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Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute

J Korea Inst. Struct. Maint. Insp.
  • Indexed by
  • Korea Citation Index (KCI)
Title Reliability-Optimal Design Method of High-Speed Railway Bridges Based upon Expected Life-Cycle Cost
Authors 이우상 ; 방명석 ; 한성호 ; 이진옥
Page pp.102-110
ISSN 1226-6205
Keywords 고속철도교량 ; 신뢰성평가 ; 설계강도 한계상태방정식 ; 안전수준 ; 기대생애주기비용 ; 최적설계 High-Speed Railway Bridges ; Reliability Assessment ; Design Strength Limit State Function ; Safety Level ; Expected Life-Cycle Cost ; Optimal Design
Abstract The reliability evaluation may be a efficient method for estimating of the quantitative structural safety considering the effect of uncertainties included in high-speed railway bridges. The expected life-cycle cost(LCC) based upon the reliability evaluation will reasonably offer the safety level and design criteria of high-speed railway bridges. Therefore, this study determined the expected life-cycle cost and optimal design method of high-speed railway bridges on the basis of the result of the numerical analysis and reliability evaluation. For this, after creating various design method based upon the standard design of high-speed railway bridges, the numerical analysis is conducted on each of the alternative design methods. The reliability evaluation by the design strength limit state function is conducted considering the effect of external uncertainties on the basis of the numerical analysis result. The expected life-cycle cost of high-speed railway bridges is calculated on the basis of the reliability evaluation result by each of the alternative design methods. Also, the optimal design method is determined using the calculated expected life-cycle cost. In addition, The result of reliability evaluation and expected life-cycle cost of optimal design method are examined considering the effect of internal uncertainties. It is expected that the result of this study can be used as a basic information for the systematic safety evaluation and optimal structure design of high-speed railway bridges.