Jung, Y.-H., Kim, H.-S., Byeon, B.-H., and Lee, J.-W. (2011). “Deformation measurement
of roadbed in full-scale field test to determine an optimum trackbed of high-speed
railway.” Proc. of 2011 Fall Conf. & Ann. Meeting of the Korean Soc. for Railway,
Korean society for railway, Vol. 1, No. 10, pp. 2821-2829 (in Korean).Jung, Y.-H.,
Kim, H.-S., Byeon, B.-H., and Lee, J.-W. (2011). “Deformation measurement of roadbed
in full-scale field test to determine an optimum trackbed of high-speed railway.”
Proc. of 2011 Fall Conf. & Ann. Meeting of the Korean Soc. for Railway, Korean society
for railway, Vol. 1, No. 10, pp. 2821-2829 (in Korean).