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Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute

J Korea Inst. Struct. Maint. Insp.
  • Indexed by
  • Korea Citation Index (KCI)
Title Analysis of Soil Saturation Characteristics According to the Presence or Absence of Soil Layer Depth and Impervious
Authors 이승우 ; 장범수 ; 김용수 ; 이종건 ; 이주용
Page pp.21-26
ISSN 1226-6205
Keywords 강우 ; 침투해석 ; 흙의 종류 ; 지속강우 ; Infitration analysis ; Rainfall intensity ; Soil type ; Rainfall characteristic
Abstract In recent study, infiltration analysis considering rainfall intensity is more economical and practical than existing analysis method. Revised construction slope design standard is also stated to full-fill infiltration analysis considering rainfall for practical stability review. Infiltration analysis considering rainfall for practical stability review. But, to infiltration analysis, the process is complicated by ground impermeability and rainfall intensity. In this study, we perform infiltration analysis to charge infiltration conditions, soil type and rainfall characteristics, for more pratical stability review. Using the result, we can suggest construable condition on the assumption that soil is saturated up to surface zone.