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Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute

J Korea Inst. Struct. Maint. Insp.
  • Indexed by
  • Korea Citation Index (KCI)
Title Compressive Behavior of Concrete with Loading and Heating
Authors 김규용 ; 정상화 ; 이태규 ; 김영선 ; 남정수
Page pp.119-125
ISSN 1226-6205
Keywords 성능저하 ; 열적특성 ; 압축강도 ; 콘크리트의 강도특성 ; CEN code Performance deformation ; Thermal properties ; Strength performance of concrete ; CEN code
Abstract The performance deformation of concrete can be caused by many factors such as load, thermal strain and creep at high temperature. Japan, Europe and America have been doing various experimental studies to solve these problems about thermal properties of concrete at high temperature, each study has generated different results due to a heating methods, heating hours, size of specimens and performance of a the loading, heating method, size of specimen and heating machine. There has been no unified experimental method so far. Therefore, this study reviewed experimental studies on the strength performance of concrete subject to heating and loading method. As a result, compressive strength of specimen prestressed increase in the temperature range of between 100℃ and about 400℃. Also, results can be analyzed as compare equation of compressive strength at elevated temperature with CEN and CEB code.