o}$ is $N / b D$ [MPa]; $d$ is the distance from the compressive face to the centroid of the tensile reinforcement [mm]; $M / V$ is the shear span [mm],: which may be taken as half of the clear height in the case of columns; and $j$ is $7/8d$.

According to the AIJ (2018), the coefficient of Equation 2, 0.053, which is used to calculate the minimum ultimate shear strength of columns (subsequently referred to as $_{c}V_{Su}$), was derived from the product of the coefficient of Equation 3, i.e., 0.068 (which calculates the mean of $_{c}V_{Su}$) and the shear strength ratio ($_{testc}V_{Su}/_{calcc}V_{Su-mean}$), i.e., 0.8, which corresponds to -5 % of the distribution of the shear strength ratios approximated by the normal probability density function. Thus, Equation 2 may provide safer estimates of $_{c}V_{Su}$ because it uses a lower boundary than Equation 3.


Mean equation :

$_c V_{S u}=\left\{\frac{0.068 p_{t}^{0.23}\left(180+F_{c}\right)}{M /(V d)+0.12}+2.7 \sqrt{p_{w s} \sigma_{c y}}+0.1 \sigma_{o}\right\} b j$

Fig. 4 shows a histogram of the shear strength ratios ($_{testc}V_{Su}/_{calcc}V_{Su-mean}$), where $_{testc}V_{Su}$ are experimental results from Korean RC columns and the values of $_{calcc}V_{Su-mean}$ were calculated using Equation 3. Although Equation 3 calculates the mean of $_{c}V_{Su}$, the mean of $_{testc}V_{Su}/_{calcc}V_{Su-mean}$ was approximately 1.2, as shown in Fig. 4. It should be noted that, according to our experimental results, the equation for $_{c}V_{Su}$ according to the Japanese Standard generally provided an overestimate, and may require modification to provide reasonable estimates of the shear strength of Korean columns.

Based on the procedures presented in AIJ (2018), we modified Equation 4 to evaluate $_{c}V_{Su}$ for Korean RC columns. The coefficient in Equation 4, 0.042, was derived by multiplying the coefficient from Equation 3, 0.068, by the shear strength ratio, 0.62, which corresponds to -5 % of the distribution for the shear strength ratio, which was approximated by the normal probability density function, as shown in Fig. 9.


Derived equation :

$_c V_{S u}=\left\{\frac{0.042 p_{t}^{0.23}\left(180+F_{c}\right)}{M /(V d)+0.12}+2.7 \sqrt{p_{w s} \sigma_{c y}}+0.1 \sigma_{o}\right\} b j$

Fig. 4 Distribution of shear strength ratios between the experimental and analytical values (calculated using Equation 3) for Korean columns


Fig. 5 Relationship between $_{c}V_{Su}$ values according to our experiments for Korean columns and those calculated using Equations 4 and 2


Fig. 5 shows the relationship between the experimental values of $_{c}V_{Su}$ and those calculated by the proposed equation, Equation 4, and Equation 2, which is quoted from the Japanese Standard. As shown in the figure, Equation 4 estimates $_{c}V_{Su}$ more reasonably by using a lower boundary than Equation 2.

2.2 Ultimate strength equation for walls

2.2.1 Ultimate flexural strength equation for walls with boundary columns

The flexural strength of a wall with boundary columns, $_{w}M_{u}$, is defined by the Japanese Standard as follows:


where $a_{g}$ is the total area of longitudinal reinforcement in the boundary column on the tension side [mm2]; $σ_{y}$ is the yield strength of the longitudinal reinforcement on the tension side [MPa]; $l_{w}$ is the distance between both centroids of the boundary columns [mm]; $a_{w}$ is the total area of the vertical reinforcements of the wall, excluding the reinforcement in the boundary columns [mm2]; $σ_{wy}$ is the yield strength of the vertical reinforcement of the wall [MPa]; and $N$ is the total axial load of the boundary column, [N].

Fig. 6 shows the relationship between wMu according to our experiments, in which we evaluated the horizontal behavior of walls in Korean RC buildings (Yi et al. 2000), and the values calculated using Equation 5, which is quoted from the Japanese Standard. As we do not have sufficient experimental data to discuss the relationship between both values of wMu shown in Fig. 6, we cannot draw valid conclusions.

