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Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute

J Korea Inst. Struct. Maint. Insp.
  • Indexed by
  • Korea Citation Index (KCI)
Title An Experimental Study on the Physical Property of Lime Mortar in the Building' Masonry
Authors 권기혁 ; 유혜란
Page pp.133-141
ISSN 1226-6205
Keywords 문화재 ; 조적 ; 석회모르타르 ; 시멘트모르타르 ; 압축강도 cultural properties ; masonry ; lime mortar ; cement mortar ; compressive strength
Abstract 50 year-old masonry buildings which had been constructed using lime mortar have caused lots of problems because of using different material, cement mortar, when they repair them. Also, there is little information on structural capacities and details of masonry buildings built using lime mortar. In addition, it is difficult to evaluate the structural capacities of the buildings which were often constructed by untrained labors. To preserve the original masonry construction, the study on their construction materials and methodologies has to be carried out. This paper provides basic information for establishing standard details of masonry works using lime mortar in order to overcome these problems when cultural properties are repaired or retrofitted. To do this, compression tests of lime mortar were preformed with the parameters of mixing ratios, mixing material, curing time and curing conditions etc. Based on the test results, the differences between lime mortar and cement mortar were specified and the structural characteristics of lime mortar were also presented in this paper.