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Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute

J Korea Inst. Struct. Maint. Insp.
  • Indexed by
  • Korea Citation Index (KCI)
Title Analysis for Mechanical Behavior of GFRP Rock Bolt for Permanent Support of Tunnel
Authors 심종성 ; 강태성 ; 이용택 ; 김현중
Page pp.124-131
ISSN 1226-6205
Keywords 록볼트 ; GFRP ; 인장성능시험 ; 전단성능시험 ; 사면안정해석 ; rock bolt ; GFRP ; tensile force function test ; shear function test ; slope stability interpretation
Abstract Rock Bolt generally utilizes deformed reinforcing bar welded from structural steel of which strength is higher than required for making advantageous use of the support function of ground. In the condition with highly corrosive underground water, however, problem frequently occurs on tunnel and slope stabilization in terms of repair, rehabilitation and maintenance issues due to the destruction of Rock Bolt by corrosion of steel. A structural performance evaluation for GFRP Rock Bolt was conducted for the purpose of resolving the foregoing problem and at the same time developing a permanently-usable support material. This study intended to evaluate the safety factor of GFRP Rock Bolt by implementing the slope stability interpretation via structural analysis on the basis of its structural characteristics derived from both tensile force function test and shear force function test. It is judged based on the results that GFRP Rock Bolt would secure sufficient ground stability as an alternative material for existing Steel Rock Bolt.