Fig. 6 Relationship between experimental values of $_{w}M_{u}$ and results calculated using Equation 5


More experimental data should be obtained so that we can propose a suitable value of $_{w}M_{u}$ for Korean RC walls. As the equation for $_{w}M_{u}$ was derived theoretically, as shown in AIJ (2018) and JBDPA (2005, 2017), we can assume that the value of $_{w}M_{u}$ calculated using Equation 5 is reliable. This assumption was verified by comparing the results from Equation 5 to the theoretical values calculated using Equation 1, from the Japanese Standard, and experimental values of $_{w}M_{u}$. Thus, in this study, we calculated $_{w}M_{u}$ for Korean RC walls using Equation 5.

2.2.2 Ultimate shear strength equation for walls with boundary columns

The minimum value of the ultimate shear strength of a wall with boundary columns ($_{w}V_{Su}$) is calculated using Equation 6 when applying the Japanese Standard. We then modified this equation to evaluate the behavior and seismic safety of the shear strength of walls based on the mean shear strength, which is defined by Equation 7, which is derived from $_{w}V_{Su}$ of columns (JBDPA 2005, 2017).


Minimum equation :

$_{w} V_{S u}=\left\{\frac{0.053 p_{t e}^{0.23}\left(180+F_{c}\right)}{2 h_{w} / i+0.12}+2.7 \sqrt{p_{s s} \sigma_{w y}}+0.1 \frac{\Sigma N}{b_{e} l}\right\} b_{e} l_{e}$


Mean equation :

$_{w} V_{S u}=\left\{\frac{0.068 p_{t e}^{0.23}\left(180+F_{c}\right)}{2 h_{w} / i+0.12}+2.7 \sqrt{p_{s s} \sigma_{w y}}+0.1 \frac{\Sigma N}{b_{e} l}\right\} b_{e} l_{e}$

where $p_{te}$ is $100a_{t}/(b_{el})$ [%]; $a_{t}$ is the total area of longitudinal reinforcement of the tension of the column [mm2]; $b_{e}$ is the equivalent wall thickness (total cross section area/$l$) [mm]; $l$ is the outer-to-outer distance between two boundary column [mm]; $h_{w}$ is the height from the floor of the story to the top of the wall (in the case of a top story or single story wall, $2h_{w}/ l$ is replaced by $h_{w}/ l$) [mm]; $p_{s}$ is the equivalent wall reinforcement ratio ($a_{w}/ b_{es}$); $a_{w}$ is the area of one set of lateral reinforcements in the wall [mm2]; $s$ is the spacing between lateral wall reinforcements [mm]; $_{s}σ_{wy}$ is the yield strength of the lateral reinforcement in the wall [MPa]; $ΣN$ is the total axial load on the boundary columns [N]; and $l_{w}$ is the distance between the centroids of the boundary columns [mm].

Fig. 7 shows a histogram of the shear strength ratios ($_{testw}V_{Su}/_{calcw}V_{Su-mean}$), where the values of $_{testw}V_{Su}$ were obtained experimentally, and $_{calcw}V_{Su-mean}$ was calculated using Equation 7. Though Equation 6 defines the mean of $_{w}V_{Su}$, the mean value of $_{testw}V_{Su}/_{calcw}V_{Su-mean}$ was approximately 0.86, as shown in Fig. 7. Note that the Japanese Standard equation for $_{w}V_{Su}$ generally underestimates the results of experiments on Korean walls, and may need to be modified to reasonably estimate the shear strength of Korean RC walls with boundary columns.

Fig. 7 Distribution of the ratios of experimentally measured shear strength to the values calculated using Equation 7


Fig. 8 Relationship between the experimental values of $_{w}V_{Su}$ and those calculated using Equations 8 and 6


We modified Equation 8 to provide reasonable estimations of $_{w}V_{Su}$ for Korean RC walls, based on the procedure used for $_{c}V_{Su}$. The coefficient of Equation 8, of 0.037, was obtained by multiplying the coefficient from Equation 7, 0.068, by the shear strength ratio, 0.55, which corresponds to -5 % of the distribution curve of the shear strength ratio. We approximated this by the normal probability density function, as shown in Fig. 7.


