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Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute

J Korea Inst. Struct. Maint. Insp.
  • Indexed by
  • Korea Citation Index (KCI)
Title Analytical Modelling for Recarbonation Process of Concrete Repaired with Patching Repair Material
Authors 도정윤 ; 김두기 ; 송훈 ; 조영국
Page pp.89-96
ISSN 1226-6205
Keywords 보수된 콘크리트 ; 이산화탄소 ; 재탄산화 ; 확산 ; 내구성설계 Repaired Concrete ; Dioxide Carbon ; Recarbonation ; Diffusion ; Durability Design
Abstract This study presented the analytical evaluation model effective in the concrete structure repaired with a patching material. The model considered the effect of the repair material on carbon dioxide penetration into the repaired concrete as evaluating the remaining service life of the CO2-deteriorated concrete structure after repair. The diffusion profiles of carbon dioxide as well as the carbonated concrete were effectively able to be modelled with analytical method based on Fick's 1st diffusion law. The evaluation of the model equation showed the good result and rational process quantitatively and numerically to evaluate the remaining service life of the repaired concrete structure after repair.