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Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute

J Korea Inst. Struct. Maint. Insp.
  • Indexed by
  • Korea Citation Index (KCI)
Title Application of Isolation System to the Lighthouse Structure
Authors 허무원 ; 천영수 ; 김동영
Page pp.27-36
ISSN 1226-6205
Keywords 등대 ; 면진장치 ; 지진안전도 ; 최대응답가속도 ; 층전단력 ; 면진효과 Lighthouse ; Seismic isolation ; Maximum acceleration ; Story shear ; Seismic effect
Abstract In this study, seismic isolation technology to the lighthouse structure is suggested and isolation effects on response reduction are studied for three types of isolation models with the proposed seismic isolation technology. A seismic isolation system is installed on the base of the lighthouse structure in model 1, on the base of the lighthouse lens in model 2, and on the base of both of them in model 3. The dynamic time history analysis verifies that in case of model 1, the earthquake loading is greatly reduced and the accelerations of superstructure are greatly reduced. Also, the inter-story drifts are very small and can be neglected. The isolated model is in translational state and can be seen as a rigid whole. as a results, model 1 is very effective to mitigate the influence of earthquake on structures. In model 2, isolation effects are valid but special care should be taken to failure of the non-isolated lighthouse sub-structure. In model 3, isolation effects are also valid but the effects are small. model 3 is less effective than model 1.