Derived equation :

$_{w} V_{S u}=\left\{\frac{0.037 p_{t e}^{0.23}\left(180+F_{c}\right)}{2 h_{w} / i+0.12}+2.7 \sqrt{p_{s s} \sigma_{w y}}+0.1 \frac{\Sigma N}{b_{e} l}\right\} b_{e} l_{e}$

Fig. 8 shows the relationship between the experimental values of $_{w}V_{Su}$, those calculated using Equation 8, and those obtained using Equation 6 from the Japanese Standard. As shown in the figure, Equation 8 clearly provides more reasonable estimates of $_{w}V_{Su}$ than Equation 6 for Korean buildings because it uses a lower boundary.

2.3 Ultimate average shear stress of rectangular columns

Table 1 shows the values of the parameters used to estimate the unit average shear stresses of columns based on the first level procedure. These values were determined statistically based on both technical and engineering considerations. We obtained statistics from 7,256 columns of 26 Korean RC buildings, such as histograms of the tension reinforcement ratios ($p_{t}$) and the transverse shear reinforcement ratios ($p_{w}$) of the columns, as shown in Figs. 9 and 10, respectively.

Table 1 Parameters used to estimate the unit average shear stress of columns based on the first level procedure




Japanese buildings


2005, 2017)

Compressive strength of concrete, $F_{c}$, [MPa]



Yield strength of longitudinal reinforcement, $σ_{y}$, [MPa]



Yield strength of shear reinforcement, $_{s}σ_{cy}$, [MPa]



Tension reinforcement ratio, $P_{t}$, [%]



Shear reinforcement ratio, Pw, [%]



Axial stress,

($σ_{o}= N/b D$), [MPa]



Column strength was evaluated using the first level procedure based on the average shear stress and cross-sectional area of each column, which we classified into the following groups;

(1) Short columns with clear height-to-depth ratios less than 2

(2) Short columns with clear height-to-depth ratios between 2 and 6

(3) Short columns with clear height-to-depth ratios greater than 6

Based on the Japanese Standard, we took the unit average shear stress of columns to be 1.5, 1.0, and 0.7 MPa for height-to-depth ratios less than 2, between 2 and 6, and greater than 6, respectively. These values were selected conservatively after analyzing the parameters shown in Table 1, which were used to evaluate Japanese buildings. We mainly considered shear and flexural failure modes in these calculations.

Fig. 9 Distribution of tension reinforcement ratios of Korean RC columns


Fig. 10 Distribution of shear reinforcement ratios of Korean RC columns


Fig. 11 Unit shear stresses of rectangular columns according to the first level procedure


Fig. 11 shows the shear stress values computed to determine suitable unit shear stresses for Korean columns and those adopted by the Japanese Standard. In the figure, $_{c}τ_{M u}$ and $_{c}τ_{Su}$ represent unit shear stresses at the flexural and shear failure modes for the clear height-to-depth ratio; these were calculated using the values in Table 1 based on Equations 9 and 10, which were derived from Equations 1 and 4, respectively.

$_{c}\tau_{M u}=\dfrac{_{c}V_{M u}}{b D}=\dfrac{3.89}{_{c}R_{h}}[MPa]$

$_{c}\tau_{Su}=\dfrac{_{c}V_{Su}}{b D}=\dfrac{1.054}{(0.5_{c}R_{h}+0.12)}+0.54[MPa]$

where $_{c}V_{M u}$ is the shear strength in the flexural failure mode, defined as $2M u /h_{o}$ [kN]; $_{c}R_{h}$ is the clear height ($h_{o}$)-to-depth ($D$) ratio; and $_{c}V_{Su}$ is the ultimate shear strength in the shear failure mode [kN].

In this study, we selected the values of unit shear stress by applying the first level procedure to Korean RC columns based on the values of $_{c}τ_{M u}$ and $_{c}τ_{Su}$ shown in Fig. 11, as follows:

(1) 1.4 MPa for Short columns with clear height-to- depth ratios less than 2

(2) 0.9 MPa for Short columns with clear height-to- depth ratios between 2 and 6

(3) 0.6 MPa for Short columns with clear height-to- depth ratios greater than 6

2.4 Ultimate average shear stress of wall

Fig. 12 shows a typical cross section of walls with boundary columns, which we used to estimate unit average shear stresses when applying the first level procedure. The values shown were selected based on statistics of 26 RC buildings. The strength of walls with boundary columns was evaluated using the first level procedure based on the unit average shear stress and cross- sectional area of the walls. We set the unit average shear stress to 3.0 MPa when applying the Japanese Standard.

