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Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute

J Korea Inst. Struct. Maint. Insp.
  • Indexed by
  • Korea Citation Index (KCI)
Title Carbonation Analysis of Bridge Structures in Urban Area Based on the Results of the Field Test
Authors 김훈겸 ; 김성보
Page pp.111-118
ISSN 1226-6205
Keywords 탄산화 ; 내구적 파괴확률 ; 신뢰성 개념 ; 철근부식 Carbonation ; Failure probability of durability ; Reliability concept ; Reinforced steel corrosion
Abstract Reinforced steel corrosion due to concrete carbonation is one of main factors on the durability of RC structure. The carbonation velocity have an effect on carbon dioxide density, concrete quality and structural shape. Specially, these problems have increased in urban area. This study investigates the carbonation status of the bridges and quantifies the effect of carbonation based on various domestic field data. The failure probability of durability is evaluated on the basis of reliability concept. According to experimental results of the carbonation depth, the carbonation depth increased with structural age and carbonation velocity decreased with high strength of concrete. In most cases, the failure probability of durability by carbonation was more than 10%. Also, The results requires the minimum cover thickness of 70-80mm for target safety index(β=1.3) proposed by Korean concrete specification.