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1.EUGENECOP., Massive Ocean Concrete Design Guide Book, EUGENECOP Institute of Technology, 2010, pp. 16-17.Google Search
2.KCI, Concrete Standard Specification, Korea Concrete Institute, 2009, pp. 363-368.Google Search
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4.Tatsuki, S., Ishibashi, T., Furuyama, S., and Oba, M., “Study on the Temperature Crack Concrete of Box Rigid Frame Structure,” Proceedings of JSCE, No. 739, 2003, pp. 265-272.Google Search
5.BS 8110-2, Structural Use of Concrete-part 1: Code of Practice for Special Circumstances, British Standard, 1985, 23 pp.Google Search
6.JSCE, Specification for Design and Construction of Concrete Structures (Construction Part)-Mass Concrete, Japan Society of Civil Engineers, 1996, pp. 173-193.Google Search