Fig. 12 Typical cross section of Korean walls with boundary columns


Fig. 13 Unit shear stresses of walls with boundary columns


Fig. 13 shows the average shear stresses of walls, which we calculated to assess appropriate unit shear stresses for Korean walls, and the corresponding values for the Japanese Standard. In the figure, $_{w}τ_{M u}$ and $_{w}τ_{Su}$ represent unit shear stress at the flexural and shear failure modes, respectively, of the walls according to the clear height-to-depth ratio. These values were calculated using Equations 10 and 11, which we derived from Equations 4 and 7, respectively. We modified these equations to reflect the typical cross section, which is shown in Fig. 13.

$_{w}\tau_{M u}=\dfrac{_{w}V_{M u}}{tl_{w}}=\dfrac{3.89}{_{w}R_{h}}[MPa]$


where $_{w}τ_{M u}$ is the shear strength at the flexural failure mode, defined as $2_{w}M_{u}/ tl_{w}h_{w}$ [kN]; $_{w}R_{h}$ is $h_{w}/ l_{w}$; and $_{w}V_{Su}$ is the ultimate shear strength in the shear failure mode [kN].

Based on the values of $_{w}τ_{M u}$ and $_{w}τ_{Su}$ shown in Fig. 13, we determined the unit shear stress, of 2.0 MPa, using the first level procedure for Korean RC walls with boundary columns. These calculations were based on both technical and engineering considerations.

3. Evaluation of Seismic Capacity and Safety of RC Buildings in Korea Based on the Proposed Basic Structural Index

In this section, we describe the relationship between the $I_{S}$ of existing RC buildings in Korea evaluated based on the proposed basic structural index (called the proposed method hereafter) and the Japanese Standard. We also applied a probabilistic method to estimate the structural damage ratios due to future earthquakes. The Korean buildings investigated in this study, on the other hand, were summarized in the previous research (Lee et al. 2018). The evaluation results of seismic capacity based on the Japanese Standard were shown in our previous research (Lee et al. 2018). These are 14 typical RC public buildings, with between three and five stories, which were constructed before the code revision in 1988. Most of the concrete used in the construction of these buildings has a design strength of 18 MPa or 21 MPa, and the typical column cross section is 400 mm×400 mm. The hoops are arranged with spacings of more than 300 mm.

3.1 Relationship between seismic capacity estimated by the proposed method and the Japanese Standard

Figs. 14 and 15 show the relationship between the seismic capacity indices ($I_{S}$) estimated using the first and the second level procedures of the proposed method and the Japanese Standard. When calculated using the first level procedure, shown in Fig. 14, $I_{S}$ values generally indicate that capacity is 20 % lower when calculated using the proposed method rather than that of the Japanese Standard. This is because the unit average shear stress of the columns according to the first level procedure of the proposed method and Japanese Standard was 0.6 and 0.7 MPa (for columns of $Rh$>6), respectively, and the respective values for walls with boundary columns were 2.0 and 3.0 MPa).

Fig. 14 Relationship between $I_{S}$ values (according to the first level procedure) of Korean buildings when calculated using the proposed method and the Japanese Standard


Fig. 15 Relationship between $I_{S}$ values (according to the second level procedure) of Korean buildings when calculated using the proposed method and the Japanese Standard


When using the second level procedure, $I_{S}$ values of the proposed method are generally 15 % lower than those of the Japanese Standard, as shown in Fig. 15. This is because we used lower bounds, as shown in Equations 4 and 8, when using the proposed method to evaluate suitable ultimate shear strength for Korean columns and walls.

3.2 Distribution of seismic capacity values

Fig. 16 shows the distribution of $I_{S}$ values of Korean RC buildings evaluated by the proposed method and the Japanese Standard (Lee et al. 2018). We used the second level procedure to plot IS in both directions for each building. As shown in Fig. 16, the $I_{S}$ values of Korean buildings have a much narrower distribution when calculated using the proposed method rather than the Japanese Standard. The $I_{S}$ values calculated using the proposed method are lower than those calculated using the Japanese Standard. As mentioned above, this is because our empirical equations approximate the lower bounds of ultimate shear strength.

