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Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute

J Korea Inst. Struct. Maint. Insp.
  • Indexed by
  • Korea Citation Index (KCI)
Title Seismic Safety Evaluation of Korean R/C School Buildings Built in the 1980s
Authors 이강석 ; 위정두 ; 김용인 ; 이현호
Page pp.149-159
ISSN 1226-6205
Abstract The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the seismic safety of Korean R/C school buildings built in the 1980s, based on “the Japanese Standard for Evaluation of Seismic Capacity of Existing R/C Buildings”, the nonlinear static and the nonlinear dynamic analyses. The evaluation result of the Japanese Standard showed that R/C school buildings built in the 1980s have 0.2 through 0.4 of seismic indices(IS). This result indicates that more than medium damage could be potentially occurred under a medium intensity level of ground motion(150g). The results of the nonlinear analyses and the post-earthquake damage evaluation method showed that Korean R/C school buildings can be suffered moderate and severe damages under a 150gal and a 200gal intensity levels of ground motions, respectively. These results reveal that R/C school buildings should be urgently required a actual earthquake preparedness measures including seismic strengthening for future earthquake.