Fig. 16 Distribution of $I_{S}$ values of Korean RC buildings evaluated by the proposed method and the Japanese Standard


3.3 Distribution of Ductility Index

Fig. 17 shows the distribution of the ductility indices (F) of 14 Korean buildings, which were computed using the proposed method. As mentioned earlier, the Japanese Standard (JBDPA 2005, 2017) defines the ductility index (F) of a building in terms of the expected ductility, which is primarily based on the shear-to-flexural capacity ratio ($V_{Su}/ V_{M u}$).

Fig. 17 shows the F-indices of half of the buildings investigated in this study, which varied between 1.4 and 2.3, corresponding to $\mu$=1.1 to 2.4. The F-indices estimated using the Japanese Standard ranged from 1.8 ($\mu$=1.6) to 2.6 ($\mu$=3.3), as shown in Fig. 1. We assumed that the proposed method provides relatively reasonable results for the ductility indices of Korean RC buildings with hoop spacings wider than 300 mm.

3.4 Probabilistic approach for calculating the structural damage ratio due to future earthquakes

It is widely recognized that structural safety can rarely be evaluated with certainty due to uncertainties in ground motion, the ultimate strength and ductility of structures, and their response to earthquakes etc., so it should be analyzed probabilistically rather than deterministically. Nakano (1986) and Okada (1985) proposed a methodology to assess structural damage ratios due to earthquakes, in which they analyzed the relationship between the seismic capacity and damage ratio due to previous severe earthquakes in Japan. They applied a probabilistic approach to predict the potential damage caused by future earthquakes. We applied the basic concept proposed by Nakano (1986) and Okada (1985) to probabilistically assess structural damage ratios due to earthquakes.

Fig. 17 Ductility index distribution of Korean RC buildings computed by the proposed method


3.4.1 Basic concept of assessment of structural damage ratio due to earthquakes

By defining $P_{Is}(x)$ and $P_{ET}(x)$, which are the probability density functions of IS and the required seismic capacity, respectively, the damage ratio V, i.e., the ratio of damaged buildings to total buildings, is expressed as follows:



The function $P_{ET}(x)$ is the probability distribution of the required seismic capacity, which we denote as the $E_{T}$-index. Therefore, the term in the square bracket represents the probability of failure for structures with $I_{S}$ equal to $x$. Note that the uncertainty associated with the ground motion is taken into account. We simplify our discussion by assuming that the seismic capacity of each building is deterministic in Equation 13. Setting $v(x)$, as shown in Equation 14, the term $v(x)$ can be considered to represent the distribution of the $I_{S}$ values of damaged buildings.

We estimate the structural damage ratio [$V$] and distribution of $I_{S}$ values of damaged buildings [$v(x)$] in terms of the probability density function [$P_{Is}(x)$] for Korean RC buildings, which we approximate by a normal probability density function (curve-1 in Fig. 18), as shown in Equation 15. We calculated the $E_{T}$-index [$P_{ET}(x)$] using Equation 16, which was derived by Nakano (1986) and Okada (1985) based on a normal probability density function.

Fig. 18 Structural damage ratios of Korean RC buildings due to earthquakes


\begin{align*} P_{I_{S}}(x)=\dfrac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi\sigma}}\exp\left[-\dfrac{1}{2}\left(\dfrac{x-\overline{x}}{\sigma}\right)^{2}\right]\\ \left(x=I_{S},\:\overline{x}=0.33,\:\sigma =0.099\right) \end{align*}

\begin{align*} P_{E_{T}}(x)=\dfrac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi\sigma}}\exp\left[-\dfrac{1}{2}\left(\dfrac{x-\overline{x}}{\sigma}\right)^{2}\right]\\ \left(x=I_{S},\:\overline{x}=0.399,\:\sigma =0.085\right) \end{align*}

Note that the $E_{T}$-index mentioned above is the required seismic capacity of buildings that were moderately or severely damaged by the 1968 Tokachi-oki and 1978 Miyagiken-oki earthquakes (Shiga et al. 1968; Shiga 1978). The acceleration due to gravity was assumed to be approximately 0.23 g at sites and the predominant period was 0.4 s (Lee 2010; Umemura 1973).

3.4.2 Structural damage ratios due to future earthquakes

Fig. 18 shows the structural damage ratios due to earthquakes and the distribution of IS values of potentially damaged Korean RC buildings (curve-I). We calculated these values using Equations 15 and 16 based on the intensities of the 1968 Tokachi-oki and 1978 Miyagiken-oki earthquakes (Shiga et al. 1968; Shiga 1978). We used in Equation 15 and in Equation 18. Fig. 18 shows the damage ratios due to 0.2 g, 0.15 g and 0.1 g earthquakes, which we calculated using Equations 13 and 14. We also plotted the mean values of (Equation 13), which we scaled by the ground acceleration.

As shown in Fig. 18, the structural damage ratio of Korean RC buildings is approximately 70 % in the case of earthquakes with the same intensity as the Tokachi-Oki and Miyagi-KenOki earthquakes, which we assumed to be approximately 0.23 g. The damage ratios of Korean buildings due to 0.1 g, 0.15 g, and 0.2 g earthquakes were estimated to be 7 %, 27 %, and 55 %, respectively.

4. Concluding remarks

We proposed a method to evaluate the seismic capacity of RC buildings in Korea by reviewing the applicability of the Japanese Standard for Evaluation of Seismic Capacity of Existing Reinforced Concrete Buildings (JBDPA 2017). Our findings can be summarized as follows:

$\quad$1) Based on the relationship between our experimental results for Korean buildings and values calculated using the strength equations for the columns and walls from the Japanese Standard, we determined that we could apply the flexural strength equations without modification. The shear strength equations were modified based on our experimental results, following the same procedure as the Japanese Standard, as follows;

$\quad$For column :

$\quad$$_c V_{S u}=\left\{\frac{0.042 p_{t}^{0.23}\left(180+F_{c}\right)}{M /(V d)+0.12}+2.7 \sqrt{p_{w s} \sigma_{c y}}+0.1 \sigma_{o}\right\} b j$

$\quad$For walls :

$\quad$$_{w} V_{S u}=\left\{\frac{0.037 p_{t e}^{0.23}\left(180+F_{c}\right)}{2 h_{w} / i+0.12}+2.7 \sqrt{p_{s s} \sigma_{w y}}+0.1 \frac{\Sigma N}{b_{e} l}\right\} b_{e} l_{e}$

$\quad$2) The following conservative estimates of unit shear stress were selected when applying the first level procedure to Korean RC columns and walls. The values are based on the statistics of structural characteristics of existing RC buildings, using the proposed ultimate strength equations.

$\quad$- 1.4 MPa: for short columns with clear height-to-depth ratios less than 2

$\quad$- 0.9 MPa: for short columns with clear height-to-depth ratios between 2 and 6

$\quad$- 0.6 MPa: for short columns with clear height-to-depth ratios greater than 6

$\quad$- 2.0 MPa: for wall with boundary columns

$\quad$3) The $I_{S}$ values of Korean buildings were distributed much more narrowly when calculated using the proposed method rather than the Japanese Standard, and $I_{S}$ values estimated by the proposed method were lower than those estimated by the Japanese Standard.

$\quad$4) We assumed that the ductility indices calculated by the proposed method are more reasonable for Korean RC buildings with hoop spacings wider than 300 mm than those obtained using the Japanese Standard.

$\quad$5) The structural damage ratios of Korean RC buildings due to accelerations of 0.1 g, 0.15 g, 0.2 g and 0.23 g were estimated probabilistically to be 7 %, 27 %, 55 % and 70 %, respectively.

$\quad$6) These findings indicate that the proposed method provides a useful strategy for identifying Korean buildings with seismic vulnerabilities and recommend urgent earthquake preparedness measures. In future research, we will determine the value of the seismic index necessary for protecting Korean RC buildings. This investigation will be based on empirical and analytical studies. We will also develop technically sound and cost-effective seismic retrofit schemes.


This research was supported by the Korea Agency for Infrastructure Technology Advancement grant (19CTAP-C153 033-01) funded by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